(20) hearts will heal

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Today was the big day - a day Hayley would never forget. It was the day she graduated high school.

The ceremony went fine and everyone was happy - except Hayley. She had skipped all the family photos and celebrations to go to Taylor's locker, where she emptied the contents into a duffel bag.

35mm film, sketches from Art class, salami sticks, loose papers and a few books were some of the things Hayley had found in the locker.

Walking down the corridor, Hayley gave a small smile to Lynn, who met up with her and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her into a hug.

The pair had made up and sorted their troubles out and were pretty much back to how they used to be - best friends.

Walking out to the front of the school, Hayley spotted her family, who began to smother her with hugs and 'congratulations' speeches. It still didn't take her mind off of Taylor.


On the days she wasn't hanging out with friends, working or doing family things, Hayley would visit Taylor's dad.

Talking to Taylor's dad gave her an opportunity to learn more about Taylor and his mother so the pair got together once a week.

One day, Hayley and Taylor's dad began working on the film that Taylor had given her and from there, began spending more time together.

Eventually Hayley ended up working on Taylor's old car. She learnt a lot about cars - and Taylor.

The car got a fresh spray of paint, new tyres and other new things to make the rusty, old thing into a shiny and nicer vehicle that Taylor would've loved.

Driving to her work, Hayley turned on the radio and began singing along to a song, which reminded her a lot of Taylor. It'd been a while now since she said goodbye to Taylor...

It got slightly more easier to cope with through time but Hayley thought of Taylor every single day.

Hayley often wondered if Taylor went to England, and if he did, how much he got to see of it.

Parking Taylor's car outside of her work, Hayley walked inside and headed to the lift.

Hayley worked for a newspaper, which wasn't something she wanted to do for the rest of her life, but was enjoying for the time being.

The job started with editing the obituary for the newspaper, which Hayley didn't even mind -  it meant she was one step closer to working for a magazine, some day.

Now, Hayley got to do much more exciting things. She even took photos for the newspaper, something that always reminded her of Taylor.

Walking over to her desk, Hayley placed her handbag down and switched her computer on.

Hayley got to interview celebrities and cover stories about everyday people, who go through all sorts of difficulties - and miracles.

This meant travelling all over the country, which felt like a huge perk of the job to Hayley.

"Williams, I need you in my office" Hayley's boss, Mandy, called out.

Hayley gulped, hoping she hadn't done anything wrong - though she knew deep down she wouldn't have, or at least wouldn't intentionally.

Walking into the office, Hayley's nodded at her boss and sat down on the opposite side of the desk as Mandy had.

"What can I do for you?" Hayley smiled to her boss, straightening out her clothes nervously.

"I have a piece I'd like you to work on" Mandy explained, looking at some files on her computer. "One of those miracle pieces that people love to read."

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