Chapter 8

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So I am not going to lie, I have been behind on updates like big time but this, is kind of a big issue. I have 868 reads and 4 fans.... if all of you people that are reading my story who are not fans do not fan within the next two uploads I will be forced to change my uploads to private so only fans can read the new chapters. It takes like twenty seconds for people who are on mobile and like two seconds for people who are on the computer, all I need is a little reassurance, to know that people actually like my stories.  So why don't you guys click those buttons and prove to me that you actually like my story.

For all of you that don't think I am serious, remember my user name so you can fan when the ugly truth becomes reality and my stories updates  just aren't availble you anymore...

OKAY. NOW THE (A/N:) and story.

{A/N}: So I have a thing for low key bands and like 7 months ago I discovered a band called Timeflies and they are amazing. Usually I dislike rap but this is like a different type of it. They use amazing beats and ahhhh it’s just awesome so I am going to start posting things about them every time I post... please check them out, you will love them :)

Here is their website that will lead to everything of theirs!

Oh and last night (Tuesday June 21, 2011) I tweeted about them and they retweeted my tweet... aghhh it was so exciting... but that was on my valerieeesmith twitter account.. <33 love them!

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Forever Glitter Monster (ch8)


         It felt like some had their hand wrapped around my pumping heart and was squeezing it repeatedly. Its pace picked up, beating faster and faster, causing little beads of sweat to drip down my forehead. The temperature around me began to pick up as if the suns sickeningly bright rays were penetrating underneath my fair skin and through my veins; and all I could do was stare.

          He was right in front of me, just breathing and staring. When he blinked, my heart went into overdrive, and a tear slid down my cheek, staining the crimson blush. My throat grew dry as his cracked lips parted as though he was going to speak any blissful word, but he didn't. No sound came through his lips but I could feel the whisper of my name brush across my skin; his voice chilling the suns tingling burn that played throughout my body.

          His whispers reminded me of swimming, the vibrant motions of the ocean and the way that our bodies would move in sync as we danced through the deep waters, it was pure bliss...

          And then I blinked, and he was gone. As if this universes winds just blew past him, causing him to fly away with them. Another tear stained its way down my cheek, causing me to return to the unfortunate dream-like reality. I blinked again, but this time the boy in front of me was no longer Lucas, it was Zane; beautiful, lovely, and mystical Zane.

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