Chapter 2

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Forever Glitter Monster (ch2)

Jumping. It reminded me of when I was little and would jump rope until my lungs hurt. Or how I would swing back and forth on the monkey bars until blisters formed on my hands. Those were happy days when I did not have the fear of someone chasing me. 

My body curled around the branch as I landed, a stabbing pain shooting through my lower left rib cage. Wrapping my legs around the branch, I started to crawl to the base of the tree. My only chance is to climb higher. 

Just then the branch shifted as additional weight was added to its end. I looked behind me only to find the mysterious black figure walking carefully towards me. I quickly stood and bent my knees and jumped, only to land back on the branch gripping it with my hands. DROP DOWN! My conscience screamed. So I dropped, landing on a branch about 5 feet down.  

I started running towards the thin end of the branch about ready to make my jump when the weight on the branch shifted again, knocking me off balance. As I went to roll of the edge a pair of hands grabbed my waist and pulled me back. 

"Again don't speak." He said in a rough voice, as he tied a thin but thick rope tightly above my hips before he pulled me down the tree and to the ground. 

"What, am I? A dog?" I snorted. 

He pulled the rope tighter before tying it around his own waist. "Not the type to follow directions are we? 

I turned in circles as he started walking away, automatically bringing him to a halt. "I am not going anywhere with you until I get the answers to my questions!" 

He tugged on the rope and I twisted even more until we were hip to hip. I looked up trying to find his eyes and preparing myself for his next words. 

"Then I guess we are stuck here. And you don't want to be here when the fog starts rolling in - trust me on that." 

"Where is here exactly?" 

"Here? Here would be the arctic forest." 

"Oh please enlighten me on were that would be on a map!" 

"There are no maps here. Which is why people like you are assigned retrievers, unfortunately yours didn't show up and you found me. Big mistake" 

I rolled my eyes, already getting sick of his attitude. "Your name? What would that be? Trey? Clay? Jake?" 

He stepped closer to me - close enough that I could feel his intoxicating breath on my cheeks. "Not even close. It's Zane. And you are?" 

I mimicked him and stepped closer, filling in the space to the point that you wouldn't be able to fit a piece of paper between us. "Glitter." I breathed out. 

"Well then Glitter, we must get going. I am sure you would rather wait for the fog to roll in then be stuck to my side but trust me your decision to stay put will easily change once night falls." He pushed me back a little putting a foot of space between us. "So move." 

"What happens when the fog comes rolling in?" I asked while I was walking? 

"People come out of underground hiding..." 

"Why are they hiding?" 

"No one knows. But food is scarce for them so you don't want to be here. They sometimes practice cannibalism." 

I shuddered. "Oh." 

"Yeah oh, now come on you need to start moving faster, unless you want me to carry you." 

"Wouldn't you carrying me just slow us down?" 

"Nope!" And with that Zane picked me up bridal style and ran off into the trees.

Sorry for it being so short right now. But once the story picks up the chapters will be longer! 

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©Copyright 2010 vswimmer28

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