Im sorry

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Lukes pov
"Mum why are you staying longer"I ask getting sad. I really miss my mum and dad "Luke we met are old friends the 'lees' "my mum said. We talked for a bit and then I hung up. "Hey guys where's Emma"I ask looking around at lunch

"I don't know"Ashton said sad, "whatever let's just eat"Sammy said. Wait why did Sammy say that it's like she dose not even care, Wtf

I just rolled my eyes and sat down as Kate kissed my cheek I don't know why this girl kisses me all the time. I'm not even with her but she is hot. I just like Emma tho

But Emma don't like me that's the sad part

Emma's pov
"So Kate bully's you"I ask as lizzy nodded "just stay with me,now I'm your best friend"I said as lizzy smiled at me "thank you Emma"she said

"For what"I ask, "for not hating me or hitting me"she said making me gasp "I would never hit anyone maybe just Kate"I said laughing, lizzy laugh as we started to walk back to class "where was you"calum ask with Sammy "I'm with lizzy"I said smiling

"Ew why her" Kate said "shut the fuck up and leave her alone"I said rolling my eyes "what did you say to me"she yelled making the school look at us "you must be very old"I said laughing

"Ok calm down Emma"Sammy said making me very mad "fine you guys be friends I have lizzy"I said getting her hand and walked to class

"Oh and Luke fuck you"I yelled

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