Love, hate,

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Lukes pov
"Kate we are a thing?"I ask as she nodded "b-but how"I ask "I don't know and I'll make you cool at school"she said, I didn't wanna be cool or with Kate.

But Emma dose not even like me, well she hates me now I mean I stick up for her and tell her she's really pretty and sleep in the same bed with her. Then she comes seeing me and Kate as Kate said we are a 'thing' wtf

Emma's pov
I woke up with a note on my door

Hey Emma it's mum and dad we are going on a trip with the Hemmings family there are old friends but we left 3000 dollars in your bank account. Spend it on stuff you need. But no boys are aloud in the house. Well Ashton can come but no sex or anything like that. We put pepper spray in your closet just in case. And we love you very much. We will be back in 2 months xx

Well shit now what. I got ready put some black ripped jeans on and a 'shit happens' shirt. Then I brushed my hair and put some makeup on my arm to cover the cuts. Then did my make up

And I got my phone out texting Ashton to pick me up

I ate a apple "come on girl"Sammy said scaring the shit out of me, "fine"I said as I locked my door

I ran to the car with Ashton mike Luke Sammy calum and Kate "wait there's no more room"I said Kate took my spot "oh shit"Michael said "now what"Ashton ask "uh I'll just take my skateboard"I said

"Are you sure"Luke ask "yeah"I said rolling my eyes with him. I didn't wanna talk with him at all right now

I got my bike instead of my skateboard as Ashton drove to school "stupid slut"I said remembering how Kate took my spot it took me 10 minutes to get there

"Your late"ms.lizzy said "yea well sorry"I said taking my seat Kate was in my seat again so I had to move to the back ugh can I hit her

It was lunch time and I wanna eat alone why well I seen my best friend Sammy with Kate and I didn't wanna eat with Kate

I took my food outside in peace "hello why are you out here alone"a girl ask "oh uh well some girl I wanna hit is with my friends and I don't like her so I sit here"I said "what about you"I ask

"I'm the one who getting bullied by Kate heart"she said wait Kate "oh shit that's the girl I hate"I said rolling my eyes "Emma"I said shaking her hand "lizzy"she said

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