
19 1 0

I clenched my fists trying not to loose control of myself when my mom says,
"Lyla you're out of control lately,I can't keep dealing with this. I think it's best if you stay at the mental hospital for a while," she says with a menacing grin.

"You can't just drop me off at a mental ward you crazy bitch!" I lose control of myself and throw a vase across the room near where she is standing. Her eyes watch the vase fly by her. She calmly composes herself, then smirks saying, "I can, and I will,"

I look back at the memory of my mom delivering the news while sitting in an uncomfortable chair in the lobby waiting for the nurse.

"Goodbye have fun" my mom said while waving goodbye.

"Lyla, Lyllaaaa," the nurse said snapping me out of my trance.

"Oh, sorry," I say in a monotone voice very unamused by the overly happy nurse. I wonder if their paid to be overly happy because shit doctors think it will make the patients happy. When in reality it's very annoying. She hands me a bag with a plain gray t-shirt and baggy pants. Apparently I have to wear this all the time. She rambles on about how well they treat their patients and what a great mental hospital "Washington mental help center" is while showing me the different activities they offer and we finally stop at my room.

"Well this is your room," she says while opening the door. 420 was written at the front of the door and I couldn't help but snicker.

"Is there a problem Ms. Lyla?" She asks with the obviously fake overly happy voice that makes me want to pull my own hair out.

"Erm, no,"

"Good, this is your roommate Kim," she says and Kim rolls her eyes than goes back to reading her book.
"Kim, may you please tell are new patient the rules?" She says with an excessively wide smile.

"More like inmate," Kim mumbles.

"What was that Kim?"

"Yeah sure, whatever," Kim says then goes back to reading.

"Well, I have to get back to the lobby. Bye girls." She says, handing me my schedule then walks out of the very gray, very bland room.

"So basically here's the rules, don't get caught," she says, I can tell she's been here a while if that's her one rule. She reads a little more then continues. "Don't fight anyone, try to murder anyone, or kiss anyone. Don't yell 'fuck you' to the therapist, trust me I tried that once it didn't end very well," She giggled. "Also I've been here a while if you were wondering, so I have connections. If you want a smoke or anything just let me know." She smiles, a total attitude change from earlier.

I look at schedule and cringe. All of it sounds like a drag:
8:00 breakfast
9:30 group therapy
(Tuesday's and Wednesday's) 11:00 therapy
12:00 lunch
6:00 dinner
8:00 report to rooms

I sit there and wait till group therapy that starts in ten minutes. The bed is rock hard and very uncomfortable. Might as well get used to it I'm probably going to be here for a while. I wonder what my mom told them to get me in here. I mean sure I have anger issues but not enough to wind up in a mental hospital, well maybe..
"Lyla, why don't you share your story with the group," The group therapist offers.
"No" I say shrugging my shoulders a bit, "I'm definitely not going to to that, sorry,"

"Well that's okay we'll have you tell us when your ready," the blonde haired boy says and smiles warmly. Group therapy drags on when suddenly the boy next to me goes "pssst" I try to ignore him and pretend to be engaged in the group's conversation when he does it again, "psstt," I turn to him very annoyed. "What the hell do you want?"

"You look bored as shit," he said. "Are you new here?"

"Uhm yea I am."

"I could tell, meet me in the hall I'll show you around."

"No thanks." I say uncomfortably.

"C'mon I promise I'm not hitting on you if that's what you think."

"Ugh, fine I'll meet you in the hall." I say while playfully rolling my eyes and go back to pretending to engage in the conversation.

A couple of minutes later I was waiting in the hall leaning against the wall with my arms crossed against my chest when he finally walks out of the room.

"Hey, I'm Michael." I nod not really paying attention while he stares at me for a couple seconds.

"And yours..?" He asks. Oh god I'm so awkward why did I nod and not just reply? Ugh.

"Oh uhm, sorry it's Lyla."

"Lyla." He repeats thoughtfully.
"Well Lyla let me show you around."

Instead of him giving me a tour he drags me straight to the empty lobby.
"Michael what the hell are we doing in the lobby?" I ask very frustrated.

"Shut up and you will see." He says with a giggle. Wait did he just giggle?
"Ignore I just did that." He says reading my thoughts. He walks me to the white desk where that guy from group therapy was with the blonde hair.

"Hey Luke do you mind letting us out back I want to show her around."

"Yeah, no problem." Luke says and hands Michael a single key. "Just be back on time this time please, you know how much trouble I can get in, your lucky your my best friend dickhead."
Best friend ?
Wait what?
Michael starts walking down one of the halls. Damn this place is like a maze.

"Luke and I go way back, he got a job here cause he missed me to damn much." Michael says with a smirk, then starts laughing a bit.

We finally make it out of the back door after many twists and turns, but we still made it none the less. Michael opens the door and I gasp. A beautiful green field with a thick forest behind it appears .

Michael looks at my amazed look and says with a happy sigh "I know right?"

We make our way to the middle of the field and sat in silence for a while, before he started telling these wild stories of him and Luke. I laughed so hard I could feel tears prickling the corners of my eyes.

"I told him he shouldn't do it but he wouldn't listen." He says taking breaths  in between words to laugh.

"So he got up on the roof, and at this point he was pretty intoxicated." He said then laughed more.

"He yelled at the top of his lungs for everyone to shut up and listen, then-" He started laughing more.

"Ok, I get it, it's funny just spit it out already." I say taking a drag from the cigarette he had offered me.

"Okay, okay, then he confessed his love for this girl he had a lame crush on for a while. Then he started singing "Hey Jude" ! On the roof, drunk! In front of the whole party!" He says laughing so hard he topples over holding his stomach and I do the same. He had a contagious laugh, it's the kind you hear and you automatically want to laugh along.
Hey guys!! This is the first chapter and I really hope you like it:')

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