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Lyla's POV

Michael and I make our way down the halls and he continues to tell me embarrassing stories about Luke

"Then, Lu-"

"Lyla, what the hell?" A voice says that I know all to well. I look up and my assumptions were right.

"Ash? What are you doing here? Are you okay? What happened?" I ask frantically trying to figure out why he's here.

"More importantly why are you here, and why are you with him? He's a-"

"Okay, Lyla we should be on our way." Michael says nervously and tries to hurry me out of the hall.

"No Lyla don't listen to him! He's not who you think he is, he-" and that's when Michael tackles him. He continues to try to fight Ashton while I try to stop him.

"Michael, what the fuck?! Get off of him!" I yell and try to pry Michael off of Ashton. The security guards must have heard me because they come over to stop the fight and yell at me to get to the dining hall. I stand there stunned for a couple seconds watching the security guards put a straight jacket on Michael and it dawns on me that I should probably listen to him before he puts me in one of those things.


Lunch was boring and uneventful with out Michael. I don't even know where they put him. Did they send him back to his room? Or solitary? I had to stop worrying about him, I've only known him for a few days, plus I have other things to worry about, like Ashton. Just when I have that thought there is a knock at the door. Assuming it's like giving me the news about Michael I jump up and open the door. Big mistake, it's ash. I thought it would be better to see a familiar face here but I never thought it would be his face.

"Lyl-" he can't even finish his sentence before I slam the door in his face. He pounds on the door a couple more times then says, "C' mon Ly, I came to explain." Probably because he knows the curiosity will eat me alive.

"Ugh, fine come in," I say while rolling my eyes and opening the door. Luckily Kimberly was no where to be seen so I let him in.

He busts through the door and stumbles in to the room.

"God Lyla, I'm so sorry. I didn't know he would do that, ok? I'm sorry."

"I don't need an apology, I need to know why you're here." I say through my teeth.

"Okay," he takes a deep breath then starts. "Y'know how I went to live with my aunt and uncle that one summer?" He asks.

"Of coarse I do, I missed you like crazy." I say honestly.

"Well, I don't know what happened, being away from everyone made me go into this weird funk where I just got really sad. All my thoughts caught up with me and I just went crazy. They found me on the ledge of a bridge, I swear I wasn't going to do it Lyla, but they thought I was. So, they sent me back home and told my mom and she decided to send me here for a while, that's why I never came back. She wouldn't even let me say goodbye to anyone."

I look at him for a couple seconds. He had tears in his eyes and his cheeks were red and stained with them. I suddenly feel a burst of empathy and I run up to him and hug him. He stumbles back a bit as I hold him tightly while I remember all the times we spent as children and as teenagers. Ash and I were neighbors since we were five and have been best friends since then, but we stopped talking when he left, I never got to say goodbye.

"Whoah there tiger, slow down" he says embracing me and chuckling.

"Lyla," he says in almost a whisper.
"Why are you in this place?" He says resting his chin on top of my head.

"My mom, she sent me here." I say quietly.

"Why, Lyla. Why did she send you?"

"Cause she's a bitch," I say angrily remembering how I got here.

"Calm down and give me the real reason Ly." He says while soothingly rubbing my back.

"Well, uhm, after you left,and my mom already blaming me for my dad, I just got really mad at the world. It wasn't very bad at first, just had a really pissy attitude," I laugh looking back on the memory.

"But, it stemmed into something worse, I started throwing things, and getting into fights. Sometimes I would get so angry that I would break everything in my room or break all the glass in the kitchen. I guess she got tired of me." I say hugging him tighter for comfort.

"God, I'm so sorry I wasn't there Ly. I'm sorry I left."

"It's not your fault Ash, I'm sorry." I said letting him go.

"I missed you like hell Ly."


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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