"Cecilia and the Satelite" (2/2)

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The Doctor waited patiently in his chair as you listed and wrote down ideas on how to get his memory back.

Retrace our travels
Look at old pictures
Watch the rain

You sighed and threw the pen down.
"This isn't going to work."
"Are you always this uncommitted?" He asked absently, flipping through the book beside your night stand. "Did I tear out the last page?"
You nodded. "And I'm not uncommitted, I just don't think it's going to work."
"You should know better, Ms. Emotional. That's it, isn't it?"
You nodded again. You laid back against the couch, turning your gaze to the dark sky outside the window. You two had been thinking all evening.
"How did we meet?" He asked suddenly. You took a deep breath.
"Uhh... You saved me from some weird orange guy. I don't know, I never really wrapped my head around it."
He hummed in response and crossed his arms. He reached over and grabbed the notepad from you, despite your subtle protests. He scanned it before he furrowed his eyebrows. His frown slowly turned into a smirk as he looked up at you through his lashes.
You stumbled with your words for a second, making random gestures with your hands.
"It's just- I had- I- We- You and I- We, um-" He got more amused the more he watched you. "We kissed, okay?! It was just for a thing, it didn't mean anything- It's complicated- I figured it might, you know, jog your memory. But I crossed it out, look!"
He laughed and handed you back the notepad.
"Well, what should we start with," He paused as you finished scribbling dark spirals over 'kiss' ten times over. "Ms. Emotional?"
You looked back up at him. You ignored his question and began thinking out loud.
"It's weird seeing the looks you give me when you have no knowing of who I am. I'm not familiar to you at all, am I?"
"No, not really. But like I mentioned before, I can tell I care about you. It's starting to get rather irritating, actually. And there's something about the snow globe. How'd I lose my memory?"
"I haven't a clue. River didn't tell you?"
"I suppose not. I'll have to... ask her about it later."
You muttered under your breath, "Ominous pause, much?"
"You and River don't seem to get along very well."
"No, not really. No particular reason, we just don't mix well. We can stand each other, it's just a bit tense. Nothing to worry about."
He watched you for a second.
"Are you in love with me?"
You were so surprised you started coughing. "I'm sorry?" You asked, trying not to choke.
"I just get the impression."
"No! I'm not in love with you, as a matter of fact! We're friends, family!"
"Ah," He said simply. "Just my imagination, then." He smiled at you.
You relaxed.
"So if you don't love me, you wouldn't mind if we started out with the kiss?"
So much for relaxed.
"We have to do it eventually."
This definitely wasn't the Doctor you knew. Which meant it was okay, right? To kiss him?
He sunk into the couch cushion next to you.
"F-Fine," You gave in, turning slightly to face him.
Without making any other physical contact, he placed his lips on yours.
It was the perfect embodiment of a kiss that meant nothing. He was cold and disconnected from you. The kiss itself wasn't so bad, but you didn't like it. You fidgeted awkwardly until he pulled away.
"Nothing?" You asked quietly. He pushed his eyebrows together.
"Not that I can tell." He returned to his chair. "What's next?"
The kiss had made your skin crawl. You crossed your arms over your chest to appear confident.
"I have a photo album," You confessed. 
"Lovely! Where is it?"
You leaned over and reaching underneath the nightstand next to your couch, pulling out a think leather bound book. He slid back next to you and peered curiously at the book as you slid it open.
You watched his facial expression as he flipped through pages filled with nostalgia and memories he may never have again. And as he starred at the photos blankly, you looked from picture to picture, feeling your eyes pool up. You missed your Doctor. A lot. He was right next to you and you may never get to speak to him again.
You covered your eyes as your shoulders started to shake. You sniffles and rubbed at your eyelids.
He was your Doctor. You needed him. But as you looked at him and you smiling happily in every photo, you knew he'd never remember you. He was lost to you forever. You'd never get to see your Doctor... again.
"I'm sorry...," You heard him say softly. You sighed and kept rubbing your lashes.
"It's okay, I know you tried-"
"Trying. I'm not giving up yet."
You dropped your hands to your lap.
"I am. It's okay, really." This time when the tears came, you let them run down your cheeks. "I've been without you for weeks, convinced I had lost you. This is nothing new."
You looked at him, the eyes he used to love so much, big with tears. You'd never seen him so alike a scorned puppy. If he had dog ears, they'd be down. He closed the album. You remembered him saying he knew how much he had cared about you, loved you. You felt sorry for him, but also for you. The Doctor was gone now.
"I just... didn't want to lose you."
You broke down, crying into the inside of your wrists, trying the wipe away the escaping tears.
He was quiet for so long you thought he left or disappeared, as the Doctor does, until you felt a cold hand on your cheek. You flinched and looked at him. He was crying.
"My Ms. Emotional-" He pulled you into his arms. "I'm so sorry..."
"D-Doctor?" You asked, voice squeaking.
"I promise I will never hurt you again." You waited for him to continue. "I remember you."
"Really?" Your stomach filled with hope.
"How could I forget my human?"
"Oh my god- Doctor- I didn't think- oh my-"
"I know, I know. I didn't know I would... say the things I did. I didn't know I would scare you so much."
"Doctor, if there's anyone I can forgive over and over again, it'd be you," You whispered into his neck.
"You shouldn't have to. I'm sorry, Ms. Emotional."
The Doctor pulled away from you long enough to place a long, soft, kiss on your forehead, before trying to pull you back against him. You stopped him with a kiss on his cheek, just as tender as his.
"I thought I'd lost you, you daft old man," You laughed softly, rubbing your temple. You two smiled at each other, your very beings slowly being filled with the flow and warmth you had been missing while you were apart. You leaned back against the Doctor and he began to mumble on and on about what happened and how he needs you and how sorry he was. Instead of listening, you drifted off to sleep, the photo album still in the Doctor's lap.

(A/N: TA-DAH. I'm in the car right now, I'm making the long commute from San Fransisco back to LA where I live. I just went to the Heroes and Villains Fan Fest! I GOT TO MEET KAREN GILLAN YOU GUYS I CRI SHE WAS SO NICE AND HAPPY. Anyway- LONG AWAITED PART TWO! This was fun to write actually XD. I'm always worried about things being too rushed or too short because of reasons like school or I've been on the road for two and half hours so, let me know what you guys want/think. ILY ALL HAVE A GOOD THANKSGIVING!!!)

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