Chapter 18

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**Harry Point Of View**

I'm fifteen, not in a relationship, and doing what I thought I would have never been doing.

Working in a bakery.

I would've never thought that working in a bakery would be so fun. I've met this awesome girl named Lola, and she's a great friend. She has this amazing boyfriend named Josh, and they're the best couple out of them all. There's also this guy who's gay, and his name is Eddy. He's so funny, and he can make me smile all the time.

I looked at the customer in front of me. "Hi, what would you like to order?" I asked, fixing my apron.

The lady was looking at the cupcakes we had on sale. "Uh...Could I get this velvet cake cupcake, please." She said, standing up, and brushing off her jeans.

I nodded, smiling, showing my dimples, and got onto my knees, getting a box, and put in the cupcake. "Anything else?" I asked her.

She looked at them again. "Vanilla? Three maybe?" She suggested.

I nodded, and put in three vanilla cupcakes, stood up, closed the box, and handed it to her. "Here you go." I said. "That'll be... five." I said, punching in the keys, and she dug in her pocket, handing me coins. "Thank you." I said, and put the coins away, and smiled at her. "Have a nice day." I said.

She nodded at me and smiled, before walking away, walking out the door, making the bell chime.

"Harry!" Lola yelled for me, and I spun around, seeing her taking off her apron. "It's my turn on the register. You get to bake now." She said, and tied the ribbon behind her back expertly.

I nodded, and patted her on the shoulder, before tightening the ribbon behind my back, and walked to the baking room. Eddy was there, his crazy red dyed hair sticking up everywhere, and I chuckled.

"What happened to you?" I asked him.

Eddy jumped and stared at me with his wide black and yellow striped eyes. "Whoa there, Harry! Don't scare me like that!"

"Ooh. I like those contacts." I commented.

Eddy grinned. "Thank you. I was planning on keeping these on for a good week before I change back to the purple and pink." He said.

I nodded and smirked. "What has Justin done to you..." I teased.

Eddy laughed, and poured the flour into the mixer. "He did nothing." He said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Truth is...?" I asked him.

He looked at me, while he closed the lid to the huge mixer. "He did nothing." He said. 

I sighed. "Fine, don't tell me about your shagging." I joked, and the oven beeped. I went over to the oven, put on the mits, and opened it up, getting out the perfect chocolate cupcakes. "It's fine...Don't tell me anything..." I said, taking short peaks at Eddy, who was adding blueberries to the mix. 

Eddy raised an eyebrow at me. "I won't tell you anything." He said.

I snapped my fingers at him. "I knew you guys shagged!" I exclaimed, and started doing my happy dance. "I knew it! I knew it! Yay!" I said.

Eddy laughed, and our boss stomped in, making me stop, and immediately grab the cupcakes and take them to the icing table, where I picked up the pink icing bag.


"Harry!" Eddy exclaimed, as he spun the wheel to turn. "Don't mess me up!"

I pushed B on the remote, and chuckled. "It's a race, Ed. I can mess you up whenever I want to." I explained.

"He's right, Ed. It's just a game." Lola said, as she expertly went over to two holes in Rainbow Road.

"Lola, how are you so bloody awesome at this game?!" I asked.

Lola laughed. "I'm an expert at everything." She said, spinning the wheel around, and getting first place.

I threw my controller across the room, and sighed. "Well, that's productive." I mumbled, before crawling the the controllers, and picking them up, sitting back down on my spot.

"Harry, could you help me with this?" My mum asked, as she was walking to the laundry room with a huge basket of dirty clothes in her arms.

I groaned, but got up and picked up the basket from her, putting it in my arms. I nodded, and she and I walked to the laundry room, where I set down the basket.

"Is that all, mum?" I asked, leaning against the dryer. There was a silence as she stocked the washer with the clothes. "Mum...?" I asked again, and she suddenly looked at me.

"Hmm?" She asked.

"Is that all you need?" I asked.

She sighed. "Harry, you need to do something." She said, as she got out a pair of my boxers, and put them in the washer.

"Mum, I'm working in a bakery." I explained. I didn't know what she was meaning by 'do something.'

"I know that, Harry." She said.

She didn't say anything, and I got a little irritated. "What do you mean, do something?! I'm working in a bakery, and that's the best job I have right now! What do you want me to do? Go on the X-Factor? I can't do that! What if I get through? I'll miss you guys like hell, and I won't be able to see you as often as I do now!"

My mum looked at me. "Yeah..." She whispered.

I cooled down. "Yeah...what?"

"Join the X-Factor! That'll get you around!" She said, and grabbed my hands, spinning. "Join the X-Factor next year, and do what you love best, Harry!" She said.

"What do I love best...?" I asked, clearly confused.

"Singing! You love singing! Join the X-Factor and sing your heart out to the judges! Get through! Go through bootcamp! Go to the finals!" She said.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "You really want me to?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yes! Do it!"

I smiled. "Alright...if you want me to, then I will, mum. Anything for you." I said, and she hugged my, whispering things I didn't catch.

All I was thinking about was that I was going to the X-Factor and I was doing it next year.



Alright, I didn't know what to make this chapter about, so I just did this. I mean, I knew I wanted to let you meet Harry's friends Lola and Eddy. :D

EddyXJustin = Juddy. HEH...

I have no clue.

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