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A/N, okay, on such short notice, Sarah practically made me do the EPILOGUE. So, um, here we go, I guess... :)


I stuffed potato chips into my mouth and sighed with happiness, it has been three years since we were all reunited and put together as a group from the X Factor.

Louis and Harry were out at the private beach for celebrities, and Liam, Zayn, and I were sitting at our hotel in Miami.

I still sometimes wonder if this was all a dream. If we hadn't met up, auditioned, and had bootcamp with each other all those years ago...

"Thinking about the past, Nialler?" Liam's voice rung over the water he was pouring into his cup from the sink.

I nodded with a smile and he sat down next to me, his hair was getting longer and I was glad for that, the Danielle hair shave really hurt him back then.

"Sometimes I can't believe we're One Direction, just a group of old, OLD friends..." Liam said as he took a sip of his water with a sigh of refreshment.

Zayn plopped next to us and laughed, "Remember the time we put, what was it, what did we put on Niall?" He asked Liam.

Liam chuckled and answered, "Whipped cream?"

"Yeah, the time we put whipped cream on his face as he was taking a nap? Best prank EVER." He smiled brightly.

"I can't believe you still remember that." Liam said amazed as he glanced at the wall and recalled the old memories.

I nudged Zayn in the arm, "I don't think I ever did get pay back..."

His eyes widened and I stuffed my hand in my bag and crushed some potato chips into his hair.

"AHH! No! Not the hair!" He screamed when Louis and Harry walked in.

They were in beach trunks and Harry had a towel around his shoulders, both of their hair were wet and they were holding hands and smiling.

"Is that Niall's pay back finally?" Louis laughed and placed a hand on Harry's shoulder to keep from falling.

Harry found it funny too and started to giggle, but only laughed harder when Zayn shot him a death glare.

Liam came back to Earth and looked at Zayn's hair, "Oh my God, good job, Nialler!" He burst into laughter.

Zayn huffed and got up, "Very funny. Just wait, Harry, I didn't forget about those kit-kats."

Harry immediately quieted and stared at Zayn, "You can't find them, I hid them in a secret place!"

Liam chuckled, "Where? Up Louis' ass?"

I started to laugh at the joke and got red in the face when Louis started to blush and shoot Liam glares.

Tears streaked down my face with laughter when Harry and Zayn both booked for Harry's bedroom,

"No! Those are my kit-kats! Don't!"

"They're not anymore!"

I was rolling on the floor with tears still coming down my cheeks.

Zayn came out licking the candy paper wrapper and Harry screaming for him to stop.

I shut my eyes tight and let out a bellow of laughter, clapping and getting even more red.

Louis held his hand to his mouth and giggled. Liam continued to chuckle lightly and I, still at this rate, felt a head ache coming over me from all the laughing.

"Guys, Niall's hurting stop it, please."

Liam said between chuckles and Zayn glanced over at me and sighed before handing the candy over to Harry.

Who in return, dropped the candy instantly and a started waving his hand in the air, "Ew ew ew ew!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Oooo, dear Lord, oh God, okay..." I sighed as I finished my last giggle fit.

Harry and Louis dried off and were now in snuggly, warm clothes and were cuddling each other on the couch, watching a movie on the tv.

Zayn fixed his hair once Harry had learned his lesson and was now sitting at a desk skyping his family.

Liam was cooking dinner and I was watching Louis play with Harry's curls.

Everything in life seemed perfect.

Everything in life will probably be perfect from now on...

Because I have my four best friends here with me, doing the thing we all love doing together.



That's it...

That's Growing Up.

I really hope all of you enjoyed it...

It was a blast writing, and updating for you guys, and I hope you check out our other stories when you get the chance...

For the last time,

!!!!!!!!!ILUVSALLOFYOUPEEPS!!!!!!!! -ILoveHazzaBear5, and ILoveLouisTomlinson4, or Tom Cruise in her case... ;) :D ;D


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