Chapter 19

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   For two hours Allira and Drake watched as the pain Val endured tore through her repetitively like a tornado tearing through a house.
   "Why didn't she ask what he gave her before drinking it?" Allira snarled, pacing and unpattern movement.
   Drake grabbed onto Allira's arm, and Allira snarled snatching it away. "You need to calm down." Allira turned her back, waving her off and Drake grabbed her again. "You are not helping by stumping around."
   Allira's eyes were harsh on Drake. "Why did she drink it?"
   "To protect us," Drake responded.
   "But she had no idea what my father was giving her."
   "Did it matter?" Drake's word twisted Allira's head back to her. "Val seemed highly prepared and ready to drink it no matter what."
   "I would say her wolf was ready too," Pierce agreed.
   That triggered a new set of calmness in Allira. Val could fight whatever it was that attacked her from the inside.
   Allira's eye's dropped down to Val's battered looking body, her arm snapped backwards from a shift that stopped suddenly; unconscious at the moment. That's how much pain she was enduring. Enough to bring her unconscious.
   After a moment Allira looked down at her arm realizing Drake still held her.
   Allira frowned and Drake noticed pulling away.
   "I do mind a little space," Allira attitude was visible not that Drake cared.
   "And I do mind you stop acting like you are back home. have to earn a place."
   "Who says I want to be apart of this pack?"
   "Guess you don't love Valerie as much as you say," Drake retorted.
   Allira snarled moving to pounce on her when Pierce ran in between. "You two. Separate corners. Now." Sighing loud enough for them both to hear, Pierce looked down at her sister.
   Another fast dozen heartbeats passed when Brent walked up to her. "Pierce..."
   "Don't even...tell me how sorry you are." Pierce eyes turned fixed on him. "You know...I have the packs law on my side in having the right in killing you."
   Brent abase his head.
   "Where is my son?"
   Brent swallowed hard. "I wanted to make sure he was out of harms way."
   "Where is my son?" She wouldn't ask again, politely.
   Felix walked up along with a few other pack.
   "I took him where he could be safe."
   Another scream came out of Val's mouth as they all turned watching her bones break in and outward. The pain was seen in bold letters, too evident to ignore.
   "Please...she needs help. Something," Paula cried, looking at her daughter.
   Pierce didn't know how to help Val.
   Neither did Drake or Allira. They couldn't reach her in this state.
   "I know who can help," Brent said weakly.
   "Who?" Allira rushed out, moving to his direction.
   Again Drake stepped in the way. "Not your place."
   Allira snarled but this time bit back her words and her movement.
   "Who can help me daughter?" Paula asked desperate.
   Brent inhaled, blowing out slowly. "My father..." he pointed to Val. "Her--our father."
   "Fecking no," Paula snarled. "That man will not be touching me daughter. Ah won't allow."
   Pierce laughed. "What ma. I thought he loved Val. Isn't her staying alive and sane  more important than your history with Bran?"
   "Ah am not saying that?"
   "And I am not taking away what he did to you. I wish you would have been honest with me from the start and maybe I wouldn't have hated you so much. But Val's life is more important than you seeing him. Matter fact. You won't."
   "Ah am coming--"
   "No you're not."
   Paula opened her mouth just as Drake spoke. "Pierce is right. We need to focus on Val."
   "Do you honestly think Val wants that man around her?" Allira asked.
   Drake shook her head. "No...but do you want her to go through this any longer because of who he is. If he loves her like Paula says...that means he would do anything for her."
   "She won't like this once she comes out of this," Allira stated.
   "But then we'll have an alive and sane Val to deal with...rather than this or worse."
   Allira nodded to Drake's words. She was right and could admit that.
   "Looks like you are taking us to Bran," Pierce stated. "And my son."
   It took all Val's energy and willpower to stay conscious, in hopes to pulling herself out of this never-ending torment and still she couldn't find a way out of this. Her wolf was in equal pain taking every blow and broken bone that snapped.
   Voices in the background, whispered words to her but she was in too much pain and the words sounded disoriented.
   " more." Val's beg came from the root of her wolf's heart. She needed a break. At least a few minutes to regain her strength. Hands ran over her, every touch bringing her a new zap of pain that radiated all the way through her body.
   Squeezing her eyes shut, Val breathed through her mouth rapidly, becoming lightheaded again, knowing she was about to slip unconscious again. And for a few moments the pain would be gone.
   "Are we here?" Pierce asked a fourth time.
   Brent finally nodded, parking the jeep.
   Allira hopped out of the car along with Drake as the carefully pulled Val's unconscious body out.
   They walked a few minutes, Drake and Allira carrying Val with her arms draped over their shoulders.
   They found a cabin that was lit from the inside and rushed to it.
   Ryan ran out of the house, "mom..." he yelled out, skipping to Pierce.
   Pierce rushed to her son, embracing him tightly, thankful to see him safe and untouched. "Did he hurt you?"
   Ryan stared dumbfounded at his mother. "No...he is my grandpa. He's pretty cool."
   Pierce frowned to that.
   A man with hair dark and long at shoulder length stepped out into the open. His eyes were soft, the only thing rough on his face was his beard and moustache. The green in his eyes filled the scenery as he walked off the porch. He looked in his late forties, his build lean with broad shoulders same as both Brent and Val.
   "I wasn't expecting guest," he said casually.
   Soon as he turned towards Drake and Allira, Val screamed again, yanking her arms away only to collapse unprotected to the soiled ground. Her body jerked, knee snapping inwards, as she opened her eyes letting sapphire emanate out of her.
   "What's going on here?"
   "You should know." Pierce snarled. "Your son here...I'm sure he's been keeping you informed."
   "Informed about what?" Bran seemed honestly perplexed about what Pierce was saying.
   "What did you do?" He pointed to Val. "Who is this woman?"
   Drake and Allira shared equal surprise. No wonder Bran never came looking for Val the moment she arrived back.
   "I uh...may have left some things out." Brent voice was shaky. Utterly fearful of his father's response.
   "I can clear that up," Pierce snarled out.
   Bran took another look down at Val, watching her cry and snarl at the same time. His eyes widen a bit further, smelling in her scent. She was on her stomach so he couldn't see her couldn't be.
   "No..." he said low. He looked up to his son, shaking his head. "No. My--she is gone."
   "Father..." Brent took a staggering breath. "She came back a few weeks ago."
   "Valerie was always alive," Pierce stated.
   Bran snarled. "And you barely--"
   "She is my sister and I didn't trust you. You forced me to mate with your son so you wouldn't take my pack after losing your own. You think I was going to hand her off to you."
   Bran snarled, pacing angrily. After a moment he shuddered a breath or two, grunting. His face creased hard and tight, the edges of his eyes slanting. Val writhe around and Bran instinctively rushed for her.
   Allira and Drake stepped in front, blocking his path.
   "I would never...hurt my daughter." His eyes filled with tears. "She is my...daughter. My blood runs in her. I love her." His words were sincere.
   "As much as you loved her mother?" Allira shot out at him.
   Bran winced. He took a few calming breaths. "I was a different man. That is not who I am anymore."
   When Val cried out again, Bran reached for her again.
   Allira snarled but Drake touched her shoulder, relaxing her. "He won't hurt her."
   "How do you know?" Allira snarled out.
   "I am an Omega."
   Allira looked at Drake a second longer, relaxing and backing away.
   Bran brisk over to Val, immediately cupping her head into his lap. "My Valerie..." he leaned down kissing her forehead.
   Val opened her eyes barely...probably confused to where she was and who she was looking at.
   "This is going to hurt for only a second," Bran promised. He moved around to her side, lifting her forearm up as he immediately pierced his canines into her arm. Closing his eyes, he channeled the fae inside, guiding him to the answer he needed in helping her.
   He didn't swallow her blood, only pulling away to spit it out as his mouth burned. He snarled, his face still half shifted with canines and the glow if sapphire eyes.
  "What is it?" Pierce asked.
   "Who poison her?" Bran asked.
   "My father." Allira felt like she needed to own up to her father's mistakes, guilt that she was even connected to that man. "Silos..." she added.
   Bran's eyes widen but he said nothing, only studying Allira.
   "I am her mate," Allira explained, sure he was wondering why she was here now.
   "As am I," Drake stated.
   Bran only looked at both women, intrigued. Two women who claimed Valerie as her mate. She was definitely his daughter.
   "Why did you bring my grandson here Brent?" Bran looked up at his son. "It's clear Pierce did not give you permission like you stated."
   "As if I ever would," Pierce growled.
   Bran shook his head, knowing he would say this over and over again. "I am not...the same man I was over twenty years ago." He looked back at his son. "Why did you bring him here...and why didn't you tell daughter was alive this entire time?"
   "Because..." Brent seemed to struggle, guilt and fear dancing all in his eyes. His body tensed. "I was jealous of her okay. For years now...all you went on about was your dead daughter and you were barely giving me attention again when she showed up."
   " are nearly a hundred years old. You didn't need me holding your hand anymore after your twentieth birthday. But I never...treated you with more than you deserved." Bran snarled. "And even show me why I don't sit around hearing your sob stories. Your selfish and too needy. Even when she was a child...I saw jealousy in your eyes. Grow up."
   "Well I didn't want her around." Brent snarled. "Silos was supposed to compress her wolf and she would scatter back off to the human world." Brent realized he let his anger get the best of him and it was too late.
   "You caused this?" Bran snarled so loud, Brent fell to his knees in fear.
   "I made a mistake..." he whined. "I tried to fix it."
   Bran was about to speak, but huffed in a breath, closing his eyes. His daughter didn't have the time for him to chastise his son. "She was poison with wolfsbane and silver."
   "I thought wolfsbane was all destroyed." Pierce asked.
   "A plant like that...just doesn't get destroyed." Bran stood. "There is always someone keeping a patch for themselves and replanting more." Bran sighed. "I have myself."
   "What can you do for her?" Drake asked him.
   "We are going to have to drain nearly every drop of blood out of her for start. I will do the rest."
   "You're fae?" Allira wanted to hear him say it for himself.
   He nodded. "There are things I can do...that will help bring her back in one piece."
   "With her wolf still intact." Pierce asked wryly.
   Pierce nodded. "Do it."

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