Chapter 28

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They barely made it to Allira's home finding her door wide open with the alert that someone had gone uninvited inside.
   Val sniffed inside walking up the porch and winced at the stench that was as strong as over sprayed perfume.
   "They marked my home." Allira ignored the smell walking towards the entrance, Val arm sticking out to block her.
   "I go in first." Val hated that Allira's father came into his own daughters home, marking it as if stating further abandonment of his love. This was Allira's home. Every part of Val's wolf wanted to kill Silos. Out of all places to mark Allira's home, he'd sent his pack to mark the inside of her home. "I'm sorry." Val cupped Allira's face knowing that this all started with her.
   "I love you. I don't regret a damn thing." Allira's smile relaxed Val's mind back to tranquil health.
   From the corner of Val's eyes Drake stood a far distance along the trees and with a deep breath smelled the aroma of Weres not of her pack. "Pierce...Drake...come up--"
   Val's words were disrupted by Jack rushing up behind Drake snatching her toward the few other Weres with him.
   With a snarl that could easily cut through wood, Val leaped off the porch never touching one step.
   Pierce rushed for Jack and he squeezed his forearm tighter around Drake's neck. "Let her go."
   "Should have thought more wisely to coming here." Jack rubbed his cheek up against Drake's taking pleasure in watching Val's abhorrent expression.
   This was Val's whole purpose in coming here minus Drake being in the hands of Jack.
   What he did not expect, Val was sure, Allira ready to tear every ounce of his existence apart.
   Allira's eyes watched Jack closely and he narrowed his view to only her. "Care for this pack already?" Jack laughed mockingly. "That didn't take long."
   Pierce and a few other pack members spread, ready for a fight.
   "Don't be stupid. There are more of us than there are you." Jack never let his guard down, not even to Drake.
   Val supposed he wasn't second to his Alpha for nothing. Instead of readying herself for an all out brawl, Val stuck to her purpose in coming here. Despite seeing Drake in the hands of Jack and the sweat in the palm of her hands and various other locations on her body due to the high stress, Val spoke calmly. Almost with a false peace as if the sight of his hands on Drake did not bother her.
   Her intentions were to challenge Jack and fight him until he submitted. Now, she would kill him. "I came here for you."
   Jack quirk his lips into a smug grin. "Did you?" He nodded his head finding Val's words amusing. "Find me interesting now?"
   "You can say that," Val responded.
   " would be nice having all three of you in my bed," he joked. "But future would be in question."
   "I agree," Allira stated matter-factly. Her eyes gave a visible showing that she was dangerously close to shifting.
   "Where's your Alpha?" Pierce asked.
   "He's close," Jack spoke vaguely.
   Val eyes ran over Drake's. They stared intensely at each other. "I won't let him hurt you," Val promised Drake.
   Drake smiled. "I know. You will do what's necessary. I love you both."
   Jack twisted his head towards Drake and then towards Val and Allira looking disconcerted and shaken. His next expression fell blank as it soon harden. "If I couldn't have been more disgusted. I am now." Jack snarled with enmity. "Your father will never accept this or take you back now."
   "I never planned on coming back, Jack," Allira said. "I don't need to be taught any lesson."
   "You may think that now...but you will still have one by the end of this," Jack retorted.
   Silos, Allira's father walked into the opening. His shoulders were straight and firm, eyes creased hard and stiff on his daughter. After a long while, he shifted a quick glance at Drake still held tight in Jack's dangerous arms. Silos fingers were linked behind his back in a thinking manner.
   "Why are you further in my territory?" Silos question was directed at Val.
   She did stand as the lead after all. Val still couldn't see herself as an Alpha to the pack she lost years ago, but she was holding leadership now. "In the past days..." Val stood higher with confidence and a stoic presence as she continued on..."I've learned the history of my pack and yours. I listened through the voices of so many...but never yours. I believe in facts; proof. Evidence...and the show of honesty through a person's eyes. You've yet to tell me your version...though I'm quite knowing of your history of lies. There are always second chances." Val's eyes looked directly into Silos's. "I've learned the meaning of that too. I have learned to give second chances."
   Silos narrowed his eyes at Val with disdain. He should never have to explain himself to her.
   "Alpha...I've learned something even more perceiving." Jack seemed to take pleasure in his new found knowledge.
   "I came here...not for a conversation...but of a challenge." Val cut into whatever words Jack was about to spill next.
   Jack laughed. "You honestly think you can challenge...or even win a fight against my Alpha."
   "My challenge does not lay against Silos but against you." Val watched Jack process this and continued on. "Admit it. You've wanted to face me head on since the first day of meeting me. Probably wished you'd killed me in my sleep."
   "I wouldn't go that far," Jack snarled. "I like a fair fight. Now would be the perfect time with you feeling so high and mighty." Jack exchanged a look with his Alpha.
   "This will not end with you simply submitting Ms. McKinley."
   Val left no room for doubt or fear. "I wasn't expecting it to go that way." It was a clear statement without the necessity of stating the words openly, that she intended to kill him.
   "Jack...toss that woman to them and finish this Alpha imposter," Silos ordered.
   Doing as he was told, Jack shoved Drake harshly into Val's direction. Val pulled Drake into her arms, holding her into an tight embrace.
   When Drake had enough breathing room, she grabbed onto Val's face, forcing her to see only her. "Please...don't take too long. You still owe us that special night."
   Val understood both things Drake was telling her. One, that she trusted and knew Val would win this fight. That she was ready. And two, she was still expecting that new level of sexual intimacy and pleasure she promised for tonight.
   Turning her gaze to Allira, Val smiled nodding for Allira to take Drake. "I love you."
   "We love you too," Allira and Drake said in unison.
   Once Val turned back to Jack, Silos expression was not hard to miss. He received the clear message in Allira and Drake being both my mates.
   "Don't intervene," Val told Pierce. "You have to let me do this."
   Pierce saw strength in her sisters posture and was proud of her. "Just hurry this up. I'm getting hungry."
   Smiling, Val nodded.
   Everyone backed away giving Val and Jack more fighting room. Jack pulled off his shirt, taking off his shoes as he let the soil feel beneath his feet. He wore only shorts.
   Val was sure he'd removed some of his clothing as a way to shift quicker if necessary. Val faced him with only her sports bra and tank top along with a pair of sweatpants. Looser clothes were much more comfortable for Val.
   "You know...right before I kill you...I am going to let your pathetic mates literally see your heart beating before my wolf devours it and you."
   If he was hoping to effect Val, trying to distract her, Jack accomplished nothing.
   He paced to one side than the other. Val watched him closely. More tactics she figured.
   Val only stood immobile on high guard for any sudden advance of an attack.
   Jack slowly navigated closer to Val, assuming he was distracting her enough not to notice.
   In his next few steps he rushed her, swinging his arm out to punch her. Val caught it, twisting her body to flip him over.
   Her hope was to have him fall straight on his back but he landed perfectly on his feet, knees bent into a crouching position. Jack jerked Val, now gripping one of her arms as he yanked her awkwardly over him. Val slammed into the soil, wincing as she felt her shoulder pop out.
   Grimacing, Val cursed mentally, knowing her shoulder was dislocated.
   Jack grinned furtively. "Go on." He stood back erect, waving her on. "Pop it back in place."
   He thought this was going to be an easy win. Fuck him.
   Val stood without difficulty as she walked over to a tree. Her eyes were watchful of him as she gritted her teeth. Val's wolf was up now. Without giving herself time to prepare Val slammed the front of her shoulder into the tree, hearing and feeling it pop back into place.
   There was no painful expression in letting anyone see how much that hurt. In a matter of a minute, Val's shoulder was healed. Werewolf genes.
   "You want to try this again," Jack mocked, gesturing for her to charge at him.
   Like her father and sister taught her, Val's goal was to let Jack attack first. Val purposely lowered her head as if distracted, stretching her arm out as Jack aimed a roundhouse kick to Val's head. Val ducked and in the next second Jack aimed another kick toward her ribs. Val blocked his foot with her arm, feeling the power through his leg as it shoved her a few feet to the side.
   His claws were exposed raking across her flesh. Val grimaced at the open lacerations down her arm. Blood spilled down her arm onto her hand as she watched him try and rake his claws across her face.
   Leaping backwards, Val dodged his next few blows. Jack swung again this time connecting his fist to her jaw, her head snapping back.
   Taking the blow, Val shook her head taking the spinning in her head away. Jack rushed in and gripped his fingers around her neck, squeezing tight as she gasped, trying to remove his hand from her throat. "Your no fucking Alpha."
   His claws protruded into Val's abdomen, digging in deeper as she grimaced, struggling not to cry out. Instead she snarled with such pain and rage her wolf spilled out of her eyes like the blood spilling from her body.
   Val's wolf made her human skin burn, her tongue running over the canines forming in her mouth. From the corner of her eyes Val saw Allira and Drake embraced, observant of every second of this fight. She promised them another night of intimacy and couldn't do that severely hurt or dead. Dripping her gaze down to the right side of her hand where blood stained between her fingers and up her arm, Val scrutinized the tips of her fingers. Thick keen claws stretched out from her fingerbeds. Jack was unaware of the change in Val as he dug even deeper inside of her abdomen as if trying to pull out everything that belonged inside.
   Val grunted resisting the nauseating feeling that was close to taking over. With agility, Val slammed her hand around his neck, claws digging into both sides. Jack immediately pulled his claws out of her abdomen, punching Val across her face to let go. Taking his blows, Val ignored them as if they were punches that could come from a ghost. She felt nothing. Only her wolf came out, Val hidden to this fight
   She was aware but her wolf was the lead. Val wanted to rip every part of Jack apart. Deep down Val was not ready to kill but her wolf was. Her wolf needed to kill Jack. He thought ghost he had the privilege of facing her. It should have been an honor to at least st and beside her. Val's wolf was arrogant but not blinded by it. Only the worthy should talk to her. He made the mistake of speaking to her in the manner he had been from the start. Fuck his life. That's what Val's wolf would do. She would fuck his life until he no longer had one.
   The pressure in his lungs collapsed the moment Val gave Jack a blow to the ribs. She heard a few of his ribs break, puncturing his lungs. She punched Jack again with deadly blows to his ribs until their were no left unbroken. They would heal back soon enough but not in time to save him.
   Jack struggled to take a breath. Between Val's blows to his ribs, punctured lungs and the hand she still had tight around his neck, Jack lips were turning blue. He was starving for air.
   "Jack...kill her..." Silos snarled baffled this fight was taking a bad turn for his second in command. His Prima.
   A snarl hung in the air as Val roared this time punching Jack in the face.
   Taking any opportunity he could, Jack let both his hands grip around my neck trying to out-chock Val.
   Val groaned and Jack punched her in the face. Losing some of her grip around his neck, Jack shoved me from him and by the glow of gold in his eyes Val saw the shift take place before his first bone formed into its new place.
   Rushing him; which was an action she was not trained to do, Val leaped onto Jack as his facial structure shifted, his mouth lengthening to wolf form. Val fell on top of Jack as his canines snapped at her neck. Jack's entire body was in wolf form.
   Val needed to come up with a quick decision before he ripped her apart. Her wolf wanted to kill Jack in wolf form. Something about it made Val's wolf feel like more of an accomplishment if she succeeded this way.
   No time was given to how long this fight should last. Val tried moving off of him but Jack's teeth found a mark, biting down on Val's forearm. He yanked harshly, popping her shoulder back out. Fuck, she'd just relocated it. He shook violently like a bullshark as he stood taller on all fours. On her knees, skidding around, doing her best to not let him rip her arm off, Val decided to press her body into Jack, leaping around him. It deepened his biting grip but also gave her a better option.
   There were only three heartbeat she was hearing. Hers was the first. Allira and Drake's as well. They were reaching out to her; reminding Val of their support and confidence in her success.
   With a look of new found strength, Val balled in around Jack, letting him keep her forearm, using it now as a tourniquets. Val wrapped her body around Jack, her front as his back. She pressed down hard against him as her forearm squeezed hard against his mouth. The pain was bearable. Val gritted her teeth, snarling, telling Jack to give up. She taunted him until she overpowered Jack, his mouth opening wider to let go of his canines around her forearm. Taking the opportunity, Val then moved her arm quickly around his neck, nuzzling him as she squeezed down harder. Jack tried to stand on all fours, but with the weight of her body and the pressure she had on him, Jack stood no chance.
   With a powerful force that Jack had not known she possessed Val protruded her entire hand into Jack's abdominal tract. Being that Jack was in wolf form his organs were in locations she knew nothing about but in time Val found what she wanted.
   Jack roared, in a wolf cry she did not know existed as he twisted his head in varies angles trying to bite her. There was no chance of that.
   "This is enough..." Silos screeched.
   Allira had never known for her father to lose control like he was now. From the fear in her father's eyes it was as if watching him lose a son in front of her. He could love Jack like a son but not her, his own flesh and blood child. Because she was a woman? Pathetic. She felt little pity for him and none for herself.
   " aren't capable of killing," Silos whispered almost begging.
   "You most not know my daughter very well." Bran stood out into the opening as he watched his daughter finish off Jack.
   It was unnatural for mundane people to stand with pride as their child took another life. It was unnatural for Weres too. Only when there were moments like this; when death spoke out and our wolves answered did pride come. Jack was a viscous wolf who would have destroyed Val's pack if still granted life.
   Jack's body shifted back to human skin, now naked, laying on his stomach as Val laid over his back, her entire hand still inside his body from right around the right side of his kidney. Part of her arm was inside him as well as she reached in further, her hand right around the organ she wanted.
   Gazing up at Silos, Val pivoted back enough, heaving Jack's body upward in a kneeling position as she pressed down on his heart from the inside, just enough to earn a low dying cry from Jack and a dark pale look from Silos.
   "I won't kill him...the way he intended to kill me," Val spoke wolfish. It was her wolf. Val's nose moved close to Jack's neck, sniffing his aroma. "You are to blame." Val looked back up at Silos. "For teaching the wrong lesson on how to be a great leader. And a great Were. May you learn from this."
   Without understanding and bewilderment, Silos watched as a few tears fell from Val's eyes. She was sad that she was about to kill Jack.
   "Don't you see it Jack..." Val spoke softly, as if a parent taking their child to sleep. "Listen to my voice. Your a child...running through these woods...trees with your friends. Family."
   Jack couched weakly, his eyes looking stiff in one direction. Blood slipped from his mouth. "I...I see it."
   The fae inside of Val allowed her to transform Jack's reality in these woods into the image; memories that were so happy to him once. The trees were more fuller and grass thicker. The sceneries peaceful. Jack's expression turned into a smile and Val knew tho s was the time to end his life.
   Without Jack ever feeling it, Val squeezed his heart until Jack no longer had a heartbeat.
   Val slipped her hand out from Jack's side as she laid him lifeless on the ground. Silos expression was blank.
   It was not Val's wolf that spared Jack of a brutal death but Val herself. Taking life should never be a good thing no matter what crime that person committed. Jack was misguided by a man he saw as a father. With that, held pity and sadness in her heart for Jack. "Killing him that way...was the least I could do for how he intended to killing me."
   Silos never spoke. He only waved for the few other members in his pack to grab Jack's body.
   "I don't want to harm anyone else." Val meant those words. Jack's death would always be with her. She didn't want to add more bodies. "Do what ever you most to honor him...but after...I will back. And I home you come to an compromise."
   Silos only turned walking off with the rest of his pack, taking Jack's lifeless body.
   For a moment Val stood quiet, processing what she'd done.
   Bran walked up to her, slowly giving her a hug. He knew her wolf needed a moment to herself. But for Val...she needed touch. Val didn't grow up in a pack. She had too much human in her which wasn't a bad thing. "You are a better Were, person, and Alpha then I ever was."
   With that, Val buried her face into her father's shoulder crying from all that transpired.
   Val knew her two mates were close and would take care of her for the night, but she needed her father.
   It was hard to express verbally. If only Silos had been an honorable Alpha. If only her father started off that way. If only she could have grown up with her pack. This was hard. Taking someone's life was hard. But she knew deep down it had to be done. She'd missed out on so much. Having a sister, her mates sooner; a nephew and even her dumb ass brother. This pack. And her father.
   Val moved away, wiping her face off. She shook herself a few times letting Allira and Drake move into both sides of her arms. Her body was healed for the most part. She most have popped her shoulder back a second time when she was wrestling Jack for control.
   "I'm okay. I okay."
   "Let's go home," Pierce suggested.
   Val was about to nod when a thought came into mind. She smiled. Despite the emotions she was feeling now, she would keep her promise for later. "First..." both her mates stared at her dubious..."I need to grab something very important out of the house."

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