Chapter 1

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Beep! Beep! Beep! I jumped up to the sound of my alarm. 6:30 AM. I got out of bed and stumbled my way to the bathroom. Everything was blurry, since I didn't grab my glasses off the nightstand. I felt my way to the shower, and started the water, letting it warm.

I striped off my pj's and stepped in the water. Instantly, my tense shoulders loosened. The last thing I need today is to have a panic attack. Today was the first day at band camp, and as a freshman, I'm almost positive I won't know anybody that would want to hang out with me. Ugh, what am I going to do?

I'm kind of the quiet type in band, though my personality is completely opposite. I've never really had anyone in my section, the trombones, so no chance to be myself.

I started to lather shampoo in my long brown hair. As I washed, my mind drifted to the past. When I did have people in my section, it wasn't many. Maybe three, at the most. But one of these characters stood out to me.

I was in 7th grade when we met. He was tall, black hair and black eyes, that matched his lightly tanned skin. His name was Colt, and for a 7th grader, I kinda looked up to him. And maybe had a little crush. . .okay big crush. But he didn't feel the same way.

I understood why he didn't, nobody does. I'm not pretty, but I'm not ugly either. I'm just plain. I had dark brown hair, and hazel eyes. Most of the time my eyes just stayed a chocolate brown, unless I wore green. Then the green dominated the brown, and it was a weird mix. My brown hair was long and curly, with turquoise tips. I put the bright blue there to try to stand out, I like being different, but still no one seems to notice me.

I realized the water was starting to turn cold, and I had already finished anyways. I stepped out and dried off. I went back to my bedroom and looked through my close, trying to find a pair of the few shorts I have. See, I'd rather wear blue jeans than shorts, which is kinda weird considering I live in Georgia. And if you've never spent a summer in the Georgia heat, it's something you'll never forget. Like today, it was supposed to get up to about 104°F. Yay, because everyone just loves marching in the heat.

I grabbed my bright yellow pair, and a black Batman shirt. I was supposed to be a the high school band around 8:00. It was now 7:24, and I was almost done. I got dressed and grabbed a pair of socks, then slipped on my black converses.

I could already feel my heart beat escalating when I walked out the front door, trombone in hand. I've always been good at playing the trombone, but never good enough. I could beat most people in higher grade levels on a chair test, but there was always those select few.

Like Colt, a voice in the back of my mind whispered. I just ignored it and carefully put my trombone in the back of the truck. As my mom was taking me to the highschool, I tired to calm myself down.

I don't know why, but meeting new people always scared me, especially older people. My breaths were shallow, and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Oh no, I thought. I closed my eyes and started to think of happy things, like how I feel when I play my instrument, or how I love my fandoms.

Soon enough, my heartbeat calmed a little. Then we pulled into the school parking lot.

"Honey, we're here. Do you need help getting there?" My mom asked, looking at me. I sighed and shook my head.

"No, mom, I'm fine. I'll need to be picked up at 11:40 though, for lunch." I said, breathlessly. I need to get it together, or I'll just make a fool of myself.

"Ok, dear, I'll be here. And you can always call me."

I nodded my head, and stepped out of the truck. It was a Chevy Silverado, and a dark green color. I thought it was absolutely gorgeous, and it would be mine in a few years. I smiled to myself and took a deep breath. Here I go. . .

It was cool inside the band room, and there was a few people wandering around. I got here a little early, so I figured there wouldn't be many people. I was about to go sit on a corner or something, when one of the older kids caught my eyes.

He was at least 6'1, and had tanned skin. His hair was messy, and his eyes a really dark, almost black, brown. I had to do a double-take just to make sure it wasn't Colt, because he looked like him, but different.

They may look alike, but you know he looks more handsome, the voice in the back of my head whispers. I shake my head, to try to clear the thought, and noticed the boy was staring at me. I dropped my head, to hide my blush, and started to walk off to a corner.

I'll just sit here until the band director makes us go to our sections. I was staring into space when I heard a familiar voice. Colt's voice to be exact. I felt my heartbeat accelerate, and look up to find him.

When I finally see him, he has a crowd of band kids surrounding him. I start to smile, but then it kind of fades away. He hasn't changed much, actually not at all.

Which means you still have no chance with him, the voice whispers. Then I seen him wrap his arm around another freshman, one I actually know.

And the funny thing is, it doesn't hurt. Not at all. I glaced around the room, and seen the tall boy staring at me. I felt my face flush, but I had the sudden urge to go up to him. Stop, Luna. You don't know the boy, so you can't go up to him, I told myself.

"Hey Luna!" I snatched my head up at my name and seen my friend Kailey beckoning me towards her little group. I sigh and get up, stumbling my way over. I blush crimson when I realize the tall boy is still watching me, but now he has a smile.

"Hey guys," I say shyly. I stand there awkwardly while everyone else chats about their summer. I was about to tell Kailey something, when the band director comes in. The band room falls quiet, waiting for instructions.

"Hey babies, for those who don't know me, I'm Mr. E. . ." the man says. He has dark skin, and a little bit of a gut. "We're going to get in our sections,spend about 10 minutes getting to know each other, and then we're heading outside to the field."

Mr. E walks back out of the room to his office, and a murmur starts up in the room as freshmen try to find their section.

I wandered around until I found Colt with four other people; two girls, and two other boys. I started to walk towards them, thinking they were my section, when I looked more closely at the one of the guys. I stopped dead in my tacks, and felt my face flush. It was the taller boy. . . .

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