Chapter 2

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I finally snapped out of my little spell, and walked towards the people. I dropped my head, hoping no one would notice the blush spread across my face, and stumbled over my own two feet. I muttered a stream of profanities under my breath.

I made it to the people, and studied them. Colt was talking to a shorter white boy, with sandy blond colored hair, and bright blue eyes.

The two girls were talking, and I noticed I knew one in 7th grade, her name is. . . Maggie, it think. Her light brown, stringy hair went past her shoulders, and her dull blue eyes were unsettling.

The other girl was darker, with dark colored eyes. They were both about my height, maybe a little taller.

Finally my gaze went to the tallest boy. Thankfully he wasn't looking at me, but that still didn't stop the heat from coming to my face. His dark eyes and messy black hair went perfectly with his tanned skin. He really is handsome, I thought, but then I shook my head again. No, I'm not getting caught in a hopeless crush again. I'm not going to get hurt.

I walked a little closer to the group, but they didn't seem to notice me. Hmm shocker, I'm not noticed. Suddenly, the tall boy glanced at me and lightly hit the shorter one's shoulder. Then, all at once, everyone in the little group was looking at me.

"Umm. . . hi?" I said, my voice slightly shaking. I shifted, uncomfortable under everyone's stare. "I'm Luna Ocadiz, one of the freshmen. . . well looks like the only freshmen."

The shorter boy nodded and introduced himself, "Hey Luna, I'm Justin. This is Colt, Lucas, Shelby, and Maggie." He gestured to everyone, and I smiled slightly. His name is Lucas. . . I like that.

"So is this all of the trombones? I thought there would be more in highschool," I muttered the last part to myself, not meaning anyone to hear me. Lucas laughed and I felt the heat creep up to my face again. Why is this boy making me blush so much!? But I have to admit. . . his laugh is adorable.

Everyone starts talking again, and I awkwardly stand there. To be honest, I didn't know what to do. I didn't have really have any friends in the section, and I was actually kind of scared to talk to the older ones.

I dropped my gaze to my feet, feeling really out of place. I glanced up, and noticed Lucas staring at me. Almost instantly, a blush spread across my face. I really want to talk to him, but what would I even say? I don't know him.

I thought for a second longer, and looked up, opening my mouth. I didn't know what I was going to say, I just knew I was going to say something. Unfortunately, Mr. E picked that time to come into the band room and start talking.

"Ok babies, we're going to start outside on fundamentals. Freshmen, you'll have to ask about some things, and that's ok. Upperclassmen, guide the little one, they'll need it. I need all section leaders to come to me, the rest of you all, go ahead outside to the field."

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