Chapter 4

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I couldn't turn around to face Nick I was to humiliated, I turned and ran as fast as I could to get home, I knew it was far but I didn't care. I was running down the street I was just about home when I heard a loud shout 'Elllaaaaaa" I knew straight away who it was and it wasn't Nick. Lady Malopone had followed me home, a tone of anger and frustration in her voice, I kept running and I knew she was getting anger by the second. I took a short cut to get home faster, it worked, I ran up the stairs to my room and slammed the door and through my self on my bed. A few minutes later I heard the carriage drive in our driveway and then 3 sets of loud steps towards the house gossiping and giggling I could hear a few of the words they were saying, How dare she, Trouble, The Prince liked her! Lady Malopone directed her daughters into there rooms and came up to mine she stomped in and told me how disgusted she was of me and how my mother and father could ever have a daughter like this, I was strong and held back the tears, how dear she talk about my parents like that! She never even loved my dad she just wanted his money! This was true and even she knew it, that is the reason I don't call her step mum or mum I call her by her name because I have never appreciated who she was. She slammed the door on my face and locked it, she said she would un lock it when I have come to sense what I have done, but I wasn't ready to do that.

I sat in my cold attic room with a hungry stomach, I heard a car pull up in our drive, I peered out the window it was a black volts wagon. I heard a loud alarming knock on the door and a loud voice introducing the princes name, of course as soon as they heard this they sprinted down the stairs and opened the door. I could only see a little corner of what they were doing outside through my window, they were trying to find the owner of this beautiful glass slipper, then I remembered last night and why I'm stuck in this dreadful attic, the glass slipper was mine! I pranced around my room until I heard the engine turn on and the wheels spin. I screamed and yelled but the driver couldn't hear me, I could see lady Malopone's disappointed face in the reflection that none of her daughters had fitted the glass slipper. I needed the man in the car to hear me, he was just out of the driveway when I picked up my other glass slipper and through it at the glass window, it smashed at once and the car stopped. The man got out of the car and looked at the shattered glass slipper on the ground then turned and looked up through the smashed window at me, I yelled out you haven't tried me!

At once he gave an evil look at Lady Malopone and walked straight through the house up to my room Lady Malopone unlocked it not saying anything and he sat me down and I tried on the glass slipper. It fitted, the man was amazed! He ordered the prince here at once. Once the prince arrived he took my hand and I hopped on his horse and we rode to the kingdom together, I waved goodbye forever to Berth, Britney, and Lady Malopone as I saw them getting pushed and shoved into a cart. It was the best day that had happened to me for a very long time, I now live in a beautiful kingdom with lovely people and a loving husband, Nick.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2015 ⏰

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