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Evil only prevails when good people do nothing

The year is 2245. Man-kind is currently in a boom of great medical advances. Many of these advances have lead to many positive results such as the curing of many cancers, chronic illnesses, and even body crippling injuries, however, one of these cures backfired. In 2247, an enzyme for rapid cell regeneration was developed and tested. The enzyme was supposed to increase the length of a human's life by at least 60 years while keeping them younger, healthier and healing serious injuries in a matter of hours. These enzymes were tested on young, healthy adults. Several months passed and the subjects were showing great improvements in their quality of life. They were stronger, faster, and immune to many side effects of products such as cigarettes, alcohol, and many drugs. They became superior beings. Things were looking up for the human race until a few days after the enzymes first anniversary. The cells of the human body were mutating and or dying from the increased regeneration. Many people were rotting from the inside out, getting severely sick from the cells trying to constantly rebuild with dead cells. Others were more fortunate and rotted at the brain first. Then, there were the very less fortunate. They deteriorated at the flesh first, enduring severe pain. Though these people wished for death to come, they were spared. Their brains began to shortly rot afterwards, causing the subjects to nervous systems to malfunction and become immune to all forms of trauma. They were dying but could not feel it. In December of 2248, a new enzyme was injected into those who had taken the previous enzyme in hopes to cancel it out. This enzyme was supposed to breathe life back into the cells that were deteriorating. This worked to an extent, keeping the people from dying but many flaws were overlooked in the short time that the medicine was worked on. The medicine was made using spores of Orphiocordyceps Unilateralis, a parasitic fungus that infects and has been known to wipe out entire ant colonies. For a few weeks, the enzyme seems to work till there are reports of several of the subjects breaking out in psychotic outbursts and biting civilians. The subjects would bite the victim and quickly move on to another person, as if it was their only purpose in life to attack them. The vicious attackers were all killed in fear that they would not stop. The victims were inspected by doctors shortly after the attacks. The bites were all deep yet non-fatal. Traces of both enzymes were found in the wounds but not enough to affect the people that were attacked...or so they thought. Days later, there were many hospital reports of people getting very ill. The reports were all the same. Rotting flesh, increased irritability and brutality, irregular breathing, vomiting, and severe pain where the patients were bitten. An examination of the wounds showed that the victims had white, vine-like objects growing from the wound that was covering the skin and growing inwards in the direction of the spine. The doctors had no idea how to treat such an illness even with our advanced medicine so the patients were kept overnight. January 6th 2249, the date of the mass hospital attack. All the patients that had stayed overnight with the previously stated condition lost all control of themselves and attacked anyone and everyone that was in the hospital building. Doctors and patients alike were all attacked while the infected got away. The cities were in chaos as they tried to fight off the attackers. As days passed, more and more of these outbursts occurred, all from people that were bitten. Out of fear, out government quarantined all "Hotspots" or places with a large infected count. Nobody was allowed in or out of the area unless you had proper identification. Minor cities that went unnoticed began to spread their infection. Soon, the U.S. was covered in Hotspots and the same infection was spreading to other countries. Shortly after this epidemic occurred, the U.S. government began kidnapping healthy people and conducting experiments on them. These experiments were similar to those that were conducted on the other subjects but were much more advanced. These experiments wiped the memories clean of whoever they were conducted on and instead, were replaced with the skill of a perfect killing machine. With these skills a genetic altering. Subjects were given "super natural abilities" or at least that's what the regular people called them. They were supposed to help us get rid of this infection by killing off those that were infected as It was obvious that trying to cure it only made it worse, death was the only answer. After a week had passed, some of the hotspots had been eradicated and the new super soldiers were making great progress. One day, one of these soldiers was bitten by an infectee. This created what they called a "super infected" with this super infected, their forces become more powerful, and the super soldiers were unable to stop the super zombie. what remained of the super soldiers had to retreat. A few weeks later, a different group of less stronger super zombies emerged from out of nowhere and began attacking innocent people not to infect them, but to kill. The military was unable to fight back.The year is now 2251. Humanity is fighting a war...and they are losing.

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