Chapter 2

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"Denzel!"  I heard my name shouted.

I looked down from where I was perched to see Celest, our leader, calling to me.

"Yes captain?" I called back.

"Care to explain just what exactly you are doing up there?" Celest asked.

I couldn't tell her about the girls voice, that would be ridiculous sounding to her.

"I was uh..." I started.

"No time for excuses! get down here now and meet up with the rest of the team!" demanded Celest.

This was one of those rare times that I was glad she never let me finish my sentences. I quickly jumped down and followed her back to the gate. When we arrived, I could see that Kellin and Yi were both eager to head out. 

"Alright, listen up!" Shouted Celest. "I want everyone to be on their guard like always. Any sign of danger, alert the rest of us and most importantly," She looked at me. "Don't be a hero.  It's stupid and will only get you killed and yes, I'm talking to you, Denzel."

Celest never thought highly of me. she always thought of me as quite the moron. I think it had something to do with her being younger than me, or taller than me. Either way, it had it's pros and cons.  

"Open the gates!" Celest shouted to the gate operator who was perched in his tower. 

The gate operator acknoledged Celest with a gesture and then proceeded to press a button to open the gate. The sound of grinding, rusted metal pierced my ears and stabbed my sanity. I hated the sound. The gate needed new parts but we ran out of those years ago. That is why we do what we do. we scout the areas,  eliminate all threats, and then call in the scavenger teams to collect whatever spoils we find. 

Once the gates schreeched to a stop, we all looked at eachother, exchanging looked of readiness, and then set off on our walk to the smaller garage which was set outside of the base as some sort of back up or something. I never really paid attention but even the rest of the group agrees with me that it's an odd idea. When we arrived to the garage, Celest opened it with the key, and we walked in. once inside, we all chose our vehicles. Celest chose the motorcycle (like always) and Kellin, Yi, and myself were in the Jeep.  Kellin was always the driver, I was always in back, and Yi was passenger. We all got into our vehicles, started the engines and drove off towards the city.  Now , to avoid confusion, This isn't the first city that we have been to. We have been to many other ones before, however, This is the City where the largest hotspot on record in our state. It's ranking was  number 4 on the chart. As we drove to the city, I couldn't help but think about the other one that I saw when I climbed on top of that wall, and shortly after, I began to think of the girls who's voice blesses my every dream. We passed many "Stragglers" or, infected that were without a group on our way to the city. We didn't bother with them. It would only draw more of them to us. It took us 6 hours to get to the city. When we arrived, we were amazed with what we saw. We saw empty streets, empty cars, there wasn't even anybody in the windows from what we could see. We parked our vehicles on the outskirts of the city and walked in, grabbing our vests that had all the technology we would need for this assignment. Celest pulled a small, circular disc from her pocket. She pressed a button on the side and a slot opened up in the center of the disc, revealing a lense. From that lens, projected what appeard to be a map of the city.

"Gentlemen, this is a map of the city, currently, we are here." said Celest, pointing to the edge of a small blip on the map.  "We will be splitting into 2 groups. Yi and I will be taking this path down the center. Kellin, you and Denzel will be taking This path that is highlighted." 

She pressed a button and a yellow line appeared on the streets of the city. The line made many turns and passed many buildings and possible dead ends that could bring us trouble if we were cornered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2013 ⏰

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