Chapter 1 : Denzel

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Chapter 1


My name is Denzel. That's all I can tell you. I don't know much about myself to be honest.

I'm a G-soldier, that's all I really know. I fight because my superiors tell me to. We fight off the infected so the world is a safer place for the living. It is our purpose, it is what we were born to do. 

As I tried to sleep, I heard her voice again. It was a wonderful tune that always serenaded me yet it would never lul me to sleep It was a song without words. I stood up from my cot and stretched, examining my small room as I did so. It was a gift from the superiors for all the hard work we do. The rooms weren't exactly luxurious but they were better than the barracks that the regular soldiers had to sleep in. My room had brown carpet, a small fridge filled with drinks, my cot, and a desk with my terminal. Like I said, it wasn't fancy. I opened my door and left my room, following the sweet sound of her voice. She always teased me like this. She would make me chase her on nights like tonight. I walked down the dark halls, Her voice crescendoing ever so slowly. I hastened my footsteps, following them down the same path as I have many times before. I ran down to the end of the halls and made a turn right into a dead end, but the voice was no longer there, and neither was the sweet angel whom it belonged to. Again, I hung my head in dissapointment and I walked back to my room. As I walked, I began to imagine what the voice's owner might look like. In my mind, here hair was as black and beautiful as the night sky. Her skin was softer and was as fair as silk. Her eyes were a deep, mysterious blue and her smile warmed my cold body. The touch of her skin against mine gave me goose bumps. Oh how I craved the feeling of her soft, luscious lips. 

I snapped out of my daze to find myself several rooms passed mine and almost in the mess hall. I quickly turned back and walked to my room before someone saw me. I never was too fond of the night watch. When I got back inside my quiet, dark room, I gently closed my door and slid back under my blanket and continued thinking about the girl. Soon those thoughts turned into dreams as sleep overtook my conscious. I could see her. The beautious maiden with the voice of an angel. I approached her to clasp her hand in mine but with every step, her smile faded to a frown. I looked at her face, tears filled in her eyes. 

"I'm didn't deserve it."  She said in a cracking tone. 

It was as if she were to burst out in a wail of sorrow.

"Why are you apologizing? What didn't I deserve?" I asked, confused by what she had said.

She turned away and walked from me. I chased after her without thought. 

"Wait! Come back!" I shouted to her in vane.

With every step, I seemed to get further from her. I dropped to my knees, not knowing if I was ever to meet this perfect girl.

My eyes snapped open.

"Another dream about her." I thought to myself.

I looked at my clock. There was still an hour left before I needed to get up but I decided to use this time to get ready. I showered, shaved, and did all of my other morning activities. when I was finished, everyone else was still sleeping. I loved the perks of being a G-soldier. Nobody told you what to do as often as the other soldiers and when they did, it was to tell you that you were going on another mission. I walked to the mess hall and greeted the servers who were just barely getting breakfast ready. The sweet aroma of pancakes, the sizzling of sausage, and the sight of the hashbrowns were a real treat but not nearly as big as the treat my stomach was in for. What I enjoyed most about being early was that there was never a line, so I grabbed my tray, and made my way to the special table for super soldiers. Hungrily, I wolfed down my delicious meal, then waited for the rest of the G-soldiers to arrive at the table, well, mainly Kellin. Kellin was my best friend since I can remember, which isn't very far. I can only remember back to when I was "born". I woke up and I was in a room full of superiors. They told me my name was Denzel and that I was to do as they told me. I've been living here ever since. Kellin was different. He remembered some of his life outside of the military. I remember one of his stories. He told me about him and his pet dog and they were playing in the park on a sunny day. He was playing a game called "fetch" which from what he told me, was him throwing a branch from a tree and the dog would bring it back. A simple game but Kelin found it entertaining. He didn't remember much else but most of his memories were happy ones like that.

I stared at my water glass. I placed my finger gently on the surface of the water and watched it freeze over. That's what made me different from the other soldiers. I could turn water to ice and conjur it too. It's how I fought. It's how I served the superiors. It's how I served my purpose. I pulled my finger from the ice, creating a long, needle-like shard.  I pushed on the shard, making it melt back into water with the rest of the ice. I lifted my head and decided that I should probably head to the main gate and wait for the rest of the team. on my way there, I was met with a large group of soldiers, all of them heading to the mess hall. Among those soldiers was my friend Kellin. Kellin was easy to pick out from the rest of the group. He was slender, slightly taller than me, had long, straight black hair with some red streaks in it, and wore a skin tight black shirt, a red leather jacket that was black at the elbows, red leather pants that were black at the knees, and black boots . Not the most military related outfit but we're G-soldiers. The superiors don't care what we wear as long as our job gets done. As I approached kellin, I noticed that something was off about him. He didn't have a blank expression on his face like normal but he wasn't sad either. He looked defeated.

"Kellin, what's wrong? You don't look so good." I asked him, worried.

"Nothing. If you're done eating, you should go prepare for todays scouting. We are leaving in an hour." He said to me in a dead tone.

"I'm already prepared. I'm just waiting for you guys." I replied as soldier after soldier passed by. 

"Suit yourself." Kellin replied. 

The other G-soldiers approached us. They were all smiling as usual and talking about todays scouting.

"Yeah, we're finally going to the city ruins this time. Not another scouting mission for the main city. That's what one of the superiors said." Said  Celest.

She was the leader of the super soldiers. Her golden blonde hair reflected the morning light and brought out her ocean blue eyes.  She was wearing the camoflauge of a regular soldier. she said it suited her better. The person that she was talking to was Yi. He was dressed in his traditional samurai armor. His armor was a very dark red and the helmet resembled a demon with horns. He was holding his helmet under his arm, revealing his short black hair and his green eyes.  They both  sat down at the table and started eating.  

"Denzel, shouldn't you be waiting at the gates for deployment?" Asked Celest.

"Yeah, I was on my way n..." I started my sentence, only to be cut off by Celest.

She seldom let me finish my sentences or even offer ideas.

"Denzel, if we aren't prepared, The infected are going to wipe us out for good. Go wait by the gate." Celest ordered me.

I knew better that to plead my case. I continued to the gates as I originally planned. As I stepped outside, The air was warm and dry. I almost felt myself fatigue instantly.  I wasn't a fan of these summer days and was rather greatful that they were coming to a close. As I leaned against the gate, I heard her voice again. It was the most beautiful sound that I had ever heard. It sounded like God's most precious angel had decended from the heavens, only to bless and serenade nature and all of it's inhabitants with beautiful, and soothing melody. I stopped leaning on the gate and listened even closer. I wasn't going to waste any time. I started following the sound of the magical tune. I ran, kicking up dust and gravel as I sprinted towards the sound.  I ran till I hit the the wall that guarded the rear of the military base. I wasted no time. I climbed, jumped, I did whatever I had to to get to the top of the wall. When I reached the top of the wall, I was met with dissapointment. I looked down and saw not a living soul. I looked up to see a city, one that we had not explored yet, and didn't explore yet, and didn't plan on exploring for a while. I knew that if my ghost-voiced maiden was anywhere, it was there.

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