"A new beginning"

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Harmony's POV
I woke up to the sound of the alarm. I groaned and pushed the snooze button and went back to bed. "Wait, what time is it?" I said to myself before turning to see the alarm clock.

                                 7:50 am

"Oh shoot! I'm going to be late for my first class!! On the first day of school!!! I quickly got up, took out my uniform and went downstairs to the kitchen where my mom was.

Normal POV

Mom: Hurry up Harmony, you're going to be late for school!

Me: Why didn't you wake me up then?!

Mom: You're in high school sweetie. You're supposed to do that by yourself.

Me: MOOOM! *sigh* At least help me with something...

Mom: Well, here's your lunch.

Me: Thanks mom! I'll take it in a sec, I'm still in my pajamas 😅

Harmony's POV

I quickly went upstairs and put my uniform on. Before I went downstairs, I took a quick glance at the mirror and said "Well it looks like I have everything *sigh* everything but friends". Then, as I was going down the stairs, I said to myself " I just hope that this school isn't like the last one".

Normal POV
After taking her lunch and got some breakfast, Harmony said goodbye to her mom and went flying to her school, since she was pretty late already. Once she got to school, she took out her schedule and began to look around the school for her classroom.

Harmony's POV
"Man, first day of school and I'm already late!" I said while looking for  my class at the hall. I kept looking for my classroom until I found a familiar number at the top of a door. "This must be it!" I said in a happy, yet nervous tone. "Here it goes" I whispered to myself as I came in the classroom. There I spotted a bunch of students paying attention to the teacher, but they suddenly looked at me.

Teacher: I think that you're kind of late, aren't you?

Me: Sorry! It's just that I'm not used to this schedule.

Teacher: Oh, it's ok. Would you like to present yourself to your companions?

Me: ....P-present m-myself?

Teacher: Yes. Just tell your name and were do you come from.


I don't know why, but I started trembling as heck.

Me:W-well, m-my name i-is H-Harmony Wind, a-and I'm, um, well from C-Cloudsdale"

  I heard some other ponies at the classroom chuckle and even laugh a little."Why does my voice cracks up everytime I talk in front of everypony?!" I thought to myself.

Teacher: Well, it's nice to have you here in Canterlot High Harmony Wind. You can sit beside Desa.

Me: T-Thank you.

I quickly sat besides that one pony named Desa, feeling horrible for what just happened there."Don't worry, you're not the only one that goes through that" said Desa. "Well it certainly feels like if I were the only one" I said while taking out my notebook and materials. Then, the teacher started giving her class.

Lunch time! Finally! I can get to do what I want for at least..an hour I think? Besides eating of course. I sat on a table, took out my lunch and started eating until I finished most of the food. When I was about to get up, I saw Desa at the end of one table at the left of the lunchroom listening to music, and noticed that almost everypony was looking at her. "She must be very popular in this school" I muttered as I threw away the leftover food in the garbage. I went to a quiet place in the school and sat down and took out my headphones. I saw a bunch of colts, one turning an apple into a ruby with it's horn. "They do have some special abilities" I said. "But not everypony has the ability to apreciate and make music" I said in a confident tone. Then I started listening to classical music, pop music, rock music, you name it.

I groaned as I heard the bell ring, meaning I had to get up and to take a bunch of classes. I got up and went trotting to my next class were I saw Desa already in a seat. "Maybe, just maybe, if I sit around her during this period and the others, I could get some sort of..frienship? I said to myself while looking for a seat next to her.
Bingo! Turns out that method DOES work! I was asking her things she likes, and they're not bad at all! And I also told her things that I like and she agreed on most of them!!...I think she'll want to be friends with me sooner or later!! Hopefully....

After school was over, I flew to my house, since it's pretty close to the school. I opened the door to see my mom watching tv.

Me: Hi mom.

Mom: Hello Harmony. So how was your first day of school?

Me: Eh, it could have been better.

Mom: What do you mean by that?

Me: Well, I was mostly listening to music and groaning at everything that happened, but yeah. I'm going to bed mom.

Mom: Ok sweetie. Goodnight.

I flew to my room and took a shower, them slipped on my blue pajama and threw myself to bed looking at the ceiling thinking about what happened today, until I fell asleep.

Hey Guys! Admin here! This is my first story that I'm doing here, so I hope you guys like it! I'll be posting more soon!

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