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Harmony's POV

It was him. The one in the lunchroom line the other day. He was right in front of me. ..W-what am I going to do?! What am I going to say?! I wish somepony could help me nooow...

???: Helloo?? Earth to Harmony!*shakes hoof in Harmony's face*

Harmony: Eh? What? ...Oh God I'm sorry! I-it won't happen again!

???: No need to sweat it. After all, it was my fault. I had my headphones on, heh.

Harmony: ..Oh..well..o-okay.. Wait, h-how do you know my name?!

???: Heh, I have my ways... *smirks*

That scared me a little..

Pyrus: ...But to make it fair, I'll give you mine. Name's Pyrus *winks*

Harmony: N-nice to meet you Pyrus..

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God

Pyrus: Hey, you alright? Your face's kinda red..

Harmony: Oh no I'm fine! I'm totally fine! Why wouldn't I be fine? It's not like every time that I s-see you I- *covers mouth*

Mimi: You whaaat~?

Harmony: Eek! When did you get here?!

Mimi: About a minute ago :). *whispers* And I can see that you found somepony quite...special.. *smirks*. Anyways, hello colt whose name I don't know! *waves at Pyrus*

Pyrus: Name's Pyrus. Nice to meet ya *lifts hoof high in the air waiting for a high-five*

Mimi: Ooh~ *High-fives Pyrus*

Great. Now I feel left out for some reason -.-

Harmony:Oh, I almost forgot about my things..that fell....to the floor.

Pyrus: I'll help you with that *gets down and takes the dictionary and the case* here  *gives it to Harmony*

Harmony: T-thanks...

There was akward silence after Pyrus gave me my things...

Mimi: ...Sooo, are we going to the lunchroom Harmony?

Pyrus: So you're going over there too, huh? I haven't seen any of my pals, so I'll go with you two.

Harmony: O-ok then..!


"So what now?" Said Pyrus sitting in front of me. Thank goodness that Mimi's sitting besides me, because I would probably start to freak out the moment he sat on the table. Not that I'm already freaking out by Pyrus sitting in front of me or anything... "Well I don't know..." I said shyly. "Oh, I know what to do!" Said Mimi lifting her hoof high in the air, which made her glass of juice almost fall out of the table. "W-what is it then?" I said not trying to sound desperate. I mean, I want to talk about something, but I don't know what can we talk about... Man I'm terrible at this...

Mimi: We can get to know each other! Like, that's basic for talking to somepony you don't know!

Harmony: O-oh, r-right.. *chuckles nervously*

Pyrus: So this is like a reunion then?

Harmony: Yeah..I-I guess so...

Pyrus: ....

Harmony: ...

Pyrus: Nice!

Harmony: (phew!) *faintly smiles*

Mimi: Yeah! That way we can get to know each other secrets and it'll make my job much, much easier... *chuckles evilly*

Harmony: What the heck Mimi O.O

Mimi: I-I mean nothing! First question! Anyone???

Pyrus: Hmm... How old are you? It's the first thing that came to my mind.

Harmony: I-I'm fifteen.

Mimi: I'm also fifteen!

Pyrus: Cool! I was fifteen, I recently turned sixteen. Who's next?

Mimi: Me! Me! Okay, I've been kind of dying to know this Harmony so, what does your cutiemark mean?

Harmony: O-oh, my cutiemark? Well..when I was a filly, I really loved seeing those amazing musicians play back when I was living in Cloudsdale, and my mom decided to buy me a piano. At first I didn't even knew how to read the music notes, but my mom hired a private teacher to help me. She was very kind to me and always helped me on every doubt that I had. Then one day I had to present the "Fur Elise" by Beethoven on the same theathre that I saw the other ponies play. I was really nervous... B-but when I started playing, it felt like there was nopony around me! I truly felt so alive playing it! I played every single note right! It was truly one of the best moments of my life! And when I finished, everypony was cheering for me, even my mom! And, and- .... So yeah.. *smiles akwardly*

Mimi: That's awesome!

Pyrus: Seems pretty cool Harmony, I would like to hear you play sooner or later. I'm not that into classical music, but I do know who's Beethoven *winks at Harmony*

Harmony: Oh, um, sure! W-why not... *slighty blushes*

Mimi: I got mine because I used to sing a lot in my house, and my parents heard me and said that I sang beautiful! So they took me to take singing classes, but I was a teensy tiny bit shy, so I didn't give my full potential. In my school activities I ended refusing to get up on stage or slighty crying. But on a Karaoke night, I got tired of crying and not singing how I used to, so went upstage, and began singing with my eyes closed. Being honest, it was pretty awesome! I finished singing, and I really felt confident!

Harmony: That's really nice Mimi!

Pyrus: And there's me, a colt who's really good in techno music, heh.

Mimi: Don't worry silly, everypony has their own likings!

Harmony: Techno music,you say?

Pyrus: Yeah, techno music. I've always been into DJ stuff and those kind of music, so one day I thought "why not try it?" And, well, I got a huge set of DJ stuff, and let's say that it's my thing now.

Mimi: ..Still don't get why your cutiemark's a skull.

Pyrus: You should hear my music. It's to die for.

Mimi: ...Ooh I get iiiit~

Harmony: Seriously?!

Pyrus: What? Not a fan of jokes? *smirks*

Harmony: No! I am! I mean...! Forget it.... (You and your funny jokes -_- ...)

*bell rings*

Pyrus: You know what Harmony? I like you. We should hang out more. You too Mimi. So, I'll give you my number. *gives Harmony his phone number*

Harmony: O-oh.. O-okay!

Pyrus: I have to go now. See you later!

Mimi: See you later also!

Pyrus stood up and left for his next class. "Mission accomplished. Great job agent H." Said Mimi with her purple glasses on with a serious face. "Oh shut up Mimi" I said slighty pushing her which made her laugh. H-he just gave me his number. He wants to hang out more with me. With me. Why am I stressing out so much for just a colt?! It's just a crush... Right?

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