"Reunion Part 2"

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Harmony's POV

"Woah Kurumi, your room looks.... Like you.." I said while looking at all of those anime related posters plastered on all the four walls of the rooms. In one of the corners, I saw some plastic skulls just lying there, and some red paint on the wall,and I have to admit, they look pretty real. VERY real being honest 😰. " Ooh~ Where did you get those skulls and red paint? They look SO real.." Said Mimi as she poked one of the skulls on the floor with her front hoove. "I- um- uh... I found them at Party City" said Kurumi, and that stutter she did..made me rethink what she said. Aand there's no Party City around in this area...😨 What if those are real?! ...I have to tell Mimi, like ASAP! Moments later, I took Mimi's hoove and pulled her aside.

Harmony: Hey Mimi... I don't think those skulls are fake..."

Mimi: Don't worry Harmony, Kurumi already said that she bought them and the red paint on Party City! I wonder how much it costed though... Oh well! Let's get back to Kurumi!

Harmony: O-ok....

After that, Mimi came running and jumped on the bed, making Kurumi almost fell to the side. Almost. Why do I put such importance to that word? Because the moment she started falling to the side of the bed, she quickly regained balance and bounced back to the bed. Skulls and red paint, good reflexes...
I don't like this....

"So! Shall we begin answering these questions?" said Mimi smiling in excitement. She looked really happy.

Question 1:

Do you have any friends?

Mimi: So, do you Kurumi? 'Cause I already that Harmony does~

Kurumi: I had one.

Harmony: W-what do you mean you had one...?

Kurumi: He's dead.

Mimi: Can I ask how did he die? Only if you feel comfortable saying it :).

Kurumi: I ate him. I MEAN-

Harmony: YOU WHAT?!

Mimi: Ok... Not what I was expecting....

Harmony: Great, now we have a cannibal as a "friend". Wait, don't tell me that those skulls and thingies are-

Mimi: Harmony, don't be so rude to her! Everypony has their likings..! *cough* I think. *cough* Buuuut, I have a question for you Kurumi.

Kurumi: ....

Mimi: Can you please let us live? *laughs nervously but quickly stops*

Kurumi: ....Sure. I don't take mares.

Harmony: ....ok then.. But what if she takes FILLIES?!

Mimi: ...Next question!

Question 2:

What are your favorite things to do with your friends as a hobby?


Mimi: Sooo? You wanna say something Harms?

Harmony: ...I only have one friend.. Which is you... And now Kurumi... I think... And we haven't got time to actually do something together...

Mimi: Aren't you forgetting soomeone~?

Harmony: Oh, right! P-Pyrus.... *slightly blushes*

Kurumi: That face of yours says otherwise *smirks*

Harmony: H-hey! Quit it!

Mimi: *snickers* Even Kurumi knows!

Harmony: Mimiiii!!

Kurumi: ...Guess we'll leave this question for later..

Question 3:

How did you end up in this school?

Oh no. Why did they have to put that question?! I don't want to remember what happened there, even though I had a nightmare about it today. Still, I don't want them to know. It would probably change their way of seeing me.... I can't tell them. I can't.

Wait....what am I saying? They're my friends! Well at least Mimi and now Kurumi. Even though Mimi sometimes acts creepy and Kurumi eats ponies and stuff... I trust them.

Mimi: So Harmony, why did you come to this school???

Harmony: ...*sigh* It's a long story.

Kurumi: We have time. It's 7:45 pm.

Mimi: Come on Harms, you can trust us!

Harmony: ...O-okay.......Back at my old school in 9th grade, I was quite confident at talking with everypony in the classroom and while talking in front of the classroom during reports and stuff. Until one day... It was a report about your favorite thing. Pretty easy. I stood up, and as soon I started talking about the piano being my favorite instrument, everypony began saying rude and hurtful things at me. The teacher told the students to stop, and they did. Until I got out of that room. They started calling me crybaby, because I ran out of the classroom crying. Eventually that spread throughout the whole school, even the leader of a group of girls that were kinda...popular I guess? Anyways, they started bullying me with that awful nickname. Soon the whole school called me like that. And... I couldn't bear with it anymore. I told my mother to change me from school, and she did. And I finished here.

Kurumi: ...Damn.

Harmony: ..Yeah..

Mimi: Wow Harmony, I never though that could've happened to you..

Harmony: .....

Mimi: Don't worry Harms, now you have us, and we'll make sure that nothing bad ever happens to you! ;)
I can finally get rid of SO many things... *laughs quietly*

Harmony: ......Ooook then..

Kurumi: ...What the heck....

Mimi: ...What?

Harmony: N-nothing. But thanks... Thanks really :).

Kurumi: ....I came to this school because..... I... need education for going to Japan.

Mimi: And I came to this school because I wanted to! *smiles at Kurumi*

Harmony: .....I don't think you're helping.

Mimi: Oops, sorry. *faintly smiles*

Kurumi: You should be going. It's already 8:00 pm, and I don't want my brother seeing you two here.

Mimi: Oh, so you live with your brother???

Kurumi: Yeah, he only comes at night to get some stuff and then leaves again.

"Okey Dokey! See you on Monday Kurumi!" Said Mimi and hugged Kurumi, followed by getting off of the bed. "...um.. Goodbye I guess?" I said. "I understand if you're not comfortable with me." said Kurumi, with a little of sadness on her face.
"I'm not! It's just that.. you know..."
I tried hiding my face under my mane, a streak of hair falling out of place. Kurumi moved near me and fixed back to place the streak of hair that just fell out. "It's okay, don't worry" said Kurumi, and for some reason she acted... kind to me. But she quickly went back to her serious self again. Strange... Anyways, I got out of her bed, took a last look around Kurumi's room filled with the anime posters and those skull thingies, and went back to my home in Mimi's car. "See you on Monday Harms! We'll continue this next Saturday!" said Mimi and closed the door. .....This job is coming out good, I think. I mean, Kurumi's not that bad either...

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