The Seven Dwarfs

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I look down at the paper Leon gave me to look for my room but I couldn't find it. Finally I ask a maiden who works here and walked me to my room as I open my door, my room looked like a luxury full of expensive money bought.

"I wish I can live like this forever."
"You can if you want."says Leon.
"Oh, hey."

Me and Leon stare at each other in silent with a awkward atmosphere out of know where we both start to laugh. As we laugh I look over to my side and see a beautiful picture of a women I didn't know.

"Wow, she's so beautiful who is she?"
"That's mom. She passed away sixteen years ago."
"Oh, I'm so sorry."
"That's alright, I mean she gave something very important to us."
"Like what?"
"Oh nothing um you should start unpacking."
"Unpacking? I don't have a luggage."
"Oh that's right, since you don't have any other clothes to wear you can wear the castle edition."
"Castle edition?"

Leon snaps his fingers. Three thousand maidens came in dressing and putting makeup on me.

"She is finished your majesty."

"Wow you look.....Amazing."
"Thank you, but these clothes are really tight."
"That's alright you'll get use to them, follow me!"

I follow him while almost stumbling every time I walk.

"And this is the ball room where we have our parties."
"Wow so open spaced."
"Yes, do you want to learn ball room dancing."
"Alright, come on in Caleb."
"Aren't you the one..."
"You've met before."
"No your majesty."
"Oh alright, now Caleb you'll be Lily's partner while I'll be eating some cheese you may start the music."

Caleb bows and I grab his hand.

"I'm sure I've see you before, oh your the one who I saw in the hall."
"No you must be mistaken."
"I'm sure that it is."
"Please milady forget about me and you ever meeting."
"Cause a royal and..."
"A royal and what?"
"It's nothing never mind."
"All of you are acting quite weird."
"First Leon comes and saves me not with coincidence, the King cries in front of me a girl who he's never seen ever in his life, and now you and the guards who secretly keeping secrets."
"Really it's nothing, you don't need to know what is going on right now in this world."

Caleb and I dance till the song ended. Me and Caleb bowed to each other and went separate ways.

"How was the dance?"
"Fun but my partner was kind of a downer."
"Oh I'm sorry Caleb's not the talking type he's more of the quiet action type and plus his history was a tragic."
"His mother and father died in front of him during a big war. I accepted him as a guard because even though he had a tragic past his eyes showed more bravery than any solider or guard that I ever accepted as a underling."
"No wonder."
"Deep down I can feel his courage and his sacrifice to protect you and this whole kingdom. You've found a great underling."

I smile at Leon and walk to my room. Staying back with Leon he walks to his mothers picture.

"Mother I can't believe I got to see her again, it's been sixteen years. Finally, Finally we found my little sister."

"What did Caleb mean when I shouldn't know what's happening to this world?"
"Do you really want to know?"
"Who's there?"
"If you really want to know go to the abandoned library."
"Tell me who are you?!"
"Go to the abandoned library."
"Abandoned library. What's that?"

I put on my regular clothes and head to the library.

"Oh hello may we help you."
"Oh no thank you just looking for some history."
"If your looking for history it's is down the aisle."
"Thank you."

I walk to the history aisle and by chance I saw the book of old time Krystal Kingdom. The book says the old library where it was located was in the abandoned forest with dangerous creatures lurking around. I kept thinking to myself whether I should go or not but I made my choice to go. By midnight I sneaked out of the castle to the abandoned forest. As I walk in I can hear snakes hissing, bats flying, and wolves howling under the moon. From behind me I heard something behind me breathing deeply and fast. My heart starts to beat fast and faster than I couldn't take it anymore and my fear overcame itself. I started to run through the forest and found a small cottage up north. I ran to the small cottage closing the door behind me.

"Who might you be?!"
"Don't get angry grumpy, she looks scared."
"Who are you?"
"Where the seven dwarfs silly and this is our home?"

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