Serect Barrier

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"Who are you?"
"We're the seven dwarfs."
"The seven dwarfs as in Snow White the seven dwarfs."
"That is correct, I'm doc, this is grumpy that one is sneezy, he's dopey, this is bashful, he's sleepy, and happy."
"Nice to meet you." Says sneezy.
"Hello." Said bashful.
"Heehehe." Giggled Dopey.
"Good night." Said sleepy.
"How are you?" Wondered Happy.
"Say something grumpy." Says Doc.
"I don't want to." Demanded grumpy.
Doc shakes his head.
"Don't mind him he's you know grumpy."

I smile at them and say,"Hello I'm Lilly stilt, I'm sorry that I entered in without even knocking or even asking it's just, I was scared and I felt like someone was following me." The dwarfs looked at each other and looks at me.

"This forest is legend." Says Doc.
"This forest all around is fear." Grumpy replies.
"What do you mean?"
"This forest is cursed by the evil witch who died sixteen years ago."
"So you mean even though she's gone her powers are still alive."
"Yes. We tried many times to get out of this forest but every time we leave this house, we end up coming back."
"Then that means..."
"Yes Hun, sadly you are trapped in her wounds as us."

I look at them sadly and smile.

"That's alright we can always try again but I'm a little tired is there a room i can rest in."
"Of course, this room use to be snow whites, before when she use to live with us."
"Why thank you Doc, you remind me of the king and a father like."
I kiss him on the forehead and close the door behind me and rest on the bed.

"Is she the one the king has been talking about." Asks Grumpy.
"Maybe, she reminds me of the queen when she was young."
"I miss the queen."
"Don't worry dopey we all miss her."

The next morning I wake early cleaning the dwarfs dishes and clothes feeding all of the animals.

"Oh Lilly your awake." Says Happy.
"Good morning Happy." I said.
"Good morning. Have you been awake for long."
"Oh of course not, this is the usual time I get up."
"This is really early."
"I guess. I mean I'm use to waking up this early."
"You're really something else I'll wash up and help you out."
"Ok. Oh grumpy maybe you should wash up as well and help."
"Why would I do that?"
"It's to bond with each other."
"Look maybe everyone else accepts you but I won't."
"Um...ok, don't be out for long I'm making breakfast."
"Don't be upset Lilly, he's just going through a tough time so please be patient."

All of the dwarfs and I does all of the chores and cooks.

"Breakfast is ready!"
"Oh yum."
"Ah ah ah, did you all wash your hands?"

Everyone takes there hands out.

"Good job boys. Dig in."

The dwarfs quickly finished their meal and didn't save any left for grumpy.

"I guess I'll make a sandwich for him."
"We're sorry we ate all the food."
"Oh that's quite alright."
"Here we go, all done.
"That looks delicious."
"This is for grumpy while I find him can you boys clean."
"Yes ma'am."
"She's just like the queen." Says sneezy.
"Yes she is." Replied bashful.

"Grumpy, oh Grumpy!"
"What do you want?!"
"I made breakfast but everyone ate it all so I made you a sandwich."
"I don't want any."
"Um ok then until your ready to talk I'll leave the sandwich here."
"My wife she passed away along with our child."
"I'm so sorry grumpy."
"That's alright, I'm also sorry for taking my angry out on you."
"That's alright."
"You know you remind me of her."
"Her who's her."
"Your mother."
"My mom, you know who's my mom."
"Of course everyone does."
"Who is she?"
"He name is queen..."
"Grumpy what's wrong? Grumpy?"
"My head it feels like it's being erased."
"Oh no hang on I'll take you back to the cottage. Everyone help!"
"What's wrong?" Asked Doc.
"I don't know grumpy just collapsed out of know where."
"Ok dwarfs get the hot towel, get the room ready, let's go." Demanded Doc.
"Lilly how about you stay out here with dopey and do a look out." Says happy.
"Do you think he'll be okay?"
Dopey shrugs.
"I hope he is."
Dopey hugs me and says,"don't worry grumpy is not that weak."
I smile at dopey and nod.

Suddenly a big wind whirled in front of us like from the beginning but instead of it being a white whirl it was pitch black as if it meant death. Dopey hid behind me and trembled in fear. The whirl stop and appeared a maiden with dark purple hair, gothic makeup and a black trenched coat.

"Who are you?!"
"I'm Catastrophe."
"Catastrophe, who's that?"
"T-T-T-That's the evil q-q-queen."
"The evil queen."
"Yes, not the evil queen in Snow White or sleeping beauty nor any princess except your mother."
"Wait! Who's my mom?"
"The king should've told you by now."
"The king why is he involved?"
"Are you that dense, your his daughter."
"Your wrong I'm not his daughter. You have to be."
"I'm not wrong that's why he cried when he first saw you."
"Why would they abandon their own daughter?"
"They didn't abandon you, you were kidnapped by me."
"What do you mean?"
"The very first day, when your mother gave birth to you I stole killed your own mother and sent you to the human world."

I closed my eyes and felt angered.

"Are you the one that hurt grumpy?"
"Excuse me."
"I said are you the one who hurt grumpy!!!"

I felt hatred inside of me and blasted a powerful magic source. Catastrophe looks at me and smiles.

"What are you smiling about?!"
"You're still weak."

Catastrophe rises up to the sky.

"Thunder temple!"
A shriek of lightning came striking us from below but in the nick of time Caleb saved us.

"What do you think your doing in the forbidden wounds."
"I'm sorry but I need to know what was going on."
"Now you know."

Catastrophe maniacally laughs.
"You, you are the prince underling, finally a challenge."

Caleb jumps up in the slashing catastrophe but of course she doges the attack.

"You can't hide from me catastrophe."

Caleb points his finger behind him and says,"Ninja art number thirty-one melancholy lion roar!"

The attack hit catastrophe.

"Don't you dare think you'll get away from this, you'll rue the day!"

Caleb floats down.

"Are you okay, your not hurt are you?"
"No I'm fine." Replied Caleb,"anyways where's your friend."
"The dwarfs are taking care of him."

Caleb walks in the cottage and heals grumpy. Grumpy and the rest comes out, I smile at them with happiness.

"Thank you Caleb."
Caleb smiles.

I run over to the dwarfs and hug all them all.

I told Caleb the situation we were all in.

"So your saying that where ever we go we can't get out of this place."
"You're an idiot."
"It's clearly that there's a barrier here. See."
Caleb touches the barrier and turns it off.

"Now you'll be able to leave this cottage and come to the kingdom."
"Thank you so much." Says doc.

The dwarfs all hugged each other with joy.

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