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It's been two weeks since the war started I didn't hear anything came back to me. No letters, no warnings, nothing. I couldn't help but think the disadvantages we have on our side. I was worried about everyone but I had to be strong and keep my kingdom from being destroyed so I kept training.

"You know you've been training for five days straight." Says Caleb.
"I can't help it I'm so worried and scared."
"About what?"
"About everything! Whether Leon is dead, that we're all in danger, or even if these dark mages wanted to take over every land and destroy everything."
"Sorry I didn't mean to take all my stress out on you."
"That's alright, I didn't care."
"You know out of every guard I've met your the one I'm closer with."
"That's kind of obvious, I mean I'm your brothers underling for seven years."
"And I've been gone for sixteen years."
"You know out of my life I've never met someone like you." Says Caleb.
"What do you mean?"
"Your stubborn, clumsy, rock-headed."
"Please do not talk about all of my bad points."
"But other than that your also kind, trustworthy, and brave."
"Thank you Caleb you've made my day."

I give Caleb a big hug and go back into the castle. I walk to the library to read books but of course Cinderella, Rapunzel, and Tiana was in the library reading books about the ball, watching lanterns, and a cook book.

"Well hello." Says Cinderella.
"Hi, what are all you of you doing?"
"Well since I was bored and had nothing to do, I want to read a book about a ball I want to present." Says Cinderella.
"And I want to learn how to make  lanterns to fly them at night."
"And I want to go back cooking, oh yum fried shrimp."
"Well good luck with all of that, excuse me."

I walk down to the last book section and look for a book to read. As I searched I see a book that says "Legendary Hero" I grab the book and walk to the table to read. I read the book till the very end and fell in love with it.

"So you picked the legendary heroes." Says Ariel.
"Oh Ariel, why yes I did."
"I read the book as well it was wonderful."
"You also think so."
"Yes it's lovely."
"Do you love the part when Sora saved everyone from these heartless?"
"Of course, did you like Se7en when he was destroying the evil dragon of darkness."
"That one was the best."

Me and Ariel laughed and smiled at each other. I then look to the ground with a melancholy face.

"Are you still worrying."
"Yes I can't stop thinking about everything."
"That's alright, it's been two weeks we were bound to worry sooner or later."

Ariel grabs my shoulder and smiles. From a far distance a horse cried running over to the palace, a guard was holding Leon in his arms. Leon was covered in blood and was severely injured. I rushed out to look if he was alright.

"What happened?"
"Magnificent that's what happened."
"Oh no." Says Aurora.
"Can any of you do something?" I ask.
"I'm sorry we're just princesses." Says Cinderella.
"I think i can do something." Says aurora.
"Really you can heal."
"Not me, but they can." Said Aurora.

The three guardian fairies came out.

"Oh my, how awful." Says the blue fairy.
"Ok girls let's do this." Says the pink fairy.
"My this injury is to deep we need a mage to help heal this wound." Says the green fairy.
"Oh Caleb. Wait here let me tell him."

I rush into the castle looking for Caleb, in his room, outside in the garden, or even the armor room. He was no where to be found.

"Oh there you are Caleb come we need your help!"

Caleb and I rushes outside seeing Leon losing a lot more blood than before.

"Are you this Caleb person." Says the pink fairy."
"Um yes."
"Ok put your hands above his injury." Says the green fairy.

Caleb puts his hands on top of Leon and heals him with his powers but it wasn't enough to heal him. The fairies helped Caleb with healing but more blood kept falling. I wanted to cry thinking that my own brother is dying in front of me after all these sixteen years. I got up and say across from Caleb.

"What are you.."
"Don't worry if you can do this, then so can I."

I held my hands out in front of me and healed Leon with all five healers, Leon breathed peacefully again and was sent to his room to rest. After three days of full sleep, Leon finally opens his eyes.

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