Chapter 7

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Dean closed his eyes and focused solely on his words.  "Castiel," he murmured, "if you can hear me, we kind of need your help.  So... please answer."

Suddenly, a flapping sound rang out through the room and a man stood behind Dean.  "Hello Dean," he said in a gruff voice. 

Dean jumped around to Castiel.  "Cas," Sam said, walking over to them.  "We need your help."  Sam looked back at me concernedly, making Castiel turn to me.

Castiel's head tilted and his eyes stared in wonder.  He slowly walked past Dean and Sam and came up to me.  When he was in front of me, he gazed down at me.  His eyes narrowed, inspecting every inch of me to the point where I started getting chills.  Finally, he blinked in amazement and looked at a loss for words. 

"I can't believe it," he whispered to himself, his eyes never leaving mine.  I swallowed nervously, suddenly feeling naked. 

"Cas, what is it?" Dean asked.  Sam and Dean came behind Cas, watching us both.

Castiel shook his head as if he couldn't explain it, but I saw it in his eyes- he knew exactly what I was.  I just didn't know if it was a bad thing or a good thing.  "What is your name?" Castiel asked me, ignoring Dean.

I looked at Sam and Dean, and they both nodded at me.  "Briseis," I almost whispered. 

Castiel pursed his lips and nodded his head.  "That's what I thought," he said to himself.  Then he turned around to Sam and Dean. 

"Well," Sam pushed impatiently.  "Do you know what she is?"

Castiel nodded again.  "Yes," he answered emotionlessly.  "She's a destroyer."

"A what?" Dean asked unbelievably.

Castiel sighed and looked back to me.  He stepped back and faced all three of us.  "A destroyer," he repeated.  "It's a very powerful species.  I thought they were extinct, but I suppose not."

"What can we do?" I asked.  My heart was starting to speed up by now.

"Well, your species was built a long time ago," Castiel started.  "At first, you were created to help God with the destruction of the things he felt needed to vanish.  You were the ones who burnt down Sodom and Gomorrah."

My mouth dropped open.  This wasn't true. 

"What I don't understand is how you haven't found your mate, yet?" Castiel asked, incredulous at the thought.

My mouth opened even wider.  "My mate?" I spit.  My heart was about to stop.

"Yes," Castiel said.  "Your species was built in pairs.  When you two found each other and decided to stay together, you were able to go off and live normal lives until you died."

"Woah woah woah," Dean interrupted.  "You mean to tell us that this kid is already supposed to be married?"

Castiel glanced frustratingly over at Dean.  "She's not exactly a kid, Dean," he muttered.  "She's wiser than she looks.  Her species is one of the most powerful ones God has ever made.  They have unlimited knowledge and unbelievable power."

"Wait, if they're this dominant species, then why haven't we heard of them before?" Sam asked.

"Because," Castiel mumbled, "they've kept themselves out of the limelight for quite some time now.  They only show themselves when they want to be shown."

All of this information, it wasn't making any sense.  I was supposed to have a mate, be this extremely powerful being, and have undiscovered knowledge.  None of this seemed right to me.

I stood up abruptly, making them all turn to me.  I shook my head, trying to get all of the thoughts out.  "If we're a peaceful species, then why were we built to destroy?" I exclaimed.

"You were only to use your powers for destruction if instructed by God," Castiel explained calmly, "but since he has left, I guess you can use them for whatever you please."

I was getting worked up.  Maybe it was from the exhaustion or the excitement of tonight, but I wasn't believing any of this.  "You know," I said loudly, "I'm pretty sure when I was ruining that whole town out there tonight, I wasn't doing it for pleasure!  I wasn't in control, but it sure as hell wasn't God speaking to me!"

"You were obeying orders?" Castiel asked suddenly, his eyes anxious.  I nodded my head and crossed my arms, getting that vulnerable feeling again.  "Oh no."

"What?" Dean demanded.

Castiel shook his head briefly, then turned to Dean and Sam.  "This isn't good," he said.  "She's experiencing something that not even I could control."

"Cas, what is it?" Sam almost yelled.  Both of them looked at Cas, eyes wide and chest huffing.  They were as nervous as I was but for different reasons.

"What's happening is going on inside her," Cas explained.  "Since she hasn't found her mate, destroyers experience an inner self that guides them until they can be stopped by their mate.  This power inside her... it's not good.  It will control her and make her do things that could destroy cities.  She could even destroy a whole country if she wanted to."

With the restlessness of the night, I laughed.  "You're joking, right?" I snickered.

"No, why would I joke?" he said seriously.  He turned to Dean and Sam once again.  "In ancient times, the angels were always worried about this.  We always made sure the mates found each other within reasonable time.  If they didn't, they would get controlled by their inner being, forced to kill thousands.  We called it the Phoenix."

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