Chapter 6

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"Wake up."

I jolted awake, my eyes alert and narrow.  There was nothing there.  I looked across the room at Sam's body on the floor and at Dean on the other cot.  They were sound asleep, but something definitely hissed at me.

The urge was back.  I felt my insides pushing me towards a direction, and I had no other choice but to follow.  I stood from the bed quietly and walked weightlessly out of the house and into the front yard.  I stopped a few feet away from the steps and gazed up into the night sky.

My head tilted as a growing warmth inside my body slowly released itself.  I didn't speak or move as the trees and bushes started rumbling furiously around me.  The wind picked up speed to a dangerous rate, but I wasn't hurt.  The clouds darkened above and a small funnel figure surrounded me.  Everything was blowing around me, careful not to touch me like I was controlling it. 

I wasn't.

I knew the wind came from me, but I wasn't in control.  In my head, I had no thoughts but one.  My emotions were shattered and all humanity left me.  I just focused on my task.

I heard cars being slammed against rocks or trees and saw the roofs of houses being ripped apart.  My power was slowly increasing and the damage was getting worse.  Then suddenly, I was being lifted into the air as a bright light shined right on me.  I felt myself go blind for a second as the white light reached me.  But as soon as it came, it was gone.  I fell to the ground, slamming my head, and then slowly blacked out.

 "What are we gonna do?" a familiar deep voice asked anxiously.  I could only hear what was happening, but for some reason I couldn't open my eyes.

A sigh sounded from another person in the room.  "What do you mean 'What are we gonna do'?" another familiar voice challenged.  "We're going to help her.  I mean look at her, she's just a kid."

"Yeah, but we don't know what she is, Sammy," the other one pointed out.  "You saw what she did out there.  You saw the way she acted."

"Dean, it didn't seem like she was in control," Sam fought back.  "She looked possessed."

"Yeah, but she's not possessed," Dean said.  "We already tested her in every way possible, but she seems human.  Well, except for the fact that she just destroyed a whole town out there."

"Dean," Sam insisted, "she's young, she's innocent.  She has no idea about the world she's entering into."

Dean chuckled bitterly.  "Sam, we were younger than her when we became hunters, and we're not so innocent anymore.  I'm not saying we have to knock her out now, but we have to be careful.  One little thing could just set her off."

"Maybe she can train to control her emotions," Sam said hopefully.  "I mean people do it all the time.  It might be harder for her, but she could do it."

"Sam," Dean sighed, getting frustrated.  "We have no clue of what we're up against.  Can we even trust her?"

Sam paused.  "We don't have to trust her," Sam said, "but she has to trust us."

Dean mumbled something I couldn't hear.  "Fine," is all he said.

I was finally able to move my eyelids, but I hesitated.  Dean and Sam had stopped talking, but their conversation worried me.  They were on the fence about me, and if I did something wrong again they would probably kill me. 

I couldn't explain to them about what happened.  I didn't truly know either.  I mean, would they believe me if I said it wasn't "me" out there? 

I hesitantly opened my eyes to see that I was facing the wall.  I slowly sat up and ran my fingers through my hair.  As I turned around, I found that Dean and Sam were watching me very closely.  I think it was safe to say that they ddin't trust me. 

I raised my eyebrows at them, trying to get them to talk.  "What are you doing?" I asked when neither of them said anything.

Both of them hesitated before Sam finally stood up and came over to me.  "How are you feeling?" he asked, concerned. 

"I'm fine," I said, still suspicious of their actions. 

Dean was running his finger over his lower lip, glancing at me and Sam.  "You wanna tell us what the hell happened last night?" Dean blurted.

"Dean," Sam warned.  But Dean ignored him, staring at me.

"Would you believe me if I told you that I don't know exactly what happened last night or should I not even bother with that?" I asked Dean, narrowing my eyes.

Dean couldn't hide the amusement in his eyes as he nodded for me to continue.  "I woke up to a voice," I started.

"What kind of voice?" Sam interrupted, looking into my eyes warmly.

"A kind of hissing," I explained.  "And then before I knew it, I was walking outside like I knew what I was doing- like I was following instructions.  And then the storm came."

Dean stood up and went over to me and Sam.  "You know that wasn't just a normal storm, right?" he asked me.

"Yeah," I answered quietly.  "The storm came from me."

Silence fell over the room.  I had ruined a town without even blinking, and Sam and Dean had no idea of what I was or what I could do.  We were all stuck without an explanation.

"Maybe," Sam broke the silence, "we should call Cas."

Dean pursed his lips and raised his eyebrows, considering it.  "Who's Cas?" I asked nervously.

"Castiel," Dean explained, walking away from us and to the center of the room.  "He's an angel."

"A what?" I breathed.  There was no way.

Dean smirked at me.  "Don't worry," he assured me, "he's a good guy.  And I can't wait to see how he reacts when he finds you."

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