Chapter 4

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"Dude, what the hell?" Josh asked me, his eyes wide.  My mouth wasn't working properly.  I just kept staring at Skylar's cowering body as she gasped for air.  My heart was racing so fast that I wasn't sure I could keep up with it.  "Briseis!"

"What?" I blurted.  I snapped back to reality and gaped at Josh.  Neither of us really knew what to say.  No one really believed I could've done that. 

"Bri, what happened?" he asked sternly.

I looked back to Skylar who was now wrapped up in a blanket.  My body hadn't moved from my seat during the entire incident.  How could I have done it?  "I... I don't know," I stuttered.  It wasn't that much of a lie, but I did know that it was me who choked her.

"Did you see someone choke her?" he pushed me.  "Nathan said he didn't see anyone else with you guys."

I stood up suddenly, startling Josh.  I shook my head, not knowing what I was doing.  "I... I'm sorry," I muttered.  "I should go."  I turned away without another word.

My walk had turn into a slow run as I reached Marissa's car.  She had given me her keys, expecting that she would go home with someone else.  I pulled them out and drove away from the house.

I had no idea where to go, but my mind kept shouting at me not to go home.  And I wanted to listen to it, but I didn't know where else to go.  So I settled for a small diner in the middle of nowhere.

I had some cash in my pockets, and my stomach was grumbling.  I was also in no shape to keep driving so I went in.  The waitress put me at a small booth in the back corner, which was perfect for me because I needed privacy and space.  I didn't want to hurt anyone else.

"What can I get for you ma'am?" the waitress asked patiently.

I took a quick look at the menu.  "I'll have the Chef's Special," I ordered.  I didn't even know what was in it, but it was the first thing I saw. 

The waitress nodded and turned away.  I scooted closer to the wall and laid my head on it.  As I sat there, drained, my head kept flying through the events of tonight.  Skylar suddenly suffocating and the energy that was flowing through me were not normal.

"Hey, are you okay?" a girlish voice asked me.  I opened my eyes to see a dirty blonde staring at me anxiously.  "You seem a little out of it."

I smiled at her.  "Yeah, I'm fine," I lied.  "Just a rough night."

The girl suddenly sat across from me, surprising me.  "I get what you mean," she said.  "I've been trying to track down some old friends of mine, but it just keeps getting harder to find them."

What the hell was she talking about?  I just grinned uncomfortably and looked at the table.  "I'm Becky, by the way," she introduced herself kindly.

"I'm Briseis."  The girl smiled widely and gave off a little laugh.

"So do you want to talk about what happened tonight?" she asked nosily.  "I mean I always feel better when I have a friend to talk to."

I shook my head quickly.  "No, really I'm fine," I assured her.  "It's okay, I promise."

"Oh," she muttered.  Her face dropped, but it quickly brightened again.  "Well, do you mind if I share.  I'm kind of lonely just sitting by myself over there."

I really did mind, but I wasn't about to say so.  "If you want," I mumbled.

"Well you see," Becky started furiously.  "There are these two guys, both gorgeous, who can help me with a little problem that I'm having.  There's been a lot of missing cases around town and I think it's their kind of case, but I don't know how to find them.  I tried calling Chuck, who can kind of tell where they're always going to be, but he wouldn't answer.  But I heard that there was an attack just up the road a few blocks so I assumed that maybe I would find them here."

Oh no.  The incident with Skylar had made the news.  This couldn't be happening.  If they had somehow found out that I had did it, and then ran, I would be in so much trouble.

Becky raised her eyebrows at my pale expression.  I smiled weakly, trying to shake it off, but my mind wouldn't stop thinking about it as Becky kept going on and on.  Now I really couldn't go home.

"Maybe, I could help you look for them," I offered, having no other choice.  "We could go search for a while."

Becky's eyes widened and her lips parted in excitement.  "Are you serious?" she nearly shouted.  "That would be awesome!  Oh, I can't wait.  We could talk all night, and go out on a manhunt.  This is happening!"

Good move, Bri, good move.  "Yeah," I mumbled.  "Who are we looking for exactly?  You got names?"

Becky giggled as if I was being ridiculous.  "Of course I have names!" she exclaimed happily.  "They're names are Sam and Dean Winchester."

I narrowed my eyes at her suspiciously for a moment, making sure I had heard correctly.  "Do you have a picture of them?" I asked, my pulse picking up speed again.

"Duh!" she squealed.  She dug through her purse and pulled out two photographs.  I grabbed them carefully, the momentum picking up.  When I looked at the pictures, I almost laughed.  It was the Sam and Dean from the concert. 

"Of course it is," I said accidentally said out loud.

"What is?" Becky asked, confused.  I shook my head at her and handed her back the photos.  "Well, we better get going.  I just got a text from a friend saying she might have spotted them at a cabin two miles away."

I nodded my head and hesitantly followed her.  This wasn't creepy at all.  But I had no where to go and no where to stay, so she was my only option.  I just hope these guys don't sue us for stalking because I'm already in a bunch of shit.

As we drove through the night, Becky kept talking about the most confusing things.  She said these guys were hunters, but not like regular hunters.  She said they killed demons and monsters.  The way she talked about it, it was hard to believe her. 

None of this was making sense, but then she started telling me about the connections to the missing girls' cases.  That's when my belief radar went higher.  I mean why should I doubt her?  I just suffocated a girl with my eyes.  Nothing's impossible anymore.

"So you're saying that monsters and demons and vampires, they're all real?" I asked skeptically.

Becky nodded her head furiously.  "I know it's hard to wrap your head around, but I swear!  I saw it with my own eyes.  These things are real."

And Sam and Dean's job was to kill these abominations.  None of these monsters sounded like me, but the more I heard about them, the more I started to doubt that I was human.  I didn't know what I was, but if Sam and Dean found out I was a monster, I would be their next prey.

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