My Demons

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Chapter six

I walked into school with no expression, when I got to my locker I placed my stuff inside not caring if I was late or not, as the bell rang I saw Sierra and jade walking towards me giving me dirty looks as the got closer Sierra pushed me into the locker as Jade punched my in the gut, I let out a cry for help no one answered except her. I woke up in an empty class room with Jersey "are you okay" she asked "yeah I'm fine I just have a headache" I said quietly as she nodded in response "it's 12:09" she spoke again "do you want to go get anything to eat" she questioned "no thank you" I said "okay" she replied again "what happened" I questioned "Sierra pushed you into a locker and Jade punched you in the gut" she spoke "oh" i didn't want to react cause i was in to much pain, we walked out of the empty class room and went to our lockers Jersey walking away to talk to her other friends I grabbed my iPod and ear buds and sat on the floor hugging my knees, * hey would yell, they would scream, they were fighting it out
She would hope, she would pray, she was waiting it out
Holding onto a dream
While she watches these walls fall down
Sharp words like knives, they were cutting her down....* the lyrics sang bringing tears to my eyes I could feel my chest getting tighter and my breathing getting heavier suddenly I couldn't hear a thing and I saw all black I screamed help as an anxiety attack began I felt alone and didn't know what to do, I could feel someone trying to help me but I blacked out. Waking up in the nurse's room in the office I didn't know what happened I was alone and it was dark I didn't know if I was awake or asleep "Hayley" she whispered "leave me alone" I cried, the door opening to see Jake on the other side "are you okay Hayley" he said sounding concerned "I'm fine it''s just....never mind" I said looking down knowing he wouldn't believe me. Running out of the nurses room to my locker to get my stuff leaving the school at 2:46 running to the park I always sat at, I sat on the swing and listened to music it was getting late I started walking to the house i currently lived in

(I hate the word Foster home and didn't know what to call it!!) :(

I walked in the door around 7:50, "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU" she screamed "I was at the park" I replied "YOUR FOUR HOURS LATE" she screamed again "sorry" I whispered she smacked me in the back of the head telling me I was grounded, I ran up the stairs ignoring the rude girls at the top, trying to trip me, quickly jumping over there feet finally getting to my small room locking the door dropping my bag on the floor, I tried going to sleep but I was to scared to see "her" again I wish I could be perfect like the rest of the girls in my school, I wish I was normal I thought to myself. Ignoring everything I put both my ear buds in and listened to as I dosed off to sleep.

Complete silence dark and alone whispers and screams, tear stained cheeks and and bloody sheets, "Hayley" she spoke "no one needs you or wants you" she spoke again "leave me alone" I cried "I can't I'm your thoughts running threw that head of yours" she said again "GO AWAY" I screamed no response, it was to dark to see of she left scared that she would come back or try and kill me with my thoughts "Hayley pick it up and end the pain" she said with an evil glare "NO" I spoke trying not to listen to her, but if i didn't listen she would hurt me "NOW" she yelled with anger, I started having flash backs of everything that tried to destroy me, of when I was happy and had bright eyes and a glowing smile but now I'm invisible to everyone, my smile disappeared and my eyes are always blood shot from the crying and Lack of sleep I picked the cold piece of metal from the drawer of my desk and locked myself in the washroom, i removed my bracelets and slid the cold piece of metal across my pale wrists revealing warm blood to drip from the open wound I only touched my skin with the blade four times revealing four new wounds not remembering why I was doing it I threw the blade across the bathroom floor I got up and washed my wrist, raping my wrist with a bandage and cleaning my mess I picked up the blade and flushed it know it wasn't my last one, walking to my bed on the floor and crying myself back to sleep.
*end of nightmare*

Waking up to pain on my wrist and blood stained sheets, not remembering what happened last night my eyes burning from the lack of sleep I get up of the floor and get dressed grabbing my stuff and walking to Jersey's house I got to Jerseys around 12, my birthday is tomorrow Jersey seemed more happy about it then I did, Jersey was blasting hearts upon our sleeve when she answered she greeted me with a hug "I got you a gift" she said with excitement she handed me a small box with a bow I opened it slowly, revealing backstage pass and sound check to 5 seconds of summer I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I looked at her with a smile "THANK YOU" I screamed I stayed at Jersey till it got dark, I got home just in time to pack some stuff for the concert which was tomorrow not that far where I lived.

Thanks for reading guys


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