Chapter 3

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  Chapter 3
My eyes lids slowly opened and I felt arms around me and his chest pressing into my back. I moved slightly. His eyes fluttered open. "Hey" he whispered in his sexy morning voice.
   "Hi" I said with a smile.
       As he stroked my hair he softly asked "How are you feeling."
    "Much better." I said when I leaned into his strong chest.
   He pulled me into a secure hug  "Are you ready to meet the team?"
    "I sure am" I said with a gigantic smile.

      I held Eric's hand on the way to the room that held the entire royals baseball team. We approached the door but before we entered stopped he me and looked at me and simply the words, "I'm right here if you need me."
     "Oh hey Hozzie Boy" Said mike but right after a confused look crossed his face. I could only assume it had been because of me holding the gigantic left hand of his best friend. Before mike could say anything Eric stopped Him "every one this is Angel,my, uh, well girlfriend."
    Wait what? Did he just say what I thought he just said? His girlfriend?!
"Hey guys" I said super awkwardly. But on the bright side all of the guys were super accepting of me. Mike walked up to me and my new boyfriend and laughed while he said "Hoz you finally snagged one!" Mike turned to me lifted me off the ground and hugged me. "Welcome to the family Angel" said mike. Then he set me back on the ground. Out of the corner of my eye a stocky man was walking over to me. It was Salvador Perez!!!!! 
  "Hello Friend" Perez said in his strong Venezuelan accent.
    "Hey bud" I said playfully with a smile
      "Have you you met the entire team?"
    "No I haven't but I've met Cain, Mike, you and of course Eric."
   "Ok but you absolutely have to meet Alcides (a.k.a eskey) Come on let's go say hi."

    We walked over to Alcides. He was sitting in a corner reading his interview in a magazine that he had done over a month ago. I walked up slowly to him. "Eric really likes you, like, a lot" said Alcides in a hushed tone.
   "He does?" I said questioning his previous statement.
      "Angel, he will not shut up about you" he said with a slight smile.
      I blushed. I didn't know what to say. Eric Hosmer the first baseman is my boyfriend. The thought of me and him together rendered me speechless and out of breath. "Wow" is all I could say.
     He looked deep into my eyes and put on his serious face. "Believe it or not I have never seen Eric have a bond with a girl that fast. Ever. It blows my mind. And Eric is a really sensitive guy under all that rough guy exterior. You have the ability to hurt him. I have faith that you won't ever use that ability."
  "I would never hurt him" I said as Alcides drug me into a hug and he whispered in my ear "I know you won't."

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