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time skip to thursday and im writing this in michaels pov because im too lazy to write in third

to say i was excited to see calum was an understatement. i already talked to luke and i will be picking calum up from school on friday, and that we will get the apartment to themselves. i bite the inside of my cheek and bounce my leg, trying to focus on the teacher meeting that is going on.

"mr. clifford?"

i look up, hearing my named being called out by the principal. "yes?"

"could you please tell us how many kids are failing your class," she says to me and and before i can speak the gym teacher, mr. steel, does.

"could you also tell us how many students have suck your dick?" he says lowly and i turn towards him, glaring.

"three are failing," i announce and turn towards mrs. stone.

"wonderful, you all may leave, except mr. steel," mrs. stone says and i shove my chair back, not bothering to push it back in, and speed walk to my car.

i start car, and check to make sure there is a full tank of gas, and start my drive to maryland.

seven hours later

i park the car in the apartment parking lot, leaning the seat back. i get as comfortable as i can in my seat and drift off to sleep.


i jolt awake to the sound of someone tapping on my window, and that someone happens to be luke. i rub my eyes and open the door, stepping out and stretching.

"hey luke," i say, pulling him into a hug. he hugs back and i go back into my car, pulling out my duffle. i shut the door and follow luke into the building. after a silent elevator ride up to the apartment, luke finally speaks.

"so hows everything with you and cal?" luke asks as he pushes open the door to a modern apartment.

"everythings going great. wheres cals room?" i ask.

"first last door on the left."

"thanks," i tell him and open the door, revealing a plain white room with sparse furniture. i set my duffle down and take out a pair of basketball shorts and a cut off and crawl underneath the covers of calums unmade bed, and smile at the all too familiar scent of him. i grab my phone and set an alarm for noon, hoping ill get enough sleep by then.

i wake up to the shrill noise of my alarm, and look at the unfamiliar surroundings. it hits me that i am in calums room and i smile, shutting off the alarm and getting out of bed.

i walk down the ha into the living room and see luke playing fallout 4 and using a pip-boy.

"woah, where did you get a pip-boy! those things sold out in like a day!" i exclaim and like laughs.

"seventeen hours actually. wanna play?" i nod my head frantically and sit next to him, taking the controller and gluing my eyes to the screen.

after several hours of playing fallout 4, luke and i finally shut off the xbox one and i rub my eyes, tired from staring at the screen. i check my phone and my eyes nearly fall out of my head, seeing the time.

"fuck! how far away is the school from here?!" i say to luke, trying not to shout.

"not too far, if you speed a little you should be able to be there in five minutes," like tells me and i nod, grab my phone, and run out the door, forgetting shoes.

i hop into my car and type the address into my phone, seeing the school isnt too far away. i speed to the school, finding a spot not too far from the front of the building. i get out of my car and walk to the front of the building, but stand back far enough. i run a hand through my freshly dyed red hair (i nearly cried when i saw the tweet) and rocked back onto my heels, waiting for calum. i hear the shrill noise of a bell and students start to trickle than flood out of the building, and i awkwardly stand bare foot, waiting for calum. i see him walk out of the school next to a girl who is not too much shorter than him with short brown hair.

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