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"You are the best thing that's ever been mine."

Taylor Swift, Mine

August 9, 2013

     This day should be perfect, perfect as my relationship. This was the day I said yes to him, the biggest YES I have had said in my entire existence, it is our anniversary today and best wishes for me that this day will go as plan. Hate to be a control freak but this is my first relationship, I want to be in control to what will happen, I want to celebrate this special moment with the person I love. My mobile alerted me that I have a message from Justin, my boyfriend, Rise and shine boo (that's our call sign "boo") can't wait to see you, you, and you. Don't be a judgmental freak, me and my boyfriend don't see each other every single day, we both go to different schools and so we have Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays to meet. We're both on top in our classes and so we don't usually go meet up and mark absent in our attendance at school, but luckily today, on our first anniversary, it's TGIF! Thank God it's Friday!

     I got my things ready for school and before I left I messaged him with: Morning boo! So, so exited for today, I la-la-love you! With a KISS-emoji and with that I left for school.

      This day is filled with magic. You can literally feel the existence of love in the air, Cupid as the manifestation of Love shooting arrows to the people walking to their day to day lives. Birds chirping, wind blowing singing to me another form of love song, trees dancing and waving their branches at me, would this day be more perfect? Totally!

     "You're smiling from ear to ear, you give me the creeps," it came from Samantha, my best friend. While I am a hopeful romantic, she on the other side is a bitter person, she sees the world negatively. Not with the black-and-white-before-the-existence-of-color-TV but she doesn't see love, if I see love she sees flies flying in the air spreading what their feet is carrying. "Like Joker creep," I rolled my eyes on her but stilled the smile on my face, "shut up Sam, you're just jealous because you don't have a relationship." Ha ha ha, there goes her theatrical laugh which begins the horrible, horrible things she is about to say about love... as a good friend, I am willing to listen to her sad plea to Venus asking for love. "'Relationship,' maybe relationshit." And she begins her bittering which is obvious that she is just in need of someone to love her more than just a friend.

      "So what's up with your killer-smile? Are you planning on killing Justin already? I want in, byotch."

      "Not kill him, more likely love him more. It's our anniversary today."

      "Ew, totally gross... brutally mother fudging love, this is creepier than Death. Anyway... what's an 'anniversary'?"



      I couldn't believe that someone who's bittering about love doesn't know a thing about anniversaries; I mean it should be in their Hate Vocabulary 101 subject for them to give huge hatred about love. "It's a thing for lovers to be celebrated every year," simple but romantic, that's how you should live your life... with love. Totality of love equals negative square root of negativity. "That thing still exist? Wow, just wow, it's so pathetic for the people to think that celebrating something for it is passed for a year means something... idiots, there's this something that is called breakup - look it up big girl."

      "You're such a meanie."

      "I'm reality, darling. You don't possible believe that he will be celebrating with you, right?"

      That question got stuck in my head, like a broken record in a continues play, he never replied to my reply to his text, I did receive a morning text but not an I love you, is this day normal for him? Am I the only one celebrating anniversary? Now, thinking about it, he's been cold to me lately... forgetting to say I love you in our texts - I don't want to think about bad things but Samantha is an oracle who usually sees what may happen, and what she foretell does happen.

      The day pass like a blur, I've been thinking about what Sam told me and what may really happen, class is over and Justin and I will be meeting. Would he greet me Happy Anniversary or would this day be like the normal days we meet? I prepared myself; fix myself before I left the room when I found Sam waiting for me. "I wanna grab some Mexican food," she grab me out towards the school field where there's a Mexican Truck selling Mexican Foods and Mexicans serving the food. "I told him it's your favorite." With those words Justin appeared, with a Mexican hat on his head and bouquet of roses with chips. "This might not be your perfect anniversary but this is you, I am celebrating you. Happy anniversary."

      "This is perfect, happy anniversary to us."

      I thought that there will be a dinner under the stars, love song playing as we eat, balloons spelled to our shipped name but this is perfect, he told me that he really intentionally acted cold on me so I would doubt him and Sam made a special effort to be extra bitter that day so I will cry myself thinking that Justin don't love me anymore. It did work, they prank me and I almost thought that this day is nothing special for Justin.

     I was wrong, bless be the angels guarding me.

     After that grand anniversary surprise we went to the park and sat by the pond where feathered fish swam (ducks), our fingers intertwined, and my back on his chest as we appreciate the silence together with only our heart beating to a rhythm in our ears. Stars look down on us and we look up at them, "I immortalize us into constellations together with the stars, with every person to look up in the sky they would see us and feel the love that keeps us as one."

     "And where is that coming from?"

     "I am Cupid."

     "Am I Psyche?" I asked him, I didn't see it but I know that his reply is a smile; I am Psyche and he is Cupid. "And so as our story, we will stay together forever."



Promise all over again, "promises are meant to be broken and lies are meant to be kept" said by H.L. Mencken, in this quotation I agree. Nothing last forever, for its existence is only imaginary. I'm sorry, but this is the truth.

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