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You make me smile you make me cry
I still dont know why

How can I have feelings for you
When I know your love wont stay true

I try to hide the hurt and fear
Even if you put my heart in gear

I cant let you inside
I always have to hide

No one knows whats in my heart
I fear if I am with you it will tare us apart

Your smile lights up a room

And from my heart it removes the gloom

I no longer see it in black or white
I know with you there is no future in sight

I wish I could tell you how I feel
But my heart has been sealed

Never to tell a living soul
Or my heart would be a hole

I have secrets I cant tell
Sometimes they make me want to yell

For now I will hurt inside
But someday I will abide

For today we will stay friends
Until the day it will transcend

To darkness it shall fall
Until you wont trust me at all

On that day I shall end
But for now lets just stay friends

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