Team Hybrid, Reality- Al3x

14 2 2

((Very unpopular group, but hopefully you'll get to know us!))

CCD- Cowscantdance

MMX- Al3x

Bnemesis- Bnemesis

Minesis- MorganRoberson

Merlyn- Merlyn_ml


Can you imagine what it'll be like when we grow up?

When we can finally make these dreams a reality?


Me too.

When we can finally take control and at least have a little say on our lives?

I can see it now.

All of the ideas we've had saved up over the years, all of the projects and paintings.

All of the crafts we've planned to hang on the fridge.

And all of the little plastic flower pots we've made?

I call making a shelf for them on the wall.

All of the pictures we've saved?

We can build the things ourselves.

With practice of course.

We've got this down.

I'm ready for it.

Let's do it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2016 ⏰

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