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4. Chapter 4
Pulling Me Through

Chapter Four

Andy's POV

It was the most amazing feeling in the world to wake up and see Riley snuggled up beside me. Something hit me though. She was holding my hand so tightly that I was almost sure that she was having a nightmare. I pulled her closer to me, if that was even possible but somehow I managed it. She seemed to settle slightly but she was still slightly distressed. I looked over to the clock and it was 8:00 am already. I could wake her up now. I shook her slightly and her eyes shot open. She was frantic and whimpering and clung to me even harder.

"Oh Andy" She whimpered.

"Ssh babe it's ok" I soothed. I mentally kicked myself again. I had to learn to cut it out with this whole babe thing. Her soft hair was tickling my nose and I could smell her shampoo, I liked the smell of it. She almost made me feel like fainting. I never wanted to sound cheesy when I was in a relationship but I could honestly swear that at the minute she is the only thing holding me to this earth.

"I love it when you call me babe" She sighed. She had started calming down now and hearing her say those few words made my heart swell.

"I'll call you it all the time if you want me to" I whispered. Before I knew it the door was open and everyone in the band was in my room.

"Hey dude band practice" Jinxx said. He was looking at Riley a little more that I wanted him to be and for a moment there it was making me angry. I didn't want to be angry at Jinxx but right now he was staring at my girl. I don't believe I just said that. Why would I ever try and claim a girl? That's not what I'm about at all. At the minute my anger for Jinxx suddenly turned on myself. I mentally shook myself and returned to normal.

"I'm coming" I muttered. I got out of bed and quickly pulled on a hoodie and brushed my teeth and by the time I got out of the bathroom Riley was already standing there fully dressed.

"I'm a quick dresser" She explained when I gave her a questioning look. Jinxx was already by her side and looking at her again.

"Hey gorgeous" He joked. My anger suddenly coursed through me again. I know he was only being friendly but somewhere deep inside there was a feeling that maybe he liked Riley slightly more than that. I really didn't want him to.

We were downstairs in a flash and everything was already set up so I took my place behind the mic stand. I sighed to myself and plunged into all your hate. It was great to sing again. I know that I had sung yesterday but so much had happened since yesterday that it had felt like years since I had truly sung. I was just glad that after this band practice I wouldn't find Riley miserable in a corner again.

I could feel the lyrics just come to my lips naturally and before we were even thirty seconds into the song the sound was coming from smiling lips. Jake was seemed to be a lot more excited than he normally is at band practice. He was practically bouncing off the walls and surprisingly Jinxx stuck to his spot. When I looked at him closely I felt like screaming at him. He was doing what he normally should but he was staring at Riley intently and whenever he sang it was like a grunt. He was so transfixed by her that he could barely remember the lines. It got me so angry but I didn't want to seem like the jealous type but I soon calmed down when I looked at Riley. She was looking at me like Jinxx was looking at her. It filled me with such warmth that I almost stopped singing. She was mesmerizing. I wanted to take her in and notice every feature. I wanted to be able to see every pore in her skin. I wanted to see every inch of her teeth. She was absolutely amazing and when Jinxx looked at her it broke my heart.

I hadn't even been paying attention to the song but soon everyone stopped playing and I had stopped singing and before I knew it Riley was striding over to me. She was flashing me one of her beautiful smiles that made me melt inside. Her hands were instantly entwined with mine and her head on my chest. I know it's petty but I couldn't help but smirk at the back of Jinxx's head. I knew that if Riley ever found out that I had done that she would probably freak out straight away and dump me, I know I would.

Pulling me throughWhere stories live. Discover now