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Chapter Twenty-Six

One Week Later

Riley's POV

The past week had been boring because Andy still had to go to school. He said that today he would take the day off so he could spend it with me. I had to ring up today so I could get a baby scan. I still didn't have any idea if I wanted to keep it. It would be a huge responsibility and I still wasn't sure if Andy and I could handle this.

When I swung my legs over the edge of the bed I felt Andy's hand grope for my own. I smiled down at him and held onto his hand and watched his eyes flutter open. When his eyes settled on mine he smiled as they flickered down to my stomach and I knew exactly why. He was probably thinking about how his baby is inside there. The only reason I know that is because I think about it all the time every time I look in the mirror and see myself.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me. This was normally the first thing he would say to me every morning. Ever since he found out that I was pregnant he got worried about me all the time. I didn't want to be treat like the invalid of the group but there was nothing I could do to stop them so I just took it and tried not to complain too much about it. I didn't feel like being any more of a bother than I probably already was. It must be boring trying to look after the pregnant girl.

"I'm feeling great" I sighed as I put on a fake smile. I was surprised that Andy couldn't tell it was fake but I didn't think much about it at all. I attempted to get out of bed but Andy's hand felt like it was made of stone and he wasn't letting me out of its grip. I turned around to glare at him in a playful way but he still wouldn't let me out of his grip. I tried to squirm away but it wasn't working and I was only making a fool out of myself.

"Why don't you just stay in here with me?" He asked. When Andy said that we would spend the day together I thought he meant that we would be doing something that requires moving around instead of just lying in bed for the day. I shook my head as Andy pouted at me and then I managed to get away from him and stood across the room just in case he tried to get me to lie down. Andy sat up in bed but he didn't look like he was ready to get out of it and smiled at me. I smiled back even though I really wanted to drag him out of bed.

"We're going out" I stated. I had wanted to visit the outside world because ever since I got pregnant I hadn't been out. It was as though people thought that pregnant people couldn't go outside. I remembered then that we had to make an appointment for a baby scan. Andy didn't know about this because it wasn't really his area of expertise. I took the phone from the little stand on the desk and went back over to the bed with it in my hand. Andy gave me a confused look.

"Why do you need a phone?" He asked. I sighed and pointed to my stomach but he looked even more confused. Why were some people so oblivious to everything around them? I sighed again but got ready to explain.

"We need a baby scan" I said and Andy finally understood what I was talking about. He took the phone out of my hand but I quickly scrambled to get it back out of his hands but to no avail, he got it back.

"I'll do it for us" He sighed but before I could even stop him he was dialling the number and walking away. He went to the bathroom and locked the door before I even had a chance to call him back. I sighed again as I waited for him to come out and when he did he had a smile planted on his face.

"What did you do?" I asked. I was scared to ask in case he done something stupid.

"It's next week at twelve" He said. I sighed in relief as Andy tried to make his way back to the bed but I stopped him from sitting down. He couldn't honestly think that I would let him get away with sitting in bed for the day that easily.

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