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9. Chapter 9
Pulling Me Through

Chapter Nine

Riley's POV

It was the night of the prom! I seriously can't wait to be with Andy tonight. Although there was that whole thing with Scout I really trust him. I imagine Scout was like one of those girlfriends that cling on to their boyfriends. According to Andy she seemed to be a bit of o bitch.

So I'm on my way to the last day of school with Andy, Sandra and CC and Jake and the rest of the little gang are following behind us. I don't really see the point of even going into school today because all we do on the last day of term is stay in form rooms and watch films.

When we arrived at school we went straight to the form room and sat down. The teacher put in the film 'Stand by Me.' I had to suppress a groan. I really didn't like films like this. I was more into the vampire film believe it or not but not Twilight, definitely not Twilight. Andy sat down next to me and put his arm around me. The class bitch named Anna glared at us, well not Andy it was mainly me who got the daggers. I smirked at her and then turned my attention back to Andy. I decided that maybe I should try watching the film; you never know what you might like. It was actually quite good and before I knew it the credits were rolling up. We were supposed to be watching films all day but our teacher told us that we could do what we wanted.

"I just remembered. I don't have a photo of you" Andy said. I groaned. I hated any photos getting taken of my but I agreed to anyway. He pulled out his phone and snapped a photo of us. When I saw it my heart almost melt. His cheek was pressed against mine and my hair fell over his shoulder.

"I love this photo" Andy sighed. I nodded at him then kissed his cheek. I loved him more than the photo though.

When the school day finished I was eager to get home and when I did we made all the boys get ready on one side of the house and the girls got the other. I took a shower and curled my hair. When my hair was finished I put a small black flower in it. I pulled my dress on and Sammi zipped it up. I looked amazing. The only thing I had to do now was makeup and put my shoes on. I put a heavy amount of eye liner on but I still looked nice. I ran the lip gloss on my lips and then I was done. Sammi came into the room and I could have fainted. She looked stunning. She was wearing a blood red dress that swept the floor when she walked and her high heels made her that little bit taller. Sandra came in after and she also looked beautiful. She wasn't wearing dresses like Sammi and me but she was wearing a sort of suit that made her look wonderful. I grinned at her and then slotted my feet in my black sandals before walking out. When we went downstairs the boys were all ready. They were wearing similar suits and they looked amazing. I walked down the stairs and over to Andy.

"You look amazing" he said. He was still wearing his eyeliner and was still looking at me. I picked me up slightly and spun me around. When I turned round Jinxx was holding Sammi's hand and Jake had his arm around Sandra's waist. I didn't know if it was just me but Sandra didn't look too bothered by it.

Andy and I walked to the car and got in while everyone else went in the other car. I saw Ashley run out the house and come up to the car.

"I couldn't miss your big night" he said. He walked into the car and then I noticed that he was wearing a suit. I smiled at him and the Andy started driving.

When we arrived Andy took my hand and we walked in. It was amazing. Andy took my hand and guided me to a seat. He sat with his arms around me until a slow song came on and then before I could stop him I was on my feet dancing.

"Why did you wait for a slow song?" I asked.

"Please I can't dance like a normal person" Andy laughed. I smiled at him and put my head on his chest. We were only swaying but it was the most romantic thing that Andy and I had ever experienced. It could even be more romantic that the date in the woods. It was one of the most amazing experiences in my life. When I looked over Andy's shoulder I could see Sandra and Jake trying to dance but it wasn't going very well. Jake stood on Sandra's foot and we could hear Sandra yelp in pain. Andy turned around and saw what was happening.

Pulling me throughWhere stories live. Discover now