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The Troye chapter:

Troye pulled Connor into the guest room. He needed to tell Connor about Zoella. Troye couldnt bear what had happend. Connor should know that Troye had just killed a possible Zalfie-baby. He had done nothing to stop Zoella from doing it. It was all his fault, he was guilty as hell. His handpalms were sweaty and his heart was beating faster than ever.

" I need to tell you something..." Troye started." I-i w-went w-with Z-zoella t-to an abortioncenter. S-she w-was p-pregnant. Con, i k-killed t-the b-baby. P-please d-dont h-hate m-me."

Connor couldnt process what Troye had said.Troye broke down and started crying. Which soon turned into sobbing, the tears just kept coming. Connor held him in his arms, just like he had done when Troye had started developed feelings for Connor. He felt weak and stupid, why was he always the fragile one? He didnt even know why it effected him this much. Zoella had already made up her mind about abortion, he had done nothing wrong. Or had he? Troye could hear Connor's heart beat and just listened to it. It was relaxing. Connor slowly ran his fingers through Troye's hair.

" Casper has a crush on Joe, but Joe is straight. But stupidly enough Casper admitted his feelings to Joe." Connor whispered. Troye thought about it and he felt bad for Casper. He was so lucky to have Connor, he couldnt imagine a world without being with Connor. He meant so much to him.

" Thank you for always being there for me. I love you." Troye said. It took some minutes before Connor registered what he had just said. He looked up at Connor and kissed him. Why didnt Connor say it back? Didnt he feel the same way? Maybe he really was in love with Tyler? Did Troye say it to early? Troye kept thinking, luckily Joe knocked on the door. They both looked at him.

" We are eating out in an hour, so get ready." With that Joe left. Troye went into the bathroom and opened for the hot water. He took all his clothes off and went into the shower. The warm water ran down his skinny body, he applied the showergel two times. He needed to smell extra good. After the bath he styled his hair. He didnt like it but he went with it. Connor turned around and started blushing.

" You are SO adorable. God, Troye you make it seem so easy." Connor chuckled. Troye started smiling, he felt so comfortable around Connor. Troye crawl over the bed and over to Connor. He placed his hands on Connor's waist from the behind. Connor turns around and kiss him. Their lips are pressed against each other. Connor grab Troye and out of nothing Troye is sitting on Connor's lap. Troye smiles while kissing him. He smells so good and for the first time he is truly happy. Troye kisses Connor down his neck. Connor moans and run softly run his hands around Troye's back. Connor pulls back and sighs.

" We need to go, the others are probably waiting." Troye wanted to say that Connor wasnt being so reasonable. But he didnt say anything. They walked out of the room and saw that everyone was running up and down. Only Casper, Joe, Alfie and Tyler were ready. Tyler and Alfie were talking, but Casper and Joe were both ignoring each other.

" Joe. Can you come over here?" Troye said, he didnt want to interrect with Alfie. He could talk to Joe without stuttering and then everyone would know something was up. So instead he left Connor and went over to Joe. He looked sad and angry at the same time. Troye didnt really knew how to approach to Joe. So he just sat next to Joe, luckily Joe started talking:

" I have never wanted to be gay more than now. I dont want to hurt Casper and i love him. But..." There was it again i love you. Three words, 8 letters and still many people had a hard time saying them. Particularly Connor. Troye zoned out of the conversation he was having with Joe for a minute. He didnt want Connor to just say it back, because Troye had said it. He should say it when he felt ready. But Troye couldnt understand that he was the one to say it first. Connor was the dominating one in the relationship.

" ...I dont know what to do? Should i try to be gay or?" Troye had no idea, what Joe just had said. So he had to come up with some sort of advice. Think Troye think.

" This shouldnt ruin your friendship. I really think you should talk to Casper about this. Ask what he thinks, you shouldnt ignore him like that." He knew the advice was lame, but he didnt know what else to say. Their friendship would never be the same, Casper would daydream about Joe's lips and Joe would be cautious around him. Finally the girls were done and they could go now. They all split up in some caps. Connor, Tyler and Troye sat together.

"Great" Troye mumbled. Connor probably heard it, because he grabbed Troye's thigh.Connor looked into his eyes. He kept staring like he always did when he admired Troye. Troye knew that and he loved it. He felt so special around Connor. He laid his head on Connor's shoulder. He was tired of crying. Tyler whispered something to Connor and he nodded in response. Troye didnt feel jealous, he knew Connor was his. He didnt need Connor to tell him every other second. He was allowed to talk to one of his best friend. So Troye didnt mind, that they were talking to each other. Connor started making small circles on his thigh with his finger. When the cap stopped Tyler and Connor were still talking, Troye wasnt paying attention to them, so he didnt know what they talked about. He lifted his head from Connor's shoulder. They all stood in front of the resturant, because it didnt seem like anyone had arrived.

" Hey. Do you wanna go out with me tomorrow?" Connor whispered into Troye's ear.

" Yeah sure. Where are we going?" Troye whispered back.

" We could take the train to London. See London Eye and maybe shop a bit. I dont really care where we are going..." Connor said. Troye got a bit mad, if he didnt care where they were going, then why go? Then Connor added:" As long as you come with me." Troye began to smile and then he playfully hit Connor's arm. He had done that on purpose.

" You are so mean to me!" Troye said and quickly kissed him on the cheek. Someone could have seen them, but if Troye was completely honest he didnt care. Zoella came out of the car smiling at Troye. He felt like throwing, he had never felt this bad. He wanted to get back home to Australia. With Connor. It was like Connor knew how Troye felt because he grabbed Troye's shaking hand.

" It will be alright, babe." He said and squeeze his hand.

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