Tronnor together in the UK

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The Troye chapter:

A month had passed and it was time for Brighton. Zoella had invited her friends over to the UK. Which meant Connor and Troye could finally see each other. Troye was very nervous while packing. What if Connor didnt feel the same as before? Or worse he had realised he like someone else? Thoughts like that were constantly on Troye's mind. He felt so anxious, walking towards the airport. He had texted Connor. He had demanded him to call him before he left LA. Luckily Connor called Troye.

" Hey. Okay before you say anything, i need to get this out of my system. If you dont like me anymore, then its okay. No its not okay, but i will accept. Even if my heart will break into millions of small pieces. But you need to be honest with me. I dont want to know, if you like someone else. Just say something before we arrive to the UK." Troye blurted out and felt the tears pressing. Troye could feel a lump in his throat. Troye could hear Connor laughing quitely. Was he with someone or didnt Connor hear what Troye had said? Maybe he laughed because he was relieved, that he didnt had to end things.

" Troye? I am laughing because i think its adorable how anxious you are. I am still in love with you. Only you. Dont worry, it will be just as great as last time, if not better. So go get your ass in that plane and i will see you soon." Connor answered. For a moment Troye was to overwhelmed to respond. He finally could breath, Connor still liked him.

" Thanks. I really dont know why i got so afraid. I will see you soon, Con." Troye said smiling. He went on board and sat between a young boy and a gigantic man. The boy poked Troye. He looked up and the boy hesitantly asked:

" Are you Troye Sivan? I am a big fan of you. I just wanted to tell you, that you have been a big inspiration to me. I didnt have the courage to come out before i saw your coming out video." Troye felt so humbled, he felt speechless for a couple of minutes. He had helped someone, with something very important. Troye smiled at the fan and didnt really get any words out of his mouth. What was he suppose to say?

" I am indeed Troye Sivan and i am very happy that you could get courage from my videoes. Are you going alone or with your parents?" And so it went on. The young boy was named Jeremy and they talked most of the plane ride. When 9 hours had passed, Jeremy fell asleep on Troye's shoulder. He couldnt move but he wasnt bothered by it. It was so incredible how he seemed to had helped some of his fans. Finally Troye fell asleep too. When he woke up, at first he didnt really know where he was. Then he saw around him and most people were gone. He quickly stood up and took his handbag with him. He felt flustered and nervous. In just an hour he would be with Connor again. He had thought about vlogging, but the viewers didnt know about Connor and him. So he decided he would do it the next day. He looked horrible and he was jetlagged, so it was probably for the best.

He went to baggage claim and waited for his baggage. He had a headache but just thinking about Connor, made it all go away. Suddenly he felt arms around his waist, he quickly pushed the person away. He thought it might be creepy, stalkerish fan. He slowly turned around, and saw confused Connor. Troye smiled like an idiot and hugged him tightly. He kept his arms around him and buried his head into Connor's chest. He couldnt believe how attached he had gotten to Connor. They had only been dating for like 3 months now. But Connor wasnt only someone Troye was dating, he was Troye's best friend. The person that would never lie to him, the person that would never hurt him. Connor started kissing Troye. Connor's soft lips were finally where they belonged. Troye forgot about everything, he pulled Connor closer in. Troye let his tongue explore Connor's mouth. Troye didnt realise some of their friends were there too. Including Tyler, who looked very disapproving. Connor pulled away when he also started hearing everyone's laughter. Troye blushed. He quickly kissed Troye again and hugged him.

Troye looked around and saw Zoella, Casper, Joe and Tyler. He walked over to them still blushing. It was nice to see everyone. He had felt so antisocial, being in Australia. Tyler and Connor always hanged out. They all walked smiling out of the airport, they hadnt spotted any paparazzi yet. Troye caught Connor's hand and held it. Connor started talking about what he had been up to. Even thought they had talked to each other every day that they had been seperated, it was like there was so much more to discuss and tell. Troye and Connor was so engaged with each other, they all most forgot the others. They stopped two caps, Zoella pulled Troye with her and Tyler. While Joe, Marcus and Connor took the other cap.

" Now tell me how it is going with you and Connor? Never mind we can clearly see how great it is going." Zoella said and chuckled. He smiled at Zoella and Tyler. Tyler didnt looked too pleased. Troye just couldnt figure out why. Did he really have a crush on Connor? Troye hadnt thought about it, since the time Connor had declared his love for him. In fact Troye didnt even care, if Tyler couldnt respect that they were in a relationship. Then he shouldnt be around them. He was tired of thinking about everyone all the time. He was finally happy, truly happy. After Matthew had broken his heart, he had given up on love. Matthew had cheated on Troye, that why had trust issues with Connor in the beginning. Zoella started vlogging and Troye had to find his happy face. He smiled whenever he camera pointed in his direction. He said the things he was suppose to say.

It felt a bit fake, but he had to pretend, just a little bit. Fans knew a lot about what happend on and off screen. But they didnt know what was happening with Troye's private life. Therefore he had to act happy for the viewers. Overall he was ecstatic to be in the UK with Connor and all of his friends. The thought about Matthew made his heart hurt. It was like Zoella could sense it, because she packed her camera away pretty fast. She squeezed my hand and looked out of the window. Tyler was tweeting something. When they got at Zoella's house, Troye went inside and fell asleep on the couch, before anyone had even stepped inside the house. Connor did the excact same thing, he just fell asleep on the dinner-table. Troye woke up and saw Zoella walking around crying. Confused he stood up and looked at her.

" Zoe? Are you okay? Whats going on?" He asked and yawned. He looked at her. Tears kept streaming down her cheeks, she tried to explain but no words came out. He looked around and saw Connor still sleeping. So it wasnt about Connor. Maybe it was about Alfie?

" I-i a-am p-pregnant. Can you believe it? I am not ready to be mother. You need to get me to a hospital, i want an.. abortion." Zoella said stuttering. He didnt wanted to come of as selfish, but what he something went wrong. He couldnt take that risk, Alfie would kill him. She needed to talk to her boyfriend. He tried to suggest that, but she quickly refused. Lastly Troye decided to be a good friend and offered her to drive. Zoella wore a blonde wig and sunglasses. She then took a black hoodie on, so no one would regonize her. Troye was terrified, he really didnt want her to do it. But it wasnt up to him. In there Zoella went with a fake name and sat down at the waiting room. It was early morning and Troye was surprised by the number of girls sitting there. Hours passed He got a text.

Connor: Hey where are you and Zoella? Everyone is wondering.

Troye: We went to get breakfast. But its really busy at the "donutstore". Will explain later. 

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