Pathetic and lonely

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The Troye chapter:

Everyone was at airport. Troye could see a lot of fans all around the airport freaking out. Tyler jumped out of the car and went over to the others. Zoella, Alfie, Jim, Tanya, Joe and Casper was there. Troye looked at Connor and Connor looked back at Troye. He could see the pain the Connor's eyes, Troye's pain was more visible. Tears were running down his cheek, he kept sweeping the tears away with the back of his hand. Connor took his hands and held them for a moment. . Troye kept looking down, because of he felt awkward crying.

" Wh... What if this doesnt work long distance. I want it to work,Con. I really do." Troye whispered. Connor didnt say anything, it had been a rollercoaster being with Connor. It had, had its up and downs. But he wouldnt change it for anything in the world. Troye knew he had to say goodbye, but he didnt feel ready. Connor kissed him first softly, but it became more passionated and intense. Troye could feel his his lips pressed againt Connor's. Connor pulled away and went outside the car. Troye followed him. Connor had his baggage, so Troye hugged Connor goodbye. He smelled the sweet smell of Connor and buried his head in Connor's chest. Connor looked down at Troye and said:

" So i will not date or sleep with anyone, because you know we are dating, right?" Troye smiled and nodded. Connor started walking towards the others and waved goodbye a last time. Troye kept standing in the same position as he saw Connor walk away. Further and further away from him. He then got inside his car and drove home. Troye already missed Connor. He didnt know what to do, so he decide to head home. When he got home, he saw Connor's shirt. He immediately called Connor while being on the edge of crying.

" Hello? Troye, are you okay? We are about to go on the airplane." Connor said. Troye held the shirt closer and felt embarrassed for reacting the way he were.

" You forgot your one of her shirts. I think, you should back and get it." Troye answered and wiped away a tear. He layed on the the couch and waited for Connor's voice.

" Babe. Listen to me. You are going to be fine. Keep the shirt, i dont need it. I will see you in the UK in some months. I need to go, but i will call you when i get home." Connor said with his calm and comforting voice. Troye stupidly nodded, even though Connor couldnt see him. They said goodbye and hung up. Troye stood up and walked around in the empty apartment, feeling sorry for himself. Tyde called him, but he ignored the call. He didnt feel like talking to anyone. Troye couldn help but feel jealous. Connor was on a plane with his best friends. And Tyler. Oh god, maybe Connor fell asleep on Tyler's shoulder. Hell maybe they even kissed. Troye shaked the thought away and went on tumblr. The rest of the day Troye stalked every youtuber on twitter, Instagram and youtube. He then got a message.

Connor: Hey Troye boy. I am in America now!!

Troye: Thats great. How was the plane?

Connor: It was great. Did you know how heavy Tyler's head is? Oh, and he totally snores. Wont admit, but he does.

Troye: Cool

Connor: I can sense you are mad. I would much much rather wanted that to be you.

Connor: What did you do?

Connor: Troye?

Troye: I didnt do much. I am sorry. Its not that i dont trust you or that i still think that Tyler likes you. Its just i am mad that he gets to be with you and not me.

Connor: He doesnt get to kiss me on the other side.

Troye: Yeah i know. So are you at your apartment?

Connor: Yes i am at my apartment. I need to go. I will facetime with you tomorrow.

Troye tossed his phone on his bed and put his head on his pillow. In just some minute he fell asleep. The next day he went over to his big brother, Steele. His wife, Annie opened the door and smiled at him. They quickly hugged and went inside. Tyde was also there, which surprised Troye. It was monday, Tyde should be at school.

"I know you are wondering what i am doing here. Well, i quit school. I want to travel the world, not waste my time on highschool." Tyde bursted out. Troye looked surprised, first at Tyde and then Steele. He wanted to give him a lesson, but he figured his mother already had done that. But Troye couldnt help, but admire Tyde's courage. He could never had pulled something like that off. He almost died of nervousness from telling his mother that he was gay. Troye nodded at Tyde, but he didnt say anything. Steele and Annie left the room. Troye hugged his brother even though only half of him supported his decision. I knew from experience that what Tyde needed was support. So instead of being judgy, he decided to be supportive.

" I support you. Dont worry about mom, she will come around." Troye said. Troye watched a movie with Steele, Tyde and Annie. It was nice to be with his brothers, he had been so caught up with Connor. So he had almost forgot about his brothers. They told each other secrets, Troye even told them about Connor. They both freaked out and Tyde said that he had totally predicted it. Troye checked his phone every now and then, but Connor didnt call him. He thought about calling Connor, but he didnt wanted to look desperate. Annie ordered pizza for them, but Troye left. He wasnt that hungry anyways. Instead he went home and took a warm shower. The water ran down his body and he like the warmth. He didnt shower for more than 15 minutes, because he didnt want to miss a call from Connor. But when he checked his phone after his shower, there was still no sign of Connor. He couldnt help but feel pathetic. The last couple of days the only one on his mind, had been Connor. He decided to make a video. He named the video 10 things turnoffs. He started talking about just genuinely people. He then talked about people that made plans and then forgot all about them. He never said that it was abotu Connor, but he thought he probably would catch on to it. He started editing the video. When he looked at the clock it showed 3 PM. He yawned twice and then logged off his computer. Troye checked his phone again and say Tyler had tweeted. Fun day with this guy @Connorfranta. Now sleepovertime!! Troye was furious, but he trusted Connor. So instead of saying anything, he went to bed.

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