Chapter 14.

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"You're wanted." the voice of the recruit sounded loud and mysterious in her wide, dark cell.

"You're wanted? Was he trying to sound, well...... like that? Because if he was going for scary, he missed." she critiqued the voice.

She didn't move from her spot on her mat, arms crossed, glaring at the wall, her thoughts her only companions.

The recruit had been instructed that if she did not respond to the order, to forcefully bring her up to the leader's new office.

He shrugged, heading over to the girl. Her hands were locked in shackles, so he thought he'd be fine.

He was fine, as far as being knocked out goes.

It really wasn't that hard to bring her foot to the side of his head. "Should've thought of my feet when you locked me up."

From there, it was fairly simple to get his keys and unlock her wrists.

She smiled to her self, "Isn't this going to be fun."

She didn't head for the exit, no, she headed up to find Dallen. She had some........ unfinished business to attend to.

Walking down the halls, none of the guards questioned her.

She found it very strange, either they finally got some sense, or something had been planned.
She knew they couldn't have gotten sense into their heads that fast, so she kept her guard up.


When Dallen sent the recruit to go retrieve the girl, he was not expecting this.

"You did what!" anger making it's way into his voice.

She showed her teeth in a half smile, half smirk, and a little bit of grimace. "What of it?" she challenged.

"It wasn't necessary." he wasn't happy, and she wasn't making it any better.

She shrugged, "Do I care? It gave me something to do in my boredom."

He raised an eyebrow at her, "Find some other way to do it!"

He had planned on promoting her, a trainee was way beneath her skill level. But with this kind of attitude he was starting to reconsider.

"Oh, yes. Lots of different things to do in a cell!" she threw back at him.

"I was in the process of working on that." he confided.

She pursed her lips, waiting for him to continue, "And..."

"I was going to promote you."

She looked at him incredulously, "Was? You have a tendency to change your mind."

"And you have a tendency to change your behavior!" he fired right back.

She shrugged, "You should have realized that before you made up your mind."

He clenched his hand into a fist, standing up over his desk, "If you weren't so stubborn I would, I would......"

She smirked, happy to know he was at a loss for words.

It was then he remembered and was grateful, that she knew how to fight back!

So he threw a punch at her.

She hadn't been expecting it, but that didn't make her dodge any less swift. "You want a fight? I'll give you a fight." she growled.

And they launched into a full out war.

It was thirty minutes later that Jent found them, sprawling on the floor, fists and feet flying every which way.

They had frozen in their brawl long enough to look at the door.
Tylorie recovered faster than Dallen, sending him a punch to the face.

It was the first real wound of this battle, everything else had been block and dodge.

"Hah!" she said in triumph.

He growled and launched himself back into the fight, forgetting Jent in his need to beat her.

"I'll just, come back later." Jent said, inching out of the room.

The fight didn't last much longer after that, they were both too exhausted to continue.

Even though they weren't throwing punches, they still warred with their words.

"I don't think it would be wise." stated Dallen.

"Wise shmize, you made up your mind, changing it will only end in disaster." She said, smirking as she watched him ice his jaw.

He winced at her words, and for the first time, she realized she wasn't scared of him.

He had beat her, scarred her, but he hadn't won, she wasn't scared.

"Fine! Take the stupid promotion. Just, get, out!" he yelled, put up with her.

She put a fake worried expression on her face, "Ohhh, is poor Dally tired?" she cooed.

"Leave." no forgiveness in his tone.

She smirked, leaving the room, joyful that he was in a bad mood.

Outside Jent was waiting to show her her new room, and she took his help without too much of a fight.


He still didn't have her name!

"That was supposed to go way differently." He said to the quiet air around him.

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