Hide and seek

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Frankie?" Gee called from the kitchen, he had heard a small creek on the floor almost like somebody had taken a step and stopped when they heard gee's voice

It had been about two years since Frank had protected gee from the ticking time bomb known as Bert. They had graduated high school together and have been living together in a cozy house. Frank had gotten a job and he makes lots of money like lots. Gee isn't sure what he does really but sometimes he yells at his phone and has to leave really late at night like 3:00 am for an important meeting. Gee liked that his daddy was so protective over him and that gee could just strut over to him and say

"Daddy, I need attention"

And his daddy would put anything he was doing down and pay attention to gee.

Okay come here angel
Frank opened his arms and gee would immediately sit on his daddy's lap and they either ended up doing two things

1) cuddle and kiss maybe go to the mall to spoil gee
2) do the doodly doo and cuddle also kiss like crazy


Daddy?" Gee said and dried his hands on the little cute pink apron Frankie had gotten him
(Frank had a thing that every time he say gee cooking in a little cute pink apron he would get turned on in a millisecond)

Gee poked his head out from behind the wall and saw nobody. He walked slowly to the living room and saw somebody with black hair sitting on the couch

"Daddy you scared me, I called you like a hundred times you silly" gee giggled and ran his fingers though the black hair

" I'm silly? Last time I checked you were the dumbass that dyed his hair red and cheated,whore"

Gee pulled his hand away and felt a shiver run down his spine.

The person turned around slowly, a devil smirk spread across his face

" 'member be darling?"

Gee's breath stopped and he felt like someone had punched him in the stomach. He looked dead at the person he did not expect to see


The fear drowned his face and his heart rate started speeding up. His hole body started shaking uncontrollably.

" let's play a game little one"
Bert said and took a gun out from his jacket and span the bullet barrel then clicked it back in place

" you have 20 seconds to hide, anywhere around the house and I'll go look for you and if I find you.."

He smirked and pointed the gun at gee, squinting one eye

"Let's just say it's gonna be game over for you, and you won't be able to play again well because, you'll be dead"
He smiled

" b-Bert I-"

He closed his eyes

"One,two,three, I suggest you start hiding dear,four"

Daddy doesn't need to know(on hold)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt