Chapter 3

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Lana picks me up from my hotel room at seven o'clock. She drives fast to downtown Las Vegas, an outdoor strip covered by a massive light. Casinos and outdoor bars line the road and people with hats and puppets struggle to make a dollar in front of them. Her hand holds mine tightly and the way she talks to me is as if we've been friends for years. Lana was comfortable to be around, she gives often confidence boosts that make it easier to talk to her. At first I thought she just wanted to fuck me. Then I realized her raining compliments on me was just her genuinely caring. She was drop dead gorgeous and men always stopped to look at her and cat called after her but she paid them no attention, she only paid attention to me.

She has her hair up in a messy bun and wears skinny jeans and a tank top. Her look was so effortless, I'm pretty sure she wasn't even wearing makeup, yet she looked more beautiful than ever. It kind of made me upset how I spent so much time getting ready to impress her and she didn't even have to do anything to look gorgeous.

"Have you been anywhere nice to eat yet?" She asks me. "Like bar Masa or anything?"

I shake my head. "I was kind of waiting to go with my friend."

She rolls her eyes and laughs. "Fuck her, I'll take you. It will be our first official date."
I blush and smile to myself. Lana's been amazing company since Victoria decided to leave me on my own. However, I must say there was fuck all to do in Vegas after a couple of nights. There were only so many casinos to waste money at and bars to get drunk at. But, Lana insisted that I should stay here. She's taken me out every single day in the four days I've known her, letting me discover every inch of the city and frankly, it was getting a bit boring.

"Can we do something else?" I ask.

"Like what?"

I shrug. "Something spontaneous," she purses her lips in thought. "We could do anything, I mean I'm kind of sick of casinos and losing $200 every night."

She smiles to herself and looks at me. "I have an idea," she says and pulls me toward the end of the lit strip.

We're still holding hands and I begin to wonder where my relationship with Lana is going. We were both interested in each other, that much was clear, but we haven't kissed or fucked or anything. There would be those times where she would tell me how sexy I looked, like she did an hour ago when I got into her car, but that was the extent of it. We held hands, had deep conversations over champagne and fruit and she constantly drowned me in compliments but other than that, it seemed like any normal friendship.

I sit back in her old mustang and it's about a five-minute drive to a shack where she puts her car in park and takes the key out of the ignition. The sign outside of the shack had a picture of Elvis and hearts around it.

She turns to me and takes my left hand in both her hands. "You said you wanted spontaneous right?" I nod. I didn't really get a good look outside the building but now it was beginning to concern me. "Will you marry me?"

My eyes widen and my head moves back in shock. Well, I was wondering where our relationship was going; I guess this was it. "What?" I ask.

"It's spontaneous," she says and I laugh.

"When I meant spontaneous I meant like, we should go back to my hotel and hire strippers."

" don't want to get married?" She asks, her hands loosening their grip on mine.

I bite my lip and take a deep breath. Her hands are soft like her voice. They felt smooth like butter and had the texture of cashmere. I look up at her lips, her plump, un-chapped, huge lips. I would finally be able to kiss them and the thought of my lips between hers made me more than horny. I let my pussy speak for me and I nod.

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