Part Three: Clash and Carnage

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Song is for when the games actually begin.  This was the song I listened to when I wrote this part, playing it over and over again to get the pace right, and the fear in Kaede right.  Enjoy, comment, and vote!


"Are you ready?" Berkeley stood outside his room, some compassion showing in his usual bored expression. Kaede could only stare down at himself, taking in the outfit that had been sent up only that morning. It wasn't anything special, mostly a thin shirt that was fitted to his skin, pants, boots, and a jacket that felt too warm for the heated room they stood in. The clues were right at his fingertips but he still felt unsure of where he was being sent. Berkeley sighed beside him, and ushered him out the door, staying silent as they made their way out of the tribute center. "There's most likely a forest."

Kaede snapped out of his thoughts, stumbling a little from surprise, but Berkeley made no move to wait for him. "How do you figure that?"

"The jacket, and shirt. Hot during the days, cold at night, though that's pretty much anywhere these days."

It made sense. "Oh."

"Look, it's alright to be scared, Kaede. I was, but don't just shut it in, that only leads to you freezing on the spot, and getting killed like an idiot."

"So don't freeze?" Berkeley looked at him like he was stupid, but nodded anyway, probably out of pity.

"Don't freeze. Just remember to run, and not go for the weapons. Beyond that, I can't really help you." They stopped in front of an aircraft, some of the other tributes already on board. "I'll see you right before you go up." With a last nod, Berkeley disappeared from the launch pad, leaving Kaede to board.

Kaede paused at the ramp of the ship, staring at the Capitol person standing just inside, and the tributes who merely sat in their seats, no sign of fear on their faces. He was sure his own had an expression of terror.

The Capitol lady approached him when he still didn't move, but she didn't seem annoyed. "Please, sit." She motioned to one of the seats, letting him strap himself in. Once he was situated, she leveled a device near his arm, and shot something in it, the small object letting out an equally small light. He didn't ask what it was, he didn't want to know. That line of questioning only made the games that more real.

He didn't know the two tributes on either side of him, both likely from the farther out districts, but directly across from him was the district one boy, who now leaned back in his own seat, his eyes closed. There wasn't even a flinch as the aircraft lifted upwards, beginning the trip to the arena. He simply sat there, taking a leisurely nap on their way to certain death.

Kaede looked away, and down at his hands, the only things that would not attract attention at that moment. His left hand was unusually still, while his right shook with nervous energy. Sighing heavily, he sat on the hand, hiding it from the others and himself. Don't shut it in. What had Berkeley meant by that? How exactly was he supposed to let it out?

There was a shudder as the aircraft landed, the ramp opening up to his left. They were in a large hangar, all of the sunlight shielded out, and the exits consisting of twenty-four small hallways. Each hallway was marked with a district number and a male or female symbol. He spotted the one marked with a seven, and followed it down to a door. His hand touched the knob, but it was a long moment before he actually opened it, the fear creeping up on him.

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