Part 1

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As it already says in the desciption of this story: it is based on " She Said The Air Is So Clean" but actually takes place at a future point of the story that I obviously made up. So also the characters have their own developement and aren't exactly like the characters in "She Said The Air Is So Clean".

At this point of the story, after Juliette tried to kill herself she starts to take more and more drugs again. And so does Matty. And the following part starts where George shows up at their hotel room to bring Matty back to their own apartment because Matty started to ignore important dates for the band.


Juliette's POV

I was already half awake as I heard somebody knocking at our hotel door. I first hoped that I could just ignore it, and keep on sleeping. The daylight seeped through the curtains, so I could see Matty sleeping next to me.

My whole body was hurting, and I wasn't sure if I would even be able to open the door. I took a deep breath as it knocked again and decided then, to open the door. I got up and walked a few unsteady steps. Standing in just my underwear and a T-Shirt I pulled the handle down and finally opened the door. It was George.

"What are you doing here?" I mumbled.

But he completely ignored me, walked into the room and left me standing in the opened doorway. He switched the lights on and I closed the door. "God I'm so sick of pulling Matty out of his drug addictions", he said angrily focusing Matty who still lied on the bed with a bit of vomit on the sheet in front of him.

I rubbed my eyes tiredly and repeated my question empathically: "George, what do you want? "

He looked at me for the first time since he came here.

"This whole shit is way out of control! We already had to cancel an interview because Matty didn't show up! The whole thing doesn't work if Matty acts like that all the time!"

George grabbed Matty's arm over his head and dropped it again, so that the arm fell directly into Matty's face.

"...George...?" Matty whispered.

"Yeah. Hi Matty", George said, still looking at me with an expression of recrimination.

I crossed my arms and reciprocated his look.

"Anyway, I'm going to take him with me. We have some important appointments ahead, and thanks to you, now we first have to get Matty away from these drugs again".

I just kept staring at him as he helped Matty get up from the bed by grabbing his arm and forcing him to stand up. Matty protested incomprehensible.

"George..." I started as they walked over to the door, which George opened. Then he placed Matty in the doorway.

But Matty, not able to stand on his own, just slid down the wall until he sat on the floor again. Meanwhile George had turned away and began to collect Matty's stuff, such as his phone and his purse.

"You can't just do that", I whispered, hoping George wouldn't hear me.

But of course he did.

"What?", he asked challenging. "As if you could decide that" A sarcastic smile appeared on his face.

I felt the tears in my eyes as George walked over to Matty again.

"You can't either", I said a little louder.

I know I could have been way more aggressive and pissed but there was something holding me back, plus since I got up from the bed felt absolutely whacked and kind of dizzy.

"She's right...", Matty suddenly said, more or less awake. "You're not my fucking babysitter".

Although his voice was low you could hear him literally spitting the word "fucking".

Matty opened his eyes a bit and looked at George before finally passing out again. It stayed silent in the room for a second, while the first tear rolled down my cheek.

"George..." I tried again.

"Oh for fuck sake", he sighed.

Matty's nose was bleeding. As he didn't find anything else, George used the sleeve of his jacket to brush away the blood.

"I think it really is better if I take him with me now", George said in a tone that didn't tolerate any contradiction.

But I didn't want to let him leave that easy and so I said one last time, with a voice thin from crying.

"Please George, don't do this to me...". But he remained silent. Then he picked Matty up from the ground and carried him outside. He slammed the door and before I could say or do anything I was alone.


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