Part 2

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George's POV

The drugs had knocked-out Matty completely. All the way I carried him out of the hotel, into my car and in the end to our apartment, he didn't even move. And as I finally managed to get him into his bed I sighed with relief.

I closed the door of his bedroom and walked over to the kitchen table. Then I sat down and pulled the package of cigarettes out of my pocket. A second later I lighted my cigarette and took a deep drag.

The images of Juliette, standing there with tears in her beautiful blue eyes, were stuck in my mind. Had I been too harsh with her and Matty? I didn't mean to hurt anyone of them but... I got distracted in the middle of my thought as Jamie, our manager, walked into the room.

"Hey George", he said looking around the apartment: "Where's the rest of the band?"

I took another drag and watched the smoke escaping my lungs into the air.

"Matty is in his bedroom and the rest...I don't know", I answered honest.

After saying that, I looked at my cigarette and watched it burning down a bit. Jamie came around to the table to look at me directly.

"What? Matty's here? How does that come about?" he took the seat opposite me and sat down as well.

"I brought him here", I said taking another drag.

"You did what?" Jamie asked with a little bit of laughter in his voice.

I looked at him for a second before continuing: "Well I drove to the hotel, knocked at their door and persuaded him to come with me".

Jamie focused me with a mixture of confusion and disbelief.

"Wait. He wanted to come with you?" he asked.

I couldn't help it but smiled.

"Well...almost", as Jamie kept staring at me with that look I had to explain myself: "He actually passed out before he could protest so..."

Still with a smile on my face I took the next drag of my cigarette. Jamie sighed histrionic.

"He'll be so mad with you", he warned.

"Maybe", I answered with a shrug. "But you said yourself that we have to do something about Matty".

"I know...but that wasn't what I meant!" he made clear.

I rested my head on my hand and looked out of the window a while, before taking the final drag of my cigarette and throwing it into the ashtray. From the corner of my eye I recognized Jamie typing on his phone and immediately stopping as I began with: "I think I might have been too hard with his girlfriend...".

"Why?" Jamie asked while I randomly focused on the table plate.

"I don't know...she was crying and..." at this point he interrupted me.

"George?", he asked.

"Hm?", I said looking back at him.

"Is there anything I need to know about this whole thing with his girlfriend?" his voice turned quite serious as he said that.

I felt sudden panic creeping in my chest but then calmed myself a bit and answered: "No...nothing". Jamie looked at me as if he was studying my expression before he finally looked at his phone again. Now I needed another cigarette.

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