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-Mikey's P.O.V-

I feel so bad for her. She's terrified. She poured her heard out of me. I want to help her, but I don't know how. I looked over at her to see her face down on the bed, sobbing. It broke my heart. Rubbing her back softly, I tried to figure out how to tell her everything was going to be okay. 

"Hey, look at me." I whispered.

No response.

"Allie, baby? Look at me, okay?" 

She rolled over and faced me, I looked into her wide brown eyes. 

"What?" she sniffled.

"I promise you this, we will help you get through this. It won't be easy, but I'll be right here. The boys are on your side. Connor's on your side. Liz is on your side. Just trust us, please. Let us in. Let down your guard. It's just like back in Sydney after Dalton cheated on you. You had your guard up for the longest time, but you let it down." I said, moving back on the bed to be next to her. 

She sat up, and reached her arms out. I felt her tiny hand grab onto mine. Squeezing it tight, as if I were to get up and escape any minute now. I squeezed her hand back, and pulled her into me, hugging her tightly. I left a kiss on her cheek, letting her know that I was right there beside her, and I always will be. I started singing 'Lego House' to her while holding her. 

I'm out of sight

I'm out of mind

I'll do it all for you in time,

and out of all these things I've done

I think I love you better now

As I held her, I felt her sobs slowly turn to soft little whimpers. She's like a little puppy. But she's my little puppy. There was another knock on the door. I looked up to see another doctor. She carried a clipboard and she was wearing pokemon scrubs. 

"Is that Allie?" she asked, her English accent strong.

"Yeah, I don't really know if she's in any position to talk, she just calmed down. She's really shaken up. I can try to answer on behalf of her though, if that's okay." I explained to the doctor, "I'm trying to get her to maybe fall back asleep so she'll forget about it for a while... but what's up?"

"Yeah, of course, that's fine.. I basically just wanted to go over recovery and stuff for her, and ask a few questions. The biggest one right now, is she in any danger of hurting herself, like self-harm?"  the doctor asked this question, and my heart dropped. 

I pulled Allie into my lap more because she was starting to fall down, nuzzling the top of her head with my nose, smelling her sweet strawberry-kiwi shampoo. I heard a small giggle come from her mouth, "No, I think she's good. She's got 4 morons, and her aunt watching over her, the 4 morons make her very happy." 

The doctor smiled and continued to explain how Allie needed to get a decent amout of rest, and that flashbacks, and depression might arise in the next few weeks leading up to the services, and that if she was in any danger of harming herself, to bring her back. I kept my arms wrapped around Allie as tight as possible without hurting her. 

"I'm never letting you go now." I whispered in her ear, causing the doctor to smile again..

"Is she you're girlfriend?" the doctor asked.

"Kind of, it's the whole Romeo and Juliet concept, her cousin Luke is my best mate, and is protective over her, you know how that goes.. But I think after this, he'll lighten up." I chuckled. 

The doctor handed me her discharge papers, and said that she was free to go whenever she was ready. Just as she left, Ashton walked back in, before he could speak, I shushed him and mouthed the words 'I think she's sleeping'

I handed Ashton the discharge papers, and motioned for him to pick up her boots off the floor. I climbed off the bed and picked up Allie again. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and her legs around my waist. I supported her with my arms under her thighs. She was asleep again the second we walked out the door. We waved to the nurses and went upstairs to go say goodbye to Connor. In the elevator Ashton took Allie's boots and put them on her feet. After reaching the inpatient unit, I tried to wake up Allie.

"Babe. do you want to say goodbye to your brother before we go home?" I asked, shaking her lightly. 

She stirred, "Mmm. What?"

"We're going to see Connor, come on. I'm going to put you down for a second, and you can jump on my back." I said, letting her feet touch the purple tiled floor.

I bent down and she jumped on my back. I locked my arms under her knees and her hands were resting on my chest. We stopped by the nurses station to see what room Connor was in. The nurse wrote down what room, and pointed us in the right direction. When we reached the room I put Allie down so she could go up to him. He was sitting on the bed watching a movie on the tv. He had stitches up near his eyebrow and a brace around his tiny wrist.

-Allie's P.O.V-

I walked up to my baby brothers bed, "Hey BooBear, how ya feelin?"

He looked up and smiled, "My wrist hurts. I sprained it yesterday but never noticed it. When we were playing soccer and I fell? Yeah. But other than that I'm okay. Are you going home with these bobos?" he rambled.

I pulled Mikey closer, "This bobo just happens to be cute. So yeah, and you're coming to their house when you get out." 

He giggled, "You should go home sis, you look tired."

"Okay, yeah. Call me in the morning. The nurse has all our numbers." I leaned down to give him a hug, "Love you, be good." 

Mikey and Ash said their goodbyes and we went back out towards the main entrance when a nurse stopped me.

"You're Allie right?" she asked.

"Ummmmmmm, yeah?"

She reached in her pocket and pulled out something that was shimmery........


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