Coming to terms with the situation

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"Mike, Allie. Bedroom. Now." I said through a clenched jaw.

They looked at each other, got up, and followed to my room. Allie had a look of pure horror on her face. She saw inbetween Michael's legs on the bed. I sat on my bed and stared at them from the other side of the room. I looked at her and her eyes were red and puffy. Michael was holding her tight, rocking her back and forth.

"What's going on between you two? Seriously. Ever since Allie got here, Mikey's been really wierd."

"We're dating. Big fucking deal. We've liked each other for, what like, 3 years now?" He said, looking down at her.

"4, but yeah. Please don't be mad Lukey..." she said, trying to jump from the bed to hug me.

"I'm not mad.. I just don't know how to respond. My best mate, and my cousin.. It's...weird. I mean. if you guys are happy, then I guess I can't really do much about that. If you and Mikey break up, that's what I'm worried about. It could cause tension between the band..-" 

I was cut off by a small hand being put over my mouth.

"Luke. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. MIkey and I aren't going to fight if we break up. We probably won't break up."

"Yeah mate, chill. Please? You're kind of freaking me out."

-Allie's P.O.V.- 

I finally shut him up. I think he'll get over it eventually. I jumped on Luke, hugging him tight. After a minute or so, Michael jumped up on the bed and joined the group hug. 

"I love you both so much," I mumbled while being squished, "Now move. You're squishing me."

They hugged me tighter, so in retaliation, I elbowed Luke in the stomach, and poked Mikey's tummy.  They both squirmed like little caterpillars. Once they released me from their captive, I wrapped my arms around Luke hugging him really tight. 

"Look at me, I love you to death, you're like now.. I know it's going to be weird seeing me with Mike, but just please, deal with it. I really like him. Now, it'd be weirder if I went after Ashton considering he's like, 3 years older than me, and Mikey's only like 2 years and 3 months older." I explained to him, causing him to smile a little bit.

"I know sweetie. I just don't want you to get hurt." he said.

"The most she'll get hurt is when I fuck her hard later tonight." Mikey intercepted, winking. 

I pulled away from Luke, kissing him lightly, and then turned to Mikey. 

"Did you really feel the need to say that?" I said, hitting his chest.

"Yes, I did, just like I felt the need to do this." 

He pushed his lips onto mine, full force. He bit my lower lip asking for entrance. After letting him in, our tongues fought for dominance. His lips were soft and rough at the same time. The kiss was full of passion, but also filled with roughness. I tangled my hands in his soft black hair, tugging lightly. He pushed me back onto Luke's bed, laying on top of me, not letting our lips break apart. I felt his cold, rough hands slip under my shirt roaming up and down my sides. He pulled away for two seconds and kissed my neck, lightly nipping at the skin. We were eventually interrupted with wolf whistles.

"WHOOHOO GET IT MIKEY!" Calum shouted, before running like hell.

I looked at Mikey, kissed him quickly, "You get Luke and Ashton, I'll get Calum."

We split apart chasing the boys around the house and the yard. 

"CALUM THOMAS HOOD GET YOUR FRUITY ASS BACK HERE." I shouted at the top of my lungs, before feeling my airway close up. 

I tried to run through it and finally caught Calum, but I collapsed to the ground fighting to breathe. I felt my lungs crying for air. I was now laying in the snow fighting to catch my breath, and the cold air wasn't helping. I felt my heart beating in my stomach. I tried to scream for help but my lungs wouldn't let me. Calum spotted me on the ground wheezing.

"Woah, dude, are you okay?" he asked, kneeling down to my level. 

I struggled to talk, "Can't. Breathe. Get. Mikey." 

I started coughing, not a normal cough that's squeaky, but like a rough cough that burned my throat. Calum stood up and searched for Michael, who was standing on the balcony looking over the back yard. 

"MICHAEL!" Calum shouted, "Come here! It's important. I think Allie's hurt."

I watched Michael jump down from the balcony and land on his feet on the ground. He ran towards me, picking me up in his arms and running inside. He sat me down on the kitchen counter. 

"Are you okay? Do you need something?" he asked, his eyes filled with horror.

I signed get my inhaler. or get luke's, in sign language. Which had finally become useful. He ran into Luke's room which was closer and grabbed the inhaler coming back towards me. I took the inhaler out of his hands and took like 4 puffs. I sat there for a few minutes to catch my breath. I looked out the kitchen window at the colors of the sky. Blue, Purple, Pink, Orange, Yellow. The colors created a beautiful sunset. I jumped down and dragged Mikey outside. 

"It's beautiful." I whispered. 

I felt him come up behind me and wrap his arms around me, "Not as beautiful as you. Now, come with me, I have something to show you." 

He led me further out into the backyard to a treehouse. It was big enough for 5 people. 

"Woah... Was this already here when you got the house?" I asked.

"Yeah. Now come on. It's even better inside.."

I climbed up the ladder into the tree house. There were blankets laids out on the ground and little twinkling christmas lights around the edges of the wall. The glass ceiling showed off the beautiful sunset. I took a blanket and wrapped it between me and Mikey. I placed a soft kiss on his cheek. He laid down, pulling me with him. I put my head on his chest and looked up at the sky. 

"You know, this reminds me just like that time back in Syndey where we snuck out at 3 am and went to the beach and stayed there. It freaked out Ashton because he came looking for us in the morning and he was so pissed." Mikey said, bringing back funny memories.

"Oh those were some good memories..." I giggled.

We went back and forth for a while with different memories. Between the boys running through McDonald's with no pants on and their tour with Hot Chelle Rae last year. 

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