"Good day girls...Sneeves," said David, walking slowly down to them. He unwraps a thick hood from over his face, as Jiminy closes the door behind him.
"What have you young pests been up to while we were away?"
He looks down at his shoes, a pair of pristine black shoes, which he wore religiously.
Jiminy joins up behind him, and slowly curls in his neck. "Helloooo, again." Its a pleasure to see you're still alive and well. He wrestles with his hands in an agitated state.
Cautiously, Winifred steps forward. "Jiminy, David, what are you two doing here?" What do you want from us? She beckons.
"Why don't you leave us alone," said Sneeves.
Jiminy arches up his neck to the cieling. "Why we have plans for you, my dear children." We cant let you escape this time before we show you our plans, Jiminy said menacingly. He walks slowly over to them and puts out his hand. "Come join the dark side, or be destroyed!" He said. Like the school will be destroyed in a matter of moments, as smoke trails filtered in through the crevices of the doors.
"We have many things to talk about before that happens though," said David.
"You see, you may have escaped last time but you will not this time, Winifred." You are indeed powerful to have made it this far, and unharmed, at that. Jiminy chuckles. "We should change that," he said.
"What is the Lab?" Said Winifred. What does it have to do with the school and why was Cornelius after what was inside of it?
The pitch blackness of the underground lair was daunting, as it was encapsulating. The mood was very dark. "We must find out who killed Osbourne, and we won't stop until we do, she lashed back heavily."
The two fall back gently, and begin to laugh hysterically.
"Why, you hear this?" Said Jiminy. They sound like a couple of power rangers. Bwahahaha. They should learn respect and proper manners. His shoulders slouch slightly. "We're, we're not bad guys." He said. We're misunderstood. You misunderstand. You have already let that psychopath Cornelius out of his cage, and for that you have disrupted our plans. But, you must not be so hasty because we are not remotely interested in your affairs. You can leave now, he said in a faster pace than usual. We will let you live as well. He turns to David. "Or, you can die."
They chuckle.
Winifred turns to Sneeves and Lori and whispers: "Run! Guys, I don't know if we can stop them by ourselves." It's just us three up against these Masters, whom, may well be in lieu with someone else more powerful like that mysterious green goblin Therefore, we shouldn't be too hasty about making our move here because who knows what could happen next, if we attempt to set foot out of the doors. We could be next on that list to die. But the exit is right there, she points, and we shouldn't make our move with them right here in front of us. "That would mean our defeat," said Winifred. She begins to rustle with her fine shirt, which was tightly wrapped around her body in a gracious style.
"Listen," said Sneeves. Whispering back. There's no way we'll be able to make it out of here now. The fire back there, he points. It must've wiped out the entire school by now. We would have a better chance just fighting these guys head on, by combining our elementals together to fend them off. "We should just try anyways."
Suddenly, David makes his move and rushes out to the three, casting a fierce elemental which was covered in ice. It was spinning sickles that began to move closer and closer to the three, and as it did, the three began to inch back. They were defenseless, and had no way to fight back, when, Jiminy disarms the elemental, and it vanishes. With just a flick of his index finger. He began to walk towards the three. "You girls are lucky." He said. This spell could've killed you, but, here you are alive at our mercy, still, but, alive. He rushes over to them, spooking them.
Winifred And The Mysterious Lab
Mystery / Thriller" She happened to be just an ordinary girl with an extraordinary destiny. Long ago many superstitions existed. Some were mysterious and spooky. Many townsfolk in the Denver, Colorado mountains area with its clear blue skies happened to also believe...