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Everything seemed to be happening so fast during the trials that no one knew what to make of the swift turn of events. But the crowd was very enthralled by it all. There was action, suspense, adventure and mystery. But all was not quaint.

Winifred couldn't interfere with the battle between Sneeves and Lori because it would mean her disqualification and if she was disqualified she wouldn't be able to help anyone but herself. Lori needed a miracle.

It was fair weather as the sun in the skies wanes like fingers peddling across a piano.

"Lori, keep fighting," shouts Winifred heavily from across the vast field to her.

As Lori summoned up courage she then began to motion in her firm posture. Then Sneeves taunts Lori. But why was he so adamant about seeing that Lori get what she deserved? When the two girls were in the computer lab not only did they access the computer, but they bypassed a secure firewall by accident, and since it was a school computer, they came across eery files about the school... However they didn't comb through it rigid enough.

Lori points her dainty finger and said to him, "Sneeves, did you toss off that Ethernet cord by the stands? Was this some cryptic message that you will betray us?"

Sneeves glares steadily at her, cracking a fake looking comical smile which sat on his pudgy white face, as the mellow sun sprouted in the blue skies.

Lori throws out her arms to him, exhausted. " Why would you betray us, Sneeves!?" Her tone of voice was booming.

"Why... Sneeves said... Lifting up his fat arms and pouting his shoulders out like a heavy line backer. A devilish smile aroused on his face. You trusted me, numb skull Lori? It is true. I am in cahoots with a few Masters. They have been insistent about your meddling. And I tried to steer you away by dropping out of your pathetic investigation but you two, he points, just wouldn't get the darn message," as his arms flushed down to the sides of his wide waist.

Winifred hesitantly steps forward and her neck tilts back.

The green grass on the fields rolled gently along as the gentle wispy winds blow.

The girls were way in over their heads this time.

Lori snapped back up on her feet and said, "Masters, you say, Sneeves... So you been selling us out this entire time to entertain your Masters? Why that wouldn't sound too harsh if you hadn't pretended to be our friend," she said. As she slithers down to her knees, her lightweight body buckles forward. The girls were too distracted by everything to remember that they had mistakenly accessed the computer even if for a few minutes which alerted Sneeves and the Masters. The Masters placed electronic tracers in the computers.

Sneeves summons up a blue electrical grid which surrounded him, and he began madly charging at Lori like a rattled bull. When, suddenly, the old man interferes with the battle and breaks them up.

"Don't harm her," he said. His wrinkly face pronounced like a fixture on a wall hanging an animal such as a husky deer or bear.

His dark and empty eyes probed Sneeves' brown eyes sharply. "The problem is that you cannot deceive them and use underhanded tricks to advance your agenda. It isn't proper. You're disqualified, and Team Enigma wins..."

"Three... counts the announcer and host, two, one... shaking his hands with the black corded microphone: TEAM ENIGMA WINS!" As the crowd cheers on buoyant.

Then the old man vanishes and turns into the Solomon Stone. And the field disintegrates.

Sneeves had a look of bewilderment on his face. He was sure they would lose. But life is full of surprises. "Winifred! Said Lori, jumping in glee. We actually did it. We won! As she pressed her hands to her mouth. Winifred and Lori then walk over to the announcer and stand beside him on the medium sized podium.

Winifred And The Mysterious LabWhere stories live. Discover now