My sister is bullied.
Every day at school, the other children torture her, just because she has a difference they don't understand. She didn't ask to be overweight, but they say it's her fault. It's not.
They call her horrible things.
Fatty, Pieface, Elephant. Especially Elephant.
In a way, I suppose she is like an elephant. Not because of her weight, but because she never forgets what they say to her.
And she may appear strong and resilient on the outside, but if you look into her eyes you can see everything she's experienced.
And how much pain it causes her.
We Never Forget.
Short Story*TRIGGER WARNING* When you look at an elephant, what do you see? Powerful tusks, strong skin and a frame that dominates every other creature around it. But look again. Look at its eyes. Can you see the reflections of experience? The sights that won'...